Common Core of Data, Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey, 2002-03 FILE NAME = mi02sc1b.dat, 2002-03 NVAR = 579 NOBS = 4120 LRECL = 1730 (*) Fields have one explicit decimal place (+) Fields represent sub-fields of the fields immediately preceding them. The file contains data for the school year 2002-03 sorted by the NCES assigned school identification code (NCESSCH). Variable Start End Field Data Name Pos. Pos. Length Type Description NCESSCH 0001 0012 12 AN ID assigned by NCES to each school. +FIPST 0001 0002 2 AN Federal Information Processing Standards, FIPS state code. +LEAID 0001 0007 7 AN ID assigned by NCES to system. NOTE: Position # 0001-0002 is the FIPS state code for the location of the school, and position # 0003-0007 is the agency code. +SCHNO 0008 0012 5 AN Unique number for each school within a LEA. NOTE: By combining FIPS state code with SCHNO, each school can be uniquely identified within the total file. STID02 0013 0026 14 AN State's own ID for the education agency. SEASCH02 0027 0046 20 AN State's own ID for the school. LEANM02 0047 0106 60 AN Name of the education agency which operates this school. SCHNAM02 0107 0156 50 AN Name of the school. NOTE: Throughout the remainder of this file, the following codes may appear as representing missing values whenever they are present in the data or the documentation. M - when data are missing; that is, a value is expected but none was measured. N - when data are not applicable; that is, a value is neither expected nor measured. PHONE02 0157 0166 10 AN Telephone number of school. NOTE: Position # 0157-0159 is the area code, and position #0160-0166 is the exchange and number. MSTREE02 0167 0196 30 AN The mailing address of the school -- may be a street address, a Post Office box number, or, if verified that there is no address beyond CITY, STATE, and ZIP, the character "N." MCITY02 0197 0226 30 AN City name of the mailing address. MSTATE02 0227 0228 2 AN Two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation of the state where the mailing address is located. MZIP02 0229 0233 5 AN Five-digit U.S. Postal Service ZIP code for the mailing address. MZIP402 0234 0237 4 AN If the mailing address has been assigned the additional four-digit ZIP+4, this field contains that number; otherwise, this field is blank. LSTREE02 0238 0267 30 AN Location Address. LCITY02 0268 0297 30 AN Location City. LSTATE02 0298 0299 2 AN Location State (PO Abbreviation). LZIP02 0300 0304 5 AN Location 5 digit ZIP Code. LZIP402 0305 0308 4 AN Location +4 ZIP code. TYPE02 0309 0309 1 AN NCES code for type of school: 1 = Regular school 2 = Special education school 3 = Vocational school 4 = Other/alternative school STATUS02 0310 0310 1 AN NCES code for the school status: 1 = School was operational at the time of the last report and is currently operational. 2 = School has closed since the time of the last report. 3 = School has been opened since the time of the last report. 4 = School was operational at the time of the last report but was not on the CCD list at that time. 5 = School was listed on previous year's CCD school universe as being affiliated with a different education agency. 6 = School is temporarily closed and may re-open in three years. 7 = School is scheduled to be operational within two years. LOCALE02 0311 0311 1 AN NCES code for location of the school relative to populous areas: 1 = Large City: A principal city of a Metropolitan Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA), with the city having a population greater than or equal to 250,000. 2 = Mid-size City: A principal city of a Metropolitan CBSA, with the city having a population less than 250,000. 3 = Urban Fringe of a Large City: Any incorporated place, Census designated place, or non-place territory within a Metropolitan CBSA of a Large City and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 4 = Urban Fringe of a Mid-size City: Any incorporated place, Census designated place, or non-place territory within a CBSA of a Mid-size City and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 5 = Large Town: An incorporated place or Census designated place with a population greater than or equal to 25,000 and located outside a Metropolitan CBSA or inside a Micropolitan CBSA. 6 = Small Town: An incorporated place or Census designated place with population less than 25,000 and greater than or equal to 2,500 and located outside a Metropolitan CBSA or inside a Micropolitan CBSA. 7 = Rural, outside CBSA: Any incorporated place, Census designated place, or non-place territory not within a Metropolitan CBSA or within a Micropolitan CBSA and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. 8 = Rural, inside CBSA: Any incorporated place, Census designated place, or non-place territory within a Metropolitan CBSA and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. INOUT02 0312 0312 1 AN A flag indicating whether the school's physical location is located inside or outside the city or town limits. The following codes are used: 1 = Inside the city or town limits 2 = Outside the city or town limits LATCOD02 0313 0322 10 AN Latitude: The first 3 numbers of the code represent the number of degrees from the equator; the last 6 digits represent the fraction of the next degree carried out to six decimal places, with an implied decimal. LONCOD02 0323 0332 10 AN Longitude: The first 3 numbers of the code represent the number of degrees from the prime meridian; the last 6 digits represent the fraction of the next degree carried out to six decimal places, with an implied decimal. CONUM02 0333 0337 5 AN FIPS county number.NOTE: Position #0333-0334 is the FIPS state number, and position #0335-0337 is the FIPS number for county within state. CONAME02 0338 0367 30 AN Name of county. FTE02 0368 0372 5* N Total Classroom Teachers. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. GSLO02 0373 0374 2 AN School low grade offered. The following codes are used: UG = Ungraded PK = Prekindergarten KG = Kindergarten 01 -- 12 = First through Twelfth grade 00 = School had no students reported UG and 00 each occurs only in isolation from other codes. When one of these does occur, it is both the lowest and the highest grade. GSHI02 0375 0376 2 AN School high grade offered. The following codes are used: UG = Ungraded PK = Prekindergarten KG = Kindergarten 01 -- 12 = First through Twelfth grade 00 = School had no students reported UG and 00 each occurs only in isolation from other codes. When one of these does occur, it is both the lowest and the highest grade. GSLO01 and GSHI01 add up to the Grade Span of the school. LEVEL02 0377 0377 1 AN School Level. The following codes were calculated from the school's corresponding GSLO and GSHI values: 1 = Primary (low graded = PK through 03; high grade = PK through 08) 2 = Middle (low grade = 04 through 07; high grade = 04 through 09) 3 = High (low grade = 07 through 12; high grade = 12 only) 4 = Other (any other configuration not falling within the above three categories, including Ungraded) TITLEI02 0378 0378 1 AN Title I Eligible School. A Title I school designated under appropriate state and federal regulations as being eligible for participation in programs authorized by Title I of Public Law 103-382. STITLI02 0379 0379 1 AN School-wide Title I. A program in which all the pupils in a school are designated under appropriate state and federal regulations as being eligible for participation in programs authorized by Title I of Public Law 103-382. MAGNET02 0380 0380 1 AN Magnet school. Regardless of the source of funding, a magnet school or program is a special school or program designed to attract students of different racial/ethnic background for the purpose of reducing, preventing, or eliminating racial isolation and/or to provide an academic or social focus on a particular theme. CHARTR02 0381 0381 1 AN Charter school. A school that provides free elementary and/or secondary education to eligible students under a specific charter granted by the state legislature or other appropriate authority. FRELCH02 0382 0385 4 N Count of students eligible to participate in the Free Lunch Program under the National School Lunch Act. REDLCH02 0386 0389 4 N Count of students eligible to participate in the Reduced-price Lunch Program under the National School Lunch Act. TOTFRL02 0390 0393 4 N Total of Free Lunch Eligible and Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible. The total is only available if both of the details (or the total) were reported. MIGRNT02 0394 0397 4 N Migrant students enrolled in previous year. Cumulative unduplicated (within school) number of migrant students, as defined under 34 CFR 200.40, enrolled anytime during the previous regular school year. PK02 0398 0401 4 N Total Prekindergarten students. AMPKM02 0402 0405 4 N Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AMPKF02 0406 0409 4 N Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AMPKU02 0410 0413 4 N Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. ASPKM02 0414 0417 4 N Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. ASPKF02 0418 0421 4 N Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. ASPKU02 0422 0425 4 N Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HIPKM02 0426 0429 4 N Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - male. HIPKF02 0430 0433 4 N Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - female. HIPKU02 0434 0437 4 N Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BLPKM02 0438 0441 4 N Prekindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BLPKF02 0442 0445 4 N Prekindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BLPKU02 0446 0449 4 N Prekindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WHPKM02 0450 0453 4 N Prekindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - male. WHPKF02 0454 0457 4 N Prekindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - female. WHPKU02 0458 0461 4 N Prekindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. KG02 0462 0465 4 N Total Kindergarten students. AMKGM02 0466 0469 4 N Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AMKGF02 0470 0473 4 N Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AMKGU02 0474 0477 4 N Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. ASKGM02 0478 0481 4 N Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. ASKGF02 0482 0485 4 N Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. ASKGU02 0486 0489 4 N Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HIKGM02 0490 0493 4 N Kindergarten students - Hispanic - male. HIKGF02 0494 0497 4 N Kindergarten students - Hispanic - female. HIKGU02 0498 0501 4 N Kindergarten students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BLKGM02 0502 0505 4 N Kindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BLKGF02 0506 0509 4 N Kindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BLKGU02 0510 0513 4 N Kindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WHKGM02 0514 0517 4 N Kindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - male. WHKGF02 0518 0521 4 N Kindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - female. WHKGU02 0522 0525 4 N Kindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0102 0526 0529 4 N Total Grade 1 students. AM01M02 0530 0533 4 N Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM01F02 0534 0537 4 N Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM01U02 0538 0541 4 N Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS01M02 0542 0545 4 N Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS01F02 0546 0549 4 N Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS01U02 0550 0553 4 N Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI01M02 0554 0557 4 N Grade 1 students - Hispanic - male. HI01F02 0558 0561 4 N Grade 1 students - Hispanic - female. HI01U02 0562 0565 4 N Grade 1 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL01M02 0566 0569 4 N Grade 1 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL01F02 0570 0573 4 N Grade 1 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL01U02 0574 0577 4 N Grade 1 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH01M02 0578 0581 4 N Grade 1 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH01F02 0582 0585 4 N Grade 1 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH01U02 0586 0589 4 N Grade 1 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0202 0590 0593 4 N Total Grade 2 students. AM02M02 0594 0597 4 N Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM02F02 0598 0601 4 N Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM02U02 0602 0605 4 N Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS02M02 0606 0609 4 N Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS02F02 0610 0613 4 N Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS02U02 0614 0617 4 N Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI02M02 0618 0621 4 N Grade 2 students - Hispanic - male. HI02F02 0622 0625 4 N Grade 2 students - Hispanic - female. HI02U02 0626 0629 4 N Grade 2 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL02M02 0630 0633 4 N Grade 2 