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Science and Engineering Indicators 2004
  Table of Contents     Figures     Tables     Appendix Tables     Presentation Slides  
Chapter Contents:
National Science Board
Letter of Transmittal
Contributors and Reviewers


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The Cover
Recommended Citation

The National Science Board extends its appreciation to the staff of the National Science Foundation for preparing this report. Organizational responsibility for the volume was assigned to the Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, Norman M. Bradburn, Assistant Director.

Primary responsibility for the production of the volume was assigned to the Science and Engineering Indicators Program under the direction of Rolf Lehming of the Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS); Lynda T. Carlson, Division Director; Mary J. Frase, Deputy Division Director.

Overview. Rolf Lehming, SRS

Chapter 1. Martha Alt, Xianglei Chen, Susan Choy, Jennifer Laird, MPR Associates

Chapter 2. Jean M. Johnson, SRS, Terry S. Woodin, EHR

Chapter 3. Mark C. Regets, SRS

Chapter 4. Francisco A. Moris, Brandon Shackelford, SRS

Chapter 5. Alan Rapoport, Derek Hill, SRS

Chapter 6. Lawrence M. Rausch, SRS

Chapter 7. Melissa F. Pollak, SRS

Chapter 8. Paula C. Dunnigan, Greg A. Palovchik, Taratec Corporation

Alan Rapoport, John Gawalt, and Rolf Lehming directed the physical production of the volume, which benefited from extensive contributions from SRS staff. The division's senior staff and survey managers assured timely availability of data under often stringent deadlines: Richard J. Bennof, Joan S. Burrelli, Leslie J. Christovich, Mary J. Golladay, Susan T. Hill, John E. Jankowski, Kelly H. Kang, Nirmala Kannankutty, Mary M. Machen, Ronald L. Meeks, John Tsapogas, and Raymond M. Wolfe.

Robert K. Bell, Mary J. Frase, and Judith S. Sunley rendered critical assistance in preparation and review; Ronald S. Fecso provided advice with statistical and data presentation issues. Deborah A. Collins, Raj S. Raut, Tanya R. Gore, Maurya Green, and Terri S. Smith offered support with graphics and logistics.

The preparation of this report has benefited from close involvement of the National Science Board, from the development of narrative outlines to intensive reviews involving all board members. Their generous contribution of time, effort, and expertise under often stringent schedules is gratefully acknowledged. National Science Board staff provided crucial input and assistance at all stages of the project. Michael P. Crosby provided vital coordination, and Cathy Hines ably served as Executive Secretary to the Science and Engineering Indicators Subcommittee, taking over from Mary Poats.

Many others beyond the authors, National Science Board members and NSB and SRS staff provided invaluable assistance as reviewers or offered valuable substantive and statistical comments and expertise to this report. They are listed as Reviewers and Contributors.

The report was edited by Beverly Cook and associates of Aspen Systems Corporation, under the direction of Rolfe W. Larson; Cheryl S. Roesel and Tanya R. Gore provided additional editing services. Eileen Kessler and the staff of OmniStudio, Inc., provided composition and production services for the print and electronic materials. John R. Gawalt and Alan I. Rapoport produced the Information Cards. Web site design, coding, and final production was managed by Peg Whalen and performed by De Q. Vo, Bridget Tuthill, Elise Manalang, Jason Shaffer, Moe Than, and Jennifer Nowak of Compuware Corporation.

NSF's Office of Legislative and Public Affairs (OLPA), under the guidance of Curt Suplee, Director, provided media and Congressional liaison support for the report. Special thanks go to Bill Noxon and David Hart for media support and to David M. Stonner for Congressional relations support. Patricia S. Williams and her staff in the Division of Acquisition and Cost Support provided contractual assistance throughout the project.

The Cover top of page

Indicators cover

Model of the potassium channel in the bacterium Streptomyces lividans.

Roderick MacKinnon's discovery of the details of this structure and his explanation for how membranes pass electrical charge through cell walls led to his 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The potassium ion is shown in red at the center of the channel in the symmetrical structure. The surrounding four identical subunits of the protein are conserved in all known potassium ion channels. MacKinnon's work was supported by the National Institutes of Health at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), a facility developed around an accelerator funded by the National Science Foundation originally built for studies of high-energy physics. (Cover image reprinted with permission from Science volume 280, number 5360, issue of 3 April 1998, copyright 1998 AAAS.)

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Recommended Citation top of page

National Science Board. 2004. Science and Engineering Indicators 2004. Two volumes. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation (volume 1, NSB 04-1; volume 2, NSB 04-1A).

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