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Publication NamePublication Description
Agua: El Recurso (B/W & Color) (Water: Resource that gets used & used & used for everything!) EPA 855-H-96-004
Agua Potable de Pozos Residenciates (Drinking Water
From Household Wells)
Gives general information about drinking water from home wells (also considered private drinking water sources).
EPA 816-K-05-005
August 2005
Booklet, 19 pages
Alerta! La Intoxicacion por Plomo Y Sus Ninos (Bilingual) (Caution: Lead Poisoning and Your Children)
How lead affects your child's health and what you can do to protect your family.
Region 10
March 1994
Fact Sheet; 1 page
Antes de ir a la Playa (Before You Go To The Beach)
Factsheet on beach pollution from the EPA's BEACH Program.
EPA 823-F-02-014
Bienvenido a las Tierras Pantanosas (Welcome to the Wetlands)
Grades 2-6 wetlands information.
Terrene Institute and US EPA
Brochure; Fold-out
Combata el Envenenamiento con Plomo con una dieta saludable (Fight lead poisoning with a healthy diet: lead
poisoning prevention tips for families)
Marzo del 2002
Come Usted Pescado? (Do You Eat Fish?)
Fish can be a healthy choice.
EPA 823-H-02-001
Como Proteger a los Ninos de las Amenazas Ambientales
(Bilingual: English & Spanish)
EPA 100-F-00-008
Fact Sheet; 1 page
Como Proteger a los Ninos de las Riesgos Ambientales (Tips to protect children from environmental risks)EPA 100-F-02-010
Growth Chart
Como Reducir los Peligros del Plomo el Remodelar Su Casa (English version available) (Reducing Lead Hazards When Remodeling Your Home)
To help reduce lead exposure when conducting home renovation and remodeling activities.
EPA 747-R-94-002
April 1994
Brochure; 24 pages
Como te proteges del sol! (Mission Sunwise)
Sun protection activities.
EPA 430-K-01-006
April 2001
Contratistas - Seguridad Contra el Plomo Durante la Renovation (Contractors - Lead Safety During Renovation)
lead-safe work practices for contractors
EPA 740-F-08-001
March 2008
Pamphlet; 6 pages
Contribuya a tener un Hogar Sano (Help Yourself to a Healthy Home)
Protecting Your Family's Health
Book, 56 pages
Debo comer los peces que yo pesco? (Should I Eat the Fish I Catch?)
Guide to eating the fish you catch
EPA 823-F-98-017
Denunciando violaciones ambientales (Reporting Environmental Violations)
Violations to be reported and how to report them.
EPA 300-F-06-004
Pamphlet, 6 pages
Desinfeccion de Emergencia del Agua Potable
(Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water)
EPA 815-K-00-006
Abril de 2000
Fact Sheet
Diagnostico y Tratamiento de los Envenenamientos por Plaguicidas (Recognition and Treatment of Pesticide Poisonings, 4th Edition)EPA 540-R-95-024
September 1995
Booklet; 186 pages
El Agua de la Llave (Water on Tap)
What you need to know
EPA 816-K05-006
September 2005
Booklet, 32 pages
El Agua Es Importante
Grades 1-8 Provides background information, suggestions for hands-on activities and 3 colorful posters to be displayed separately or as a mural.
EPA 171-K-02-001
Teachers' Guide
El Agua Potable Y La Salud:Lo Que Usted Debe Saber
(Drinking water and health: What you need to know)
EPA 816-K-00-001
Booklet, 8 pages
El Caso del Circulo Roto (Case of the Broken Loop)
Activity Book for Waste reduction
EPA 530-K-98-002S
December 1998
Booklet, 8 pages
El Envenenamiento Por el Plomo y Sus Ninos (Lead poisoning and your children)
How lead affects your child's health and what you can do to protect your family.
EPA 800-B-92-002
February 1995
Pamplet, 1 page
El Humo de Tabaco en el Medio Ambiente y la Salud de Su Familia
Explains the basics of secondhand smoke and health.
EPA 402-F-06-004
March 2006
Pamphlet; Fold-out
El Humo de Tabaco en el Medio Ambiente y la Salud de su Familia
Mantenga su hogar libre del humo de tabaco.
EPA 402-F-06-004
March 2006
Brochure; 3 pages
El Mal manejo de PCB (sustancia quimica): Un Estudio De Caso EPA Fact Sheet
El Ozono y Su Salud (Ozone and Your Health)
Descriptions of Air Quality Indexes and Ozone.