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL02F02 0634 0637 4 N Grade 2 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL02U02 0638 0641 4 N Grade 2 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH02M02 0642 0645 4 N Grade 2 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH02F02 0646 0649 4 N Grade 2 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH02U02 0650 0653 4 N Grade 2 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0302 0654 0657 4 N Total Grade 3 students. AM03M02 0658 0661 4 N Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM03F02 0662 0665 4 N Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM03U02 0666 0669 4 N Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS03M02 0670 0673 4 N Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS03F02 0674 0677 4 N Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS03U02 0678 0681 4 N Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI03M02 0682 0685 4 N Grade 3 students - Hispanic - male. HI03F02 0686 0689 4 N Grade 3 students - Hispanic - female. HI03U02 0690 0693 4 N Grade 3 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL03M02 0694 0697 4 N Grade 3 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL03F02 0698 0701 4 N Grade 3 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL03U02 0702 0705 4 N Grade 3 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH03M02 0706 0709 4 N Grade 3 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH03F02 0710 0713 4 N Grade 3 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH03U02 0714 0717 4 N Grade 3 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0402 0718 0721 4 N Total Grade 4 students. AM04M02 0722 0725 4 N Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM04F02 0726 0729 4 N Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM04U02 0730 0733 4 N Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS04M02 0734 0737 4 N Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS04F02 0738 0741 4 N Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS04U02 0742 0745 4 N Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI04M02 0746 0749 4 N Grade 4 students - Hispanic - male. HI04F02 0750 0753 4 N Grade 4 students - Hispanic - female. HI04U02 0754 0757 4 N Grade 4 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL04M02 0758 0761 4 N Grade 4 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL04F02 0762 0765 4 N Grade 4 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL04U02 0766 0769 4 N Grade 4 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH04M02 0770 0773 4 N Grade 4 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH04F02 0774 0777 4 N Grade 4 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH04U02 0778 0781 4 N Grade 4 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0502 0782 0785 4 N Total Grade 5 students. AM05M02 0786 0789 4 N Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM05F02 0790 0793 4 N Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM05U02 0794 0797 4 N Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS05M02 0798 0801 4 N Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS05F02 0802 0805 4 N Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS05U02 0806 0809 4 N Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI05M02 0810 0813 4 N Grade 5 students - Hispanic - male. HI05F02 0814 0817 4 N Grade 5 students - Hispanic - female. HI05U02 0818 0821 4 N Grade 5 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL05M02 0822 0825 4 N Grade 5 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL05F02 0826 0829 4 N Grade 5 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL05U02 0830 0833 4 N Grade 5 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH05M02 0834 0837 4 N Grade 5 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH05F02 0838 0841 4 N Grade 5 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH05U02 0842 0845 4 N Grade 5 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0602 0846 0849 4 N Total Grade 6 students. AM06M02 0850 0853 4 N Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM06F02 0854 0857 4 N Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM06U02 0858 0861 4 N Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS06M02 0862 0865 4 N Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS06F02 0866 0869 4 N Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS06U02 0870 0873 4 N Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI06M02 0874 0877 4 N Grade 6 students - Hispanic - male. HI06F02 0878 0881 4 N Grade 6 students - Hispanic - female. HI06U02 0882 0885 4 N Grade 6 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL06M02 0886 0889 4 N Grade 6 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL06F02 0890 0893 4 N Grade 6 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL06U02 0894 0897 4 N Grade 6 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH06M02 0898 0901 4 N Grade 6 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH06F02 0902 0905 4 N Grade 6 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH06U02 0906 0909 4 N Grade 6 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0702 0910 0913 4 N Total Grade 7 students. AM07M02 0914 0917 4 N Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM07F02 0918 0921 4 N Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM07U02 0922 0925 4 N Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS07M02 0926 0929 4 N Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS07F02 0930 0933 4 N Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS07U02 0934 0937 4 N Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI07M02 0938 0941 4 N Grade 7 students - Hispanic - male. HI07F02 0942 0945 4 N Grade 7 students - Hispanic - female. HI07U02 0946 0949 4 N Grade 7 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL07M02 0950 0953 4 N Grade 7 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL07F02 0954 0957 4 N Grade 7 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL07U02 0958 0961 4 N Grade 7 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH07M02 0962 0965 4 N Grade 7 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH07F02 0966 0969 4 N Grade 7 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH07U02 0970 0973 4 N Grade 7 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0802 0974 0977 4 N Total Grade 8 students. AM08M02 0978 0981 4 N Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM08F02 0982 0985 4 N Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM08U02 0986 0989 4 N Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS08M02 