BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

China Local time: 06:43 AM

U.S. Export-Import Bank

The U.S. Export-Import Bank is pleased to offer its short-, medium-, and long-term programs to support the sale of U.S. exports to the People's Republic of China. Exports of consumer goods, spare parts, raw materials, bulk agricultural commodities and quasi-capital goods can be supported under Ex-Im Bank's short-term credit insurance policies. Exports of capital goods and related services can be supported by Ex-Im Bank's medium- and long-term loan and guarantee programs.

Ex-Im Bank collaborates with Bank of China, China Development Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank, and China Construction Bank. Limited recourse project financing will be considered when assurance of repayment is based on the project's cash flows rather than a sovereign guarantee. In most instances, Chinese banks create final commitment applications on behalf of Chinese end-users, frequently with assistance from U.S. exporters or lenders working with the end user. Letters of Interest can be issued to any party in the transaction, though usually to the U.S. exporter.

For more information, contact Ex-Im Bank's Business Development Office in Washington, D.C. at (202) 565-3900, in the U.S (800) 565-EXIM or fax (202) 565-3733. Letter of Interest Applications are available on-line on the Ex-Im Bank Website at