February 2000
El Programa De Superfund (This is Superfund -- A Citizen's Guide to EPA's Superfund Program)
Answers questions about the Superfund Program.
EPA 540-K-94-002
February 1995
Brochure, 19 pages
El Radon,Guia para su proteccion y la de su familia (Bi-lingual:Spanish & English) (A Guide to Radon)
How to protect yourself and your family.
EPA 402-K-93-005
September 1993
Booklet, 35 pages
El ReCiclaje Del Agua
- La Historia Completa
EPA 906-H-06-001
El Smog - A Quien Perjudica? (Smog: Who Does it Hurt?)
Ozone and your health.
EPA 452-K-00-001
February 2000
El Superfund Hoy Dia (Superfund Today) La estimacion de riesgos: Como lograr la participacion de la comunidad EPA 540-K-99-005
May 2000
Pamphlet; 6 pages
Envejezca de manera mas saludable - Respire con mayor facilidad (Age Healthier Breathe Easier)
Air pollution information for older adults and family
EPA 100-F-04-014
April 2004
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
Existe Plomo en Mi Agua Potable (Is There Lead In My Drinking Water?)
Ways to reduce the risk of lead exposure from your home drinking water.
EPA 816-F-05-019
July 2005
Brochure, 6 pages
Fuentes de Technologia Ambiental (Sources of Environmental Tecnologia, Parear Solutions with Problems)EPA 600-K-92-014
September 1992
Brochure, 21 pages
Guia de Calidad del Aire para el Ozono (Air Quality Guide for Ozone)
You may have seen the Air Quality Index reported in your newspaper. This guide provides you with more detailed information about what this index means to you.
February 2000
Fact Sheet
Guia del Radon para el comprador y Vendador de Viviendas (Home Buyers and Sellers Guide to Radon)
Before You Buy or Sell a Home
EPA 402-K-02-001
Booklet, 45 pages
Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Fracturacion
Answers questions concerning the use of Fracturing in superfund and other cleanup sites.
EPA 542-F-01-015S
September 2002
Fact Sheet
hogares saludables (healthy homes)
Este folleto ofrece maneras para hacer su hogar un lugar saludable. Encontrará información sobre calidad de aire interior y exterior, plaguicidas, productos tóxicos del hogar, hongos, humo de cigarrillos, radón, contaminantes de agua potable y cómo
EPA 901-K-07-001
February 2007
Brochure, 19 pages
Identificando Su Residuo El Punto de Partida (Identifying your waste)
The starting point for companies that produce hazardous waste.
EPA 530-F-97-029S
Justicia Ambiental Para Todos (Environmental Justice for All)
Ensuring environmental protection for all people. That's what the U.S. EPA stands for, and that's what environmental justice is all about.
EPA 300-F-04-002
Brochure, 6 pages
La Basura y El Cambio del Clima (Trash and climate change)
Spanish Activity Book
EPA 530-K-00-001s
La Carpa Dorada del Asma (Dusty, the Asthma Goldfish)
Herramienta educacional para ayudar a padres e hijos a conocer mas sobre las cosas que provocan los ataques de asma.
EPA 402-F-04-008
February 2004
Brochure, 7 pages
Libro de actividades (Mision Sunwise)
Activity book
EPA 430-K-01-007
April 2001
Booklet, 13 pages
Lo que Usted Necesita Saber Sobre el Mercurio en el Pescado y los Mariscos (What You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish)
Advice for women who might become pregnant, women who are pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children.
EPA 823-F-04-010
Brochure, 6 pages
Los Pesticidas y los Alimentos (Pesticides and Food: Where to Get More Information)
Lo que usted y su familia necesitan saber.
Pamphlet, 2 pages
Los Protectores del Planeta Generan Menos Desechos Desde Un Principio! (Planet Protectors Create Less Waste in the 1st Place)
Spanish activity book
EPA 530-K-99-006S
August 2000
Manejo Eficaz sw Pesticidas en el Hogar (Effective control of household pests)EPA 100-F-04-023
February 2005
Fact sheet; 2 pages
Manejando Con Seguridad los Capacitadores Accesorios de Luz (Handling Light Fixture Ballasts Safely)EPA 910-F-99-009
Pamphlet, 1 page
Mantenga su hogar de los factores que provocar el asma (Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers)
Your children will breath easier.