0990 0993 4 N Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS08F02 0994 0997 4 N Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS08U02 0998 1001 4 N Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI08M02 1002 1005 4 N Grade 8 students - Hispanic - male. HI08F02 1006 1009 4 N Grade 8 students - Hispanic - female. HI08U02 1010 1013 4 N Grade 8 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL08M02 1014 1017 4 N Grade 8 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL08F02 1018 1021 4 N Grade 8 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL08U02 1022 1025 4 N Grade 8 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH08M02 1026 1029 4 N Grade 8 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH08F02 1030 1033 4 N Grade 8 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH08U02 1034 1037 4 N Grade 8 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G0902 1038 1041 4 N Total Grade 9 students. AM09M02 1042 1045 4 N Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM09F02 1046 1049 4 N Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM09U02 1050 1053 4 N Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS09M02 1054 1057 4 N Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS09F02 1058 1061 4 N Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS09U02 1062 1065 4 N Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI09M02 1066 1069 4 N Grade 9 students - Hispanic - male. HI09F02 1070 1073 4 N Grade 9 students - Hispanic - female. HI09U02 1074 1077 4 N Grade 9 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL09M02 1078 1081 4 N Grade 9 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL09F02 1082 1085 4 N Grade 9 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL09U02 1086 1089 4 N Grade 9 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH09M02 1090 1093 4 N Grade 9 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH09F02 1094 1097 4 N Grade 9 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH09U02 1098 1101 4 N Grade 9 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G1002 1102 1105 4 N Total Grade 10 students. AM10M02 1106 1109 4 N Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM10F02 1110 1113 4 N Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM10U02 1114 1117 4 N Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS10M02 1118 1121 4 N Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS10F02 1122 1125 4 N Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS10U02 1126 1129 4 N Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI10M02 1130 1133 4 N Grade 10 students - Hispanic - male. HI10F02 1134 1137 4 N Grade 10 students - Hispanic - female. HI10U02 1138 1141 4 N Grade 10 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL10M02 1142 1145 4 N Grade 10 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL10F02 1146 1149 4 N Grade 10 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL10U02 1150 1153 4 N Grade 10 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH10M02 1154 1157 4 N Grade 10 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH10F02 1158 1161 4 N Grade 10 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH10U02 1162 1165 4 N Grade 10 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G1102 1166 1169 4 N Total Grade 11 students. AM11M02 1170 1173 4 N Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM11F02 1174 1177 4 N Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM11U02 1178 1181 4 N Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS11M02 1182 1185 4 N Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS11F02 1186 1189 4 N Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS11U02 1190 1193 4 N Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI11M02 1194 1197 4 N Grade 11 students - Hispanic - male. HI11F02 1198 1201 4 N Grade 11 students - Hispanic - female. HI11U02 1202 1205 4 N Grade 11 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL11M02 1206 1209 4 N Grade 11 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL11F02 1210 1213 4 N Grade 11 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL11U02 1214 1217 4 N Grade 11 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH11M02 1218 1221 4 N Grade 11 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH11F02 1222 1225 4 N Grade 11 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH11U02 1226 1229 4 N Grade 11 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. G1202 1230 1233 4 N Total Grade 12 students. AM12M02 1234 1237 4 N Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AM12F02 1238 1241 4 N Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AM12U02 1242 1245 4 N Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. AS12M02 1246 1249 4 N Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. AS12F02 1250 1253 4 N Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. AS12U02 1254 1257 4 N Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HI12M02 1258 1261 4 N Grade 12 students - Hispanic - male. HI12F02 1262 1265 4 N Grade 12 students - Hispanic - female. HI12U02 1266 1269 4 N Grade 12 students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BL12M02 1270 1273 4 N Grade 12 students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BL12F02 1274 1277 4 N Grade 12 students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BL12U02 1278 1281 4 N Grade 12 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WH12M02 1282 1285 4 N Grade 12 students - White, not Hispanic - male. WH12F02 1286 1289 4 N Grade 12 students - White, not Hispanic - female. WH12U02 1290 1293 4 N Grade 12 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. UG02 1294 1297 4 N Total Ungraded students. AMUGM02 1298 1301 4 N Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AMUGF02 1302 1305 4 N Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AMUGU02 1306 1309 4 N Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. ASUGM02 1310 1313 4 N Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. ASUGF02 1314 1317 4 N Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. ASUGU02 1318 1321 4 N Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HIUGM02 1322 1325 4 N Ungraded students - Hispanic - male. HIUGF02 1326 1329 4 N Ungraded students - Hispanic - female. HIUGU02 1330 1333 4 N Ungraded students - Hispanic - gender unknown. BLUGM02 1334 1337 4 N Ungraded students - Black, not Hispanic - male. BLUGF02 1338 1341 4 N Ungraded students - Black, not Hispanic - female. BLUGU02 1342 1345 4 N Ungraded students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WHUGM02 