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Air Pollution Publications

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Publication NamePublication Description
A Citizen's Guide To Radon (PDF)
Protecting Yourself and Your Family From Radon.
EPA 402-K-05-008
Revised September 2005
Booklet 15 pages
Agricultural Burning Stakeholder Forums
Putting the pieces together.
EPA 910-F-01-007
Booklet; 20 pages
Air Pollution
How did it get here? What is it? What can I do?
Booklet; 30 pages
Air Quality Guide for Ozone
What you should know about ozone.
EPA 456-F-99-002
July 1999
Fact Sheet; 1 page
Air Quality Index Slide Rule
At-A-Glance Messages
EPA 451-B-03-001
Slide Rule
Air Quality Index: A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health
Air and Radiation
Booklet; 16 pages.
Aircraft Contrails Factsheet
Explores aircraft emissions and their link to "condensation trails".
EPA 430-F-00-005
An Update on Formaldehyde- Revised 1997
What is it? Why be concerned? How to reduce exposure and more information.
EPA 402-F-04-026
Brochure; 12 pages
Asthma Home Environment Checklist, provides a list of questions and action steps to assist in identifying asthma triggers.EPA 402-F-03-030
February 2004
Flyer, 7 pages
Clean Air Transportation and the Power of Partnerships
Voluntary programs and public-private partnerships are playing an increasingly important role in the USEPA's efforts to curb pollution from cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles.
EPA 420-K-03-003
September 2003
Booklet; 12 pages
Clean Cars Clean Air
A consumer guide to auto emission inspection and maintenance programs.
Consumer Federation of America
Pamphlet; 1 page
Clean Energy-Environment Guide to Action,
policies, best practices and action steps for states.
EPA 430-R-06-001
April 2006
Manual; 289 pages
Clean School Bus USA
What you should know about reducing diesel exhaust from school buses.
EPA 420-F-03-038
Brochure; 4 pages
Climate Change And Cold Water Fish
The loss of fishing opportunities due to climate- induced changes in fisheries could be severe in some parts of the country, especially at the southern boundries of the habitat ranges of cool and cold water species.
EPA 236-F-99-002
May 1999;
Brochure; 4 pages
Climate Change and You: What You Can Do At Home, making a few small changes in your home and yard can lead to big reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.EPA 430-F-07-006
June 2007
Fact Sheet; 1 page
Climate Change and You: What You Can Do at School; Easy ways for students, educators and school administrators to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.EPA 430-F-07-007
June 2007
Fact Sheet, 1 page
Climate Change and You: What You Can Do at the Office, Easy ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help make the air cleaner.EPA 430-F-07-009
June 2007
Fact Sheet, 1 page
Climate Change and You: What You Can Do on the Road, Take action to reduce the amount of fuel you use and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.EPA 430-F-07-008
June 2007
Fact Sheet, 1 page
Climate Change: Don't Waste Your Chance To Do Your Share
How to reduce your climate footprint - the link between climate and waste.
EPA 530-K-05-004
June 2005
Booklet; 15 pages
Climate Change and Public Lands (PDF)
Reduction in tundra and related ecosystems also would mean the loss of mammal and migratory waterfowl habitats.
EPA 236-F-99-004
May 1999
Brochure; 4 pages
Community Action Programs: Blueprints for Program Design EPA 420-R-99-006
March 1999
Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart,
How environmental hazards can contribute to heart disease and stroke and how to reduce exposure.
EPA 100-F-05-025
December 2005
Fact Sheet; 4 pages
Executive Summary of the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2004
Central to any study of climate change is the development of an emissions inventory that identifies and quantifies a country's primary anthropogenic sources and sinks of greenhouse gases.
EPA 430-S-06-001
April 2006
Booklet; 19 pages
Federal Air Rules For Reservations (FARR)
Explanation of federal air rules for reservations in Idaho, Oregon and Washington
EPA 910-R-05-005
October 2005
Brochure; 4 pages
Federal Air Rules for Reservations
Details of the program.
September 2006
Newsletter, 8 pages
Flood Cleanup and the Air in Your Home, tekk how to cleanup after a flood and how to prevent indoor air problems.EPA 402-K-07-002
Booklet; 25 pages
Global Mitigation on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, EPA has focused on incorporating international non-CO2 greenhouse gas mitigation into analysis and policy discussions.EPA 430-R-06-005
June 2006
Report; 463 pages
Global Warming and Our Changing Climate
Answers to frequently asked questions.
EPA 430-F-00-001
April 2000
Brochure; 6 pages
How Air Pollution Affects the View
What is Haze? What causes it? What can you do?
EPA 456-F-06-001
April 2006
Pamphlet; 2 pages
Hidden Hazards of Backyard Burning
Description of toxic chemicals that are produced by burning and what you can do.
EPA 530-F-03-012
August 2003
Pamphlet; 4 pages
Improving Air Quality Through Land Use Activities
Guide to help communities address the linked problems of growth, demand for transportation and reduced air quality.
EPA 420-F-00-047
January 2001
Pamphlet; 8 pages
Learning About Acid Rain
A Teacher's Guide for Grades 6 through 8
EPA 430-F-08-002
April 2008
Booklet, 47 pages
Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up
Grades K-4 The children learn about idle reduction and ways the community can help reduce the health risks from diesel exhaust.
EPA 420-K-07-001
May 2007
Booklet, 24 pages
Mercury: Serious Problem, Practical Solutions,
For business and industry, be part of the solution, prevent mercury pollution and how EPA can help.
EPA 530-F-05-008
December 2005
Pamphlet; 2 pages
National Clean Diesel Campaign: Clean Agriculture USA.
A voluntary incentive-based program to reduce emissions on equipment.
EPA 420-F-05-031
November 2005
Flyer; 2 pages
National Clean Diesel Campaign: Clean Construction USA.
A voluntary initiative to reduce pollution from diesel engines.
EPA 420-F-05-032
November 2005
Leaflet; 8 pages
National Clean Diesel Campaign: Clean Ports USA.
A voluntary program to reduce diesel exhaust at ports.
EPA 420-F-05-033
November 2005
Leaflet; 8 pages
National Clean Diesel Campaign: SmartWay Transport Partnership.
Information on the program to reduce diesel emissions for trucks trains, etc.
EPA 420-F-05-052
November 2005
Leaflet; 8 pages
Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby
What is Ozone? How does `bad' ozone affect human health? What is being done about it?
EPA 451/k-97-002
October 1997
Brochure; 3 pages
Ozone and Your Health
Descriptions of air quality indexes and ozone.
EPA 452F99003
Brochure; 4 pages
Ozone Report - Measuring Progress through 2003
Analyzes 2003 levels, summarizes our progress, looks at current challenges and long-term prospects.
EPA 454-K-04-001
April 2004
Booklet; 19 pages
Protecting Yourself & Your Family From Secondhand Smoke
Ways to protect your family from secondhand smoke.
American Lung Association
March 1994
Pamphlet, 6 pages
Reducing Backyard Burning in Indian Country
What Tribal Members Need To Know To Protect Their Health And The Environment.
EPA 530-F-03-017
Brochure, 6 pages
Regional Haze and Visibility Protection
Clearing the air and improving the view.
EPA 452/F-99-002
Brochure; 4 pages
Regulating Smog and Particle Air Pollution
An integrated approach.
EPA 456-F-97-003
March 1997
Brochure, 6 pages
Research to Assess the Impacts of GLOBAL CHANGE, Reviews to Global Change Research Program.EPA 600-F-07-007
May 2007
Leaflet, 6 pages
Smog - Who Does It Hurt?
Ozone and your health.
EