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Website Published: March 2006 

Users of the Power Technologies Energy Data Book are encouraged to comment on errors, omissions, emphases, and organization of this report to one of the persons listed below.

Requests for additional data, or information on an existing table should be referred to Jørn Aabakken, National Renewable Energy Laboratory using the feedback form on this page.

Email address:

Jørn Aabakken
Strategic Energy Analysis Center
National Renewable Energy Lab
1617 Cole Blvd, MS-2721
Golden, CO 80401
Phone:(303) 384-7525
Fax: (303) 384-7411

Philip D. Patterson
Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis
Department of Energy, EE-3B
Forrestal Building, Room 5F-034
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
Phone: (202) 586-9121
Fax: (202) 586-1637


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