1346 1349 4 N Ungraded students - White, not Hispanic - male. WHUGF02 1350 1353 4 N Ungraded students - White, not Hispanic - female. WHUGU02 1354 1357 4 N Ungraded students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. MEMBER02 1358 1361 4 N Total students, All Grades: The reported total membership of the school. AM02 1362 1365 4 N American Indian/Alaskan Native students. If not reported, this field was calculated by summing the AMALM02, AMALF02, AMALU02 fields. AMALM02 1366 1369 4 N Total students, All Grades - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AMALF02 1370 1373 4 N Total students, All Grades - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AMALU02 1374 1377 4 N Total students, All Grades - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. ASIAN02 1378 1381 4 N Asian/Pacific Islander students. If not reported, this field was calculated by summing the ASALM02, ASALF02, ASALU02 fields. ASALM02 1382 1385 4 N Total students, All Grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. ASALF02 1386 1389 4 N Total students, All Grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. ASALU02 1390 1393 4 N Total students, All Grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HISP02 1394 1397 4 N Hispanic students. If not reported, this field was calculated by summing the HIALM02, HIALF02, HIALU02 fields. HIALM02 1398 1401 4 N Total students, All Grades - Hispanic - male. HIALF02 1402 1405 4 N Total students, All Grades - Hispanic - female. HIALU02 1406 1409 4 N Total students, All Grades - Hispanic - gender unknown. BLACK02 1410 1413 4 N Black, not Hispanic students. If not reported, this field was calculated by summing the BLALM02, BLALF02, BLALU02 fields. BLALM02 1414 1417 4 N Total students, All Grades - Black, not Hispanic - male. BLALF02 1418 1421 4 N Total students, All Grades - Black, not Hispanic - female. BLALU02 1422 1425 4 N Total students, All Grades - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WHITE02 1426 1429 4 N White, not Hispanic students. If not reported, this field was calculated by summing the WHALM02, WHALF02, WHALU02 fields. WHALM02 1430 1433 4 N Total students, All Grades - White, not Hispanic - male. WHALF02 1434 1437 4 N Total students, All Grades - White, not Hispanic - female. WHALU02 1438 1441 4 N Total students, All Grades - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. TOTETH02 1442 1445 4 N Calculated school ethnicity membership: The sum of the fields IND02, ASIAN02, HISP02, BLACK02, WHITE02. Students belonging to an unknown or non-CCD race category are not captured in this field. PUPTCH02 1446 1450 5* N Calculated Pupil Teacher Ratio: Total reported students (MEMBER02) divided by FTE classroom teachers (FTE02). Reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. TOTGRD02 1451 1454 4 N Calculated school membership: The sum of reported grade totals. If one of the grade totals is missing, then TOTGRD is missing. ILOCAL02 1455 1455 1 AN If the field contains an "O", the old methodology was used to determine Locale Code; If the field contains a "W", the new methodology was used to determine Locale Code. IFTE02 1456 1456 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Classroom Teachers count originally submitted was adjusted. IGSLO02 1457 1457 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the GSLO value originally submitted was adjusted. IGSHI02 1458 1458 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the GSHI value originally submitted was adjusted. ITITLI02 1459 1459 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Title I eligible value originally submitted was adjusted. ISTITL02 1460 1460 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the School-wide Title I value originally submitted was adjusted. IMAGNE02 1461 1461 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Magnet School value originally submitted was adjusted. ICHART02 1462 1462 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Charter School value originally submitted was adjusted. IFRELC02 1463 1463 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Students Eligible for Free Lunch count originally submitted was adjusted. IREDLC02 1464 1464 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Students Eligible for Reduced-Price Lunch count originally submitted was adjusted. ITOTFR02 1465 1465 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total of Free Lunch Eligible and Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible count originally submitted was adjusted. IMIGRN02 1466 1466 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Migrant Students Enrolled in Previous Year count originally submitted was adjusted. IPK02 1467 1467 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Prekindergarten students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMPKM02 1468 1468 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMPKF02 1469 1469 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMPKU02 1470 1470 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IASPKM02 1471 1471 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IASPKF02 1472 1472 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IASPKU02 1473 1473 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIPKM02 1474 1474 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIPKF02 1475 1475 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIPKU02 1476 1476 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLPKM02 1477 1477 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLPKF02 1478 1478 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLPKU02 1479 1479 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHPKM02 1480 1480 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHPKF02 1481 1481 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHPKU02 1482 1482 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IKG02 1483 1483 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Kindergarten students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMKGM02 1484 1484 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMKGF02 1485 1485 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMKGU02 1486 1486 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IASKGM02 1487 1487 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IASKGF02 1488 1488 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IASKGU02 1489 1489 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIKGM02 1490 1490 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIKGF02 1491 1491 