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Media Advisory


NSF PA/M 03-49 - November 5, 2003

President Bush Will Honor U.S. Science and Technology Leaders With National Medals in a White House Ceremony Nov. 6

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KU BAND: SBS-6/K02 3:00-4:00 p.m. EST
C BAND: AMC-3/C19 3:00-4:00 p.m. (Band tests will be available at 2:30 p.m.)

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Arlington, Va.-Eight of the nation's leading fundamental research scientists and engineers, and another eight individuals and one corporation considered leaders in technology and innovation for the nation, will receive presidential medals at the White House on Nov. 6.

President Bush will bestow the 2002 National Medals of Science and National Medals of Technology at a ceremony in the White House starting at 3:00 p.m.

Media representatives who are not currently White House-credentialed should call the contacts listed below for access to the White House ceremony or for interview arrangements prior to, or after, the ceremony.

The science and technology laureates will be in Washington for two days, attending meetings and an invitation-only awards banquet on the evening of Nov. 7.

NSF media contact (Medal of Science): Bill Noxon, (703) 292-7750,
NSF program contact: Susan Fannoney, (703) 292-8096,
Department of Commerce media contact (Medal of Technology): Cheryl Mendonsa, (202) 482-8321,

For more detailed vital information on the 2002 National Medals of Science recipients, see:

For more information on National Medals of Science, see:
Fact sheet:

For more detailed vital information on the 2002 National Medals of Technology recipients, see:

For information on National Medals of Technology, see:

For information on the National Science and Technology Medals Foundation, see:

Laureates of the 2002 National Medal of Science

James E. Darnell, Rockefeller University - Leader in original research on how cells retrieve information from DNA.
Evelyn M. Witkin, Rutgers University - Largely responsible for creating the field of DNA mutagenesis and DNA repair.

John I. Brauman, Stanford University - Demonstrated and explained the role solvents play in chemical stability and reactivity.

Leo L. Beranek (ret.), BBN Technologies (subsidiary of Verizon), Cambridge, Mass. - A leading scientist in acoustics for military technologies and in the field of music.

James G. Glimm, Stony Brook University - Noted for contributions to shock wave theory and applied mathematics.

W. Jason Morgan, Princeton University - Explained the concepts of plate tectonics and mantle plumes, the essential underpinnings of modern seismology.
Richard L. Garwin, Council on Foreign Relations - Laid the foundation for superconducting electronic circuitry and patented early magnetic resonance techniques leading to MRI technologies.
Edward Witten, Institute for Advanced Study - Considered a world leader in string theory, the attempt by physicists to describe in a unified way all known forces of nature.


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