EPA 402-F-99-005D
Maneras Sencillas de Controlar la Fatiga Causada por el Calor (Controlling Heat Stress Made Simple)
For agricultural workers. Colorful poster shows how to avoid heat stress and what to do if it occurs.
EPA 750-H-93-001
September 1995
Planificacion de Respuesta para Instalaciones - Guia de Asistencia Para El Cumplimiento, Serie de guias para propietarios u operadores de instalaciones que almacemam o utilizan aceites, a fin de ayudarles a comprende el Reglamento Federal de Prevencion contra la Contaminacion por AceiteEPA 540-K-02-004d
August 2002
Guide; 20 pages
Proteja a Su Familia del Plomo en Su Casa (English version available) (Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home)
Information for landlords, sellers, and renovators regarding homes built before 1978.
EPA 747-K-94-001
August 1994
Brochure, 13 pages
Protejase de los Pesticidas (Protect Yourself from Pesticides)
Guia para los que Manejan Pesticidas.
EPA 735-B-06-001
June 2006
Que Debo Hacer...Si He Estado Expuesto a los Pesticidas? (What Should Ido if I Have Been Exposed to
Spanish Pesticides Brochure
Brochure, 3 pages
RCRA en Foco: Mantenimiento de Vehiculos
Repaso regulatorio, reduciendo residuos de talleres Mecanicos, recursos relevantes
EPA 530-K-99-004S
December 2002
Pamphlet; 17 pages
Reconocimiento y Manejo de los Envenenamientos por Pesticidas (Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 5th Edition)EPA 735-R-98-004
September 1998
Manual, 252 pages
Reduccion de los Riesgos de Contaminacion por Plomo Cuando Remodela Su Casa (Reducing Lead Hazards When Remodeling Your Home)EPA 747-K-97-002
September 1997
Brochure, 23 pages
Reduce, Reusa, Recicla (Wildwood Babes)Fascination With Imagination,Inc.
Reutilizacion + Reciclaje = Reduccion de Desechos (Reuse + Recycling = Waste Reduction)
A Guide for Schools & Groups
EPA 530-K-03-0014S
Brochure, 29 pages
Seguridad en la Casa (Home Safe Home)
Removing and Reducing Pest Problems
EPA 735-H-01-006(s)
Poster (large and small)
Sientes Que Te Estas (Feel Like Sizzling?)
Grades 5-8 How to avoid harmful UV rays.
EPA 430-H-02-002
December 2002
Poster/Activity Sheet
Sigue El Rastro! (Follow That Trail)
Planet Protectors Club Activity Book
EPA 530-K-98-001S
Booklet, 8 pages
Socorro!Una Cucaracha!Un Libro de Ejercicios para Ninos (Help, It's a Roach)
.A Roach Prevention Activity Book For Kids
EPA 735-F-01-004
March 2001
Booklet, 12 pages
Su Vida, Su Mundo, Sus Opciones (Your Life, Your World, Your Choices)
Esta coleccion le demuestra como conservar, reducir, reutilizar, reciclar.
EPA 530-E-03-001S
February 2004
Ressource kit
Tu Mundo, Tu Ambients (Your World, Your Environment)OPA 1819
May 1979
Brochure, 14 pages
Un Control Seguro (Safe Control)
Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in your neighborhood.
U.S. EPA Region 2
Booklet, 32 pages
Usando el Agua Eficientemente: Ideas para las Comunidades {Using Water Efficiently: Ideas For Communities}
A list of measures for using water efficiently.
EPA 832-F-99-096
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
Usando el Agua Eficientemente: Ideas para la Industria {Using Water Efficiently: Ideas For Industry)
A list of measures, for facility managers for efficient
water use.
EPA 832-F-99-094
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
Usando el Agua Eficientemente: Ideas para los Negocios Comerciales {Using Water Efficiently: Ideas For Commercial Businessess}
A list of measures to help facility managers learn the efficient use of water.
EPA 832-F-99-093
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
Usando el Agua Eficientemente: Ideas paralas Residencias {Using Water Efficiently: Ideas For Residences)
List of efficiency measures to help the homeowner save money on their water and energy bills.
EPA 832-F-99-095
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
Usted Puede Ayudar a Detener la Marea de Basura (Turning the Tide on Trash: Learning Guide on Marine Debris)
Guia Didactica Sobre la Basura en el mar.
EPA 842-B-93-003
Fall 1993

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