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIKGU02 1492 1492 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLKGM02 1493 1493 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLKGF02 1494 1494 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLKGU02 1495 1495 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHKGM02 1496 1496 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHKGF02 1497 1497 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHKGU02 1498 1498 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0102 1499 1499 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 1 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM01M02 1500 1500 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM01F02 1501 1501 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM01U02 1502 1502 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS01M02 1503 1503 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS01F02 1504 1504 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS01U02 1505 1505 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI01M02 1506 1506 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI01F02 1507 1507 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI01U02 1508 1508 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL01M02 1509 1509 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL01F02 1510 1510 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL01U02 1511 1511 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH01M02 1512 1512 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH01F02 1513 1513 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH01U02 1514 1514 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 1 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0202 1515 1515 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 2 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM02M02 1516 1516 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM02F02 1517 1517 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM02U02 1518 1518 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS02M02 1519 1519 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS02F02 1520 1520 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS02U02 1521 1521 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI02M02 1522 1522 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI02F02 1523 1523 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI02U02 1524 1524 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL02M02 1525 1525 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL02F02 1526 1526 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL02U02 1527 1527 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH02M02 1528 1528 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH02F02 1529 1529 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH02U02 1530 1530 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 2 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0302 1531 1531 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 3 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM03M02 1532 1532 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM03F02 1533 1533 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM03U02 1534 1534 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS03M02 1535 1535 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS03F02 1536 1536 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS03U02 1537 1537 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI03M02 1538 1538 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI03F02 1539 1539 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI03U02 1540 1540 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL03M02 1541 1541 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL03F02 1542 1542 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL03U02 1543 1543 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH03M02 1544 1544 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH03F02 1545 1545 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH03U02 1546 1546 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 3 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0402 1547 1547 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 4 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM04M02 1548 1548 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM04F02 1549 1549 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM04U02 1550 1550 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS04M02 1551 1551 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS04F02 1552 1552 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS04U02 1553 1553 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI04M02 1554 1554 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI04F02 1555 1555 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI04U02 1556 1556 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL04M02 1557 1557 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL04F02 1558 1558 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL04U02 1559 1559 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH04M02 1560 1560 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH04F02 1561 1561 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH04U02 1562 1562 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 4 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0502 1563 1563 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 5 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM05M02 1564 1564 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM05F02 1565 1565 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM05U02 1566 1566 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS05M02 1567 1567 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS05F02 1568 1568 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS05U02 1569 1569 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI05M02 1570 1570 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI05F02 1571 1571 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI05U02 1572 1572 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL05M02 1573 1573 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL05F02 1574 1574 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL05U02 1575 1575 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH05M02 1576 1576 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH05F02 1577 1577 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH05U02 