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Science and Engineering Indicators 2004
  Table of Contents     Figures     Tables     Appendix Tables     Presentation Slides  

Presentation Slides

Presentation slides are based on figures in the full text. Selected figures were modified to fit the presentation slide format.

Figure Title
Cover Science and Engineering Indicators 2004 Cover
Overview Chapter top of page
Figure O-1 S&E occupation share of total civilian employment: 1983, 1993, and 2002
R&D Investment
Figure O-2 Academic R&D expenditures, by source of funds: 1972-2002
Figure O-3 U.S. R&D, by source of funds: 1953-2002
Figure O-4a* Gross domestic R&D expenditure, by selected country/region: Selected years, 1991-2001
Figure O-4b* Gross domestic R&D expenditures relative to U.S. R&D, by selected country/region: 1994-2001
Figure O-5 Service-sector R&D share of industrial R&D in United States, European Union, and Japan: 1987-2000
R&D Performance, Outputs, and Capabilities
Figure O-6 Total and U.S.-owned international technology alliances: 1980-2001
Figure O-7 Foreign-owned R&D in United States and U.S.-owned R&D overseas, by investing/host region: 2000
Figure O-8 S&E articles, by selected country/region and U.S. share of world total: 1988-2001
Figure O-9 International S&E articles cited, by country/region: 2001
Figure O-11 Foreign-owned U.S. patents, by selected country/region: 1988-2001
Figure O-12 Foreign-owned patents, by selected country: 2000
Figure O-13 Patents granted to U.S. universities and colleges: 1981-2001
S&E Workforce Trends
Figure O-14 S&E highest degree holders employed in jobs closely or somewhat related to highest degree, by years since degree: 1997
Figure O-15 Average annual growth rate of S&E occupations and degrees and U.S. civilian workforce: 1980-2000
Figure O-16 Unemployment rate, by selected occupations: 1983-2002
Figure O-17 Age distribution of individuals with S&E degrees in U.S. workforce: 1999
Figure O-18 Bachelor's degrees earned in selected S&E fields: 1974-2000
Figure O-19 Ratio of NS&E bachelor's degrees to 24-year-old population: 2000
Figure O-20 Ratio of first university NS&E degrees to 24-year-old population, by selected country/economy: 1975 and 2000 or most recent year
Figure O-21 S&E doctorates earned by U.S. citizens and noncitizens: 1980-2001
Figure O-22 Foreign student plans after receipt of U.S. S&E doctorate: 1982-2001
Figure O-23 Foreign-born scientists and engineers in U.S. S&E occupations, by degree level: 1990 and 2000
Figure O-24 Foreign-born scientists and engineers in U.S. S&E occupations, by degree level and field: 1990 and 2000
Figure O-25 S&E graduate students with temporary visas, by field: 1983-2001
Figure O-26 Student, exchange visitor, and other high-skill-related temporary visas issued: FY 1998-2003
Figure O-27 Age distribution of academic S&E doctorate holders employed in faculty positions: 1975-2001
Figure O-28 Foreign-born share of S&E doctoral faculty, postdocs, and graduate students, by major degree field: 2001
Figure O-29 Faculty and tenure-track status of young academic S&E doctorate holders: 1975-2001
Health of U.S. High Technology
Figure O-30 High-technology industry share of total manufacturing output, by selected country/region: 1980, 1990, and 2001
Figure O-31 Global high-technology market share, by selected country/region: 1980-2001
Figure O-32 U.S. global high-technology market share, by industry: 1980-2001
Figure O-33 Global high-technology export share, by selected country/region: 1980-2001
Figure O-34 Global revenue generated by knowledge-intensive service industries, by selected country/region: 2001
Figure O-35 U.S. trade balance in royalties and fees: 1987-2001
Figure O-36 U.S. venture capital disbursements: 1980-2002

Chapter 1. Elementary and Secondary Education top of page
Figure 1-9 Mathematics and science credit requirements for high school graduation: 1987 and 2002

Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering top of page
Figure 2-3 U.S. population of 20-24-year-olds, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1985-2020
Figure 2-10 Underrepresented minority share of S&E degrees, by degree level and field: 2000 or 2001

Chapter 8. State Indicators top of page
Secondary Education
Figure 8-1 Eighth grade mathematics performance: 2000
Figure 8-2 Eighth grade science performance: 2000
Figure 8-3 Public school teacher salaries: 2000
Higher Education
Figure 8-4 Bachelor's degrees conferred per 1,000 18-24-year-olds: 2000
Figure 8-5 NS&E bachelor's degrees conferred per 1,000 18-24-year-olds: 2000
Figure 8-6 S&E degrees as share of higher education degrees conferred: 2000
Figure 8-7 Advanced S&E degrees as share of S&E degrees conferred: 2000
Figure 8-8 Bachelor's degree holders as share of workforce: 2002
Figure 8-9 Scientists and engineers as share of workforce: 1999
Figure 8-10 S&E occupations as share of workforce: 1999
Figure 8-11 S&E doctorate holders as share of workforce: 2001
Financial Research and Development Inputs
Figure 8-12 R&D as share of gross state product: 2000
Figure 8-13 Federal R&D obligations per civilian worker: 2000
Figure 8-14 Federal R&D obligations per individual in S&E occupation: 1999
Figure 8-15 Industry-performed R&D as share of private-industry output: 2000
Figure 8-16 Academic R&D per $1,000 of gross state product: 2001
R&D Outputs
Figure 8-17 S&E doctorates conferred per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders: 2001
Figure 8-18 Academic article output per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders in academia: 2001
Figure 8-19 Academic article output per $1 million of academic R&D: 2001
Figure 8-20 Academic patents awarded per 1,000 S&E doctorate holders in academia: 1999
Figure 8-21 Patents awarded per 1,000 individuals in S&E occupations: 1999
Science and Technology in the Economy
Figure 8-22 High-technology share of all business establishments: 2000
Figure 8-23 Employment in high-technology establishments as share of total employment: 2000
Figure 8-24 Venture capital disbursed per $1,000 of gross state product: 2001

* Modified from full text version

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