Climate Change Videos | Region 10 | US EPA

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Climate Change Videos

The Public Environmental Resource Center (PERC) in Seattle offers publications to residents of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon or Washington. Locate the title you wish to receive and call (800) 424-4EPA or (206) 553-1200 in the Seattle Metro Area. You can also email your request to the PERC (; please include the Title and Item Number in your email.

Acid Rain: The Invisible ThreatExplains the processes that lead to and create the ecological damage caused by acid rain, including the affects on forests, lakes and cities. Recommended for grades 7-12.199120 MinutesEP-176
An Inconvenient TruthFormer Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet - and our civilization.200696 MinutesEPA-DVD-027
Animals in DangerAges: 8 to adult Everything you've always wanted to know about endangered animals worldwide.45 MinutesEPA-CD-008
Baked AlaskaLooks at the battle over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the context of Alaska's accelerated warming.200326 MinutesEPA-DVD-013
Climate Change Presentation KitSlide presentation "Is Global Warming Happening? Consists of slides and notes.1999EPA-CD-052
Crisis: Planet EarthGrades 6-10. From the New Explorers series, this video discusses NASA's remote sensing program to study earth's temperature. Highlights urban heat patterns and the heat patterns of Costa Rica rain and cloud forests.199528 MinutesEP-116
Downwind / DownstreamFilmed against the backdrop of the Colorado Rockies, this video provides concrete examples of how acid rain affects streams and wildlife, and how toxic substances travel in air and water - often ending up miles from their initial source.19882 HoursEP-045
Environmental News Magazine ResponseMidwest Floods, Site Shorts- Reg I, II, IX and Technology Update (Flywheel Technology).199831:30 MinutesEP-324
EPA's State and Local Climate Change Outreach KitPacked with useful materials on climate change: slideshow, camera-ready pieces, materials to order, internet links and more.2000EPA-CD-009
Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse GasesSince non-CO2 greenhouse gases can be relatively inexpensive to reduce compared to carbon dioxide (CO2), EPA has focused on incorporating international non-CO2 greenhouse gas mitigation into analysis and policy discussions. EPA prepared a global cost analysis of all non-CO2 greenhouse gases.2006PDF 438 pagesEPA-CD-100
Global Warming: The Signs and The ScienceThis documentary profiles people who are living with the grave consequences of a changing climate, as well as the individuals, communities and scientists inventing new approaches to safeguard our children's future.200560 minutesEPA-DVD-029
Greenhouse Crisis: The American ResoponseServes as a useful introduction to the greenhouse effect and some methods of ameliorating its potential effects. A brief, well-produced introduction to the topic, providing a positive message and urging people to work to solve the growing problem.198911 MinutesEP-087
Introduction to the Ozone MapOverview of the mapping system, examples of the Map on the air, demo of the mapping software.13 MinutesEP-323
Practical Solutions to Global WarmingSolutions to global warming.200320 MinutesEPA-CD-093
SunWise:a program that radiates good ideas2004EPA-CD-098
The Climate ReportUpdate on Global Warming14 MinutesEP-287
Towards Sustainabillity: Some Canadian InitiativeGeorgia Strait Ecosystem Initiative report, Georgia Basin Futures Project, climate change presentationsEPA-CD-002
What's Up With The Weather?In this special two-hour program, FRONTLINE and NOVA take on one of the most complex and important challenges facing the world today--global warming. With searching analysis and probing interviews, take a dramatic journey to find out what's in store for our Earth's climate system.20002 HoursEP-445
When the Levees BrokeIn addition to revisiting the hours leading up to the arrival of Katrina, a Category 5 hurricane, before it hit the coast of Louisiana, When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts tells the personal stories of those who lived to tell about it, at the same time exploring the underbelly of a nation where the divide along race and class lines has never been more pronounced.2006256 MinutesEPA-DVD-022
Why "Waste" a Cool Planet: NSW Solutions to Global Climate ChangeClimate and Waste Satelite Forum2000133 MinutesEP-430
You & Me & UVJoin Greg Grandy and his student reporters as they explore both harmful and helpful effects of UV radiation in the environment.199920 MinutesEP-085

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