1578 1578 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 5 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0602 1579 1579 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 6 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM06M02 1580 1580 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM06F02 1581 1581 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM06U02 1582 1582 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS06M02 1583 1583 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS06F02 1584 1584 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS06U02 1585 1585 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI06M02 1586 1586 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI06F02 1587 1587 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI06U02 1588 1588 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL06M02 1589 1589 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL06F02 1590 1590 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL06U02 1591 1591 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH06M02 1592 1592 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH06F02 1593 1593 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH06U02 1594 1594 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 6 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0702 1595 1595 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 7 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM07M02 1596 1596 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM07F02 1597 1597 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM07U02 1598 1598 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS07M02 1599 1599 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS07F02 1600 1600 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS07U02 1601 1601 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI07M02 1602 1602 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI07F02 1603 1603 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI07U02 1604 1604 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL07M02 1605 1605 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL07F02 1606 1606 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL07U02 1607 1607 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH07M02 1608 1608 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH07F02 1609 1609 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH07U02 1610 1610 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 7 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0802 1611 1611 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 8 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM08M02 1612 1612 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM08F02 1613 1613 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM08U02 1614 1614 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS08M02 1615 1615 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS08F02 1616 1616 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS08U02 1617 1617 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI08M02 1618 1618 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI08F02 1619 1619 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI08U02 1620 1620 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL08M02 1621 1621 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL08F02 1622 1622 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL08U02 1623 1623 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH08M02 1624 1624 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH08F02 1625 1625 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH08U02 1626 1626 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 8 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG0902 1627 1627 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 9 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM09M02 1628 1628 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM09F02 1629 1629 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM09U02 1630 1630 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS09M02 1631 1631 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS09F02 1632 1632 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS09U02 1633 1633 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI09M02 1634 1634 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI09F02 1635 1635 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI09U02 1636 1636 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL09M02 1637 1637 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL09F02 1638 1638 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL09U02 1639 1639 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH09M02 1640 1640 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH09F02 1641 1641 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH09U02 1642 1642 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 9 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG1002 1643 1643 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 10 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM10M02 1644 1644 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM10F02 1645 1645 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM10U02 1646 1646 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS10M02 1647 1647 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS10F02 1648 1648 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS10U02 1649 1649 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI10M02 1650 1650 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI10F02 1651 1651 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI10U02 1652 1652 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL10M02 1653 1653 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL10F02 1654 1654 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL10U02 1655 1655 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH10M02 1656 1656 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH10F02 1657 1657 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH10U02 1658 1658 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 10 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG1102 1659 1659 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 11 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM11M02 1660 1660 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM11F02 1661 1661 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM11U02 1662 1662 