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U.S. Geological Survey - Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Earthquakes - Current Map EQs - Felt EQs - Hawaiian Seismicity - Hazards, Zoning - Instrumentation

Destructive Earthquakes in Hawaii County Since 1868*

            Epicenter      Maximum        No of
   Date     Location       Intensity Mag  Deaths    Damage

03 28 1868  Southern Hawaii   IX     7.0    0  Extensive-Southern Hawaii.
04 02 1868  Southern Hawaii   XII    7.9   81  >100 houses destroyed, tsunami
10 05 1929  Hualalai          VIII   6.5    0  Extensive-Kona
08 21 1951  Kona              VIII   6.9    0  Extensive-Kona
04 26 1973  North of Hilo     VIII   6.2    0  Extensive-Hilo, $5.6M
11 29 1975  Kalapana feature  VIII   7.2    2  Extensive-Hilo, $4.1M
11 16 1983  Kaoiki            IX     6.7    0  Extensive-Southern Hawaii, >$6M
06 25 1989  Kalapana          VII    6.2    0  Southeast Hawaii almost $1M

* from USGS Bulletin 2006, Isoseismal Maps, Macroseismic Epicenters, and Estimated Magnitudes of Historical Earthquakes in the Hawaiian Islands by Max Wyss and Robert Koyanagi.

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Updated : 19 June 2001 (pnf)