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS11M02 1663 1663 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS11F02 1664 1664 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS11U02 1665 1665 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI11M02 1666 1666 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI11F02 1667 1667 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI11U02 1668 1668 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL11M02 1669 1669 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL11F02 1670 1670 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL11U02 1671 1671 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH11M02 1672 1672 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH11F02 1673 1673 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH11U02 1674 1674 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 11 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IG1202 1675 1675 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Grade 12 students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM12M02 1676 1676 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM12F02 1677 1677 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM12U02 1678 1678 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS12M02 1679 1679 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS12F02 1680 1680 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAS12U02 1681 1681 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI12M02 1682 1682 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI12F02 1683 1683 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHI12U02 1684 1684 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL12M02 1685 1685 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL12F02 1686 1686 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBL12U02 1687 1687 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH12M02 1688 1688 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH12F02 1689 1689 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWH12U02 1690 1690 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Grade 12 students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IUG02 1691 1691 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total Ungraded students count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMUGM02 1692 1692 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMUGF02 1693 1693 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMUGU02 1694 1694 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IASUGM02 1695 1695 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IASUGF02 1696 1696 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IASUGU02 1697 1697 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIUGM02 1698 1698 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIUGF02 1699 1699 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIUGU02 1700 1700 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLUGM02 1701 1701 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLUGF02 1702 1702 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLUGU02 1703 1703 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHUGM02 1704 1704 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHUGF02 1705 1705 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHUGU02 1706 1706 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded students - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IMEMB02 1707 1707 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades count originally submitted was adjusted. IAM02 1708 1708 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", one or more of the American Indian/Alaskan Native student counts originally submitted was adjusted. IAMALM02 1709 1709 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - American Indian/Alaskan Native - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMALF02 1710 1710 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - American Indian/Alaskan Native - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IAMALU02 1711 1711 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - American Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IASIAN02 1712 1712 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", one or more of the Asian/Pacific Islander student counts originally submitted was adjusted. IASALM02 1713 1713 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IASALF02 1714 1714 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IASALU02 1715 1715 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IHISP02 1716 1716 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", one or more of the Hispanic student counts originally submitted was adjusted. IHIALM02 1717 1717 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIALF02 1718 1718 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IHIALU02 1719 1719 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLACK02 1720 1720 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", one or more of the Black, not Hispanic student counts originally submitted was adjusted. IBLALM02 1721 1721 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Black, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLALF02 1722 1722 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Black, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IBLALU02 1723 1723 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHITE02 1724 1724 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", one or more of the White, not Hispanic student counts originally submitted was adjusted. IWHALM02 1725 1725 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - White, not Hispanic - male count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHALF02 1726 1726 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - White, not Hispanic - female count originally submitted was adjusted. IWHALU02 1727 1727 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "R", the Total students, All Grades - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown count originally submitted was adjusted. IETH02 1728 1728 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "T", one or more of the race/ethnicity student counts originally submitted was adjusted. IPUTCH02 1729 1729 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "T", one or more of the Pupil/Teacher counts originally submitted was adjusted. ITOTGR02 1730 1730 1 AN If the field contains anything other than "T", one or more of the grade totals originally submitted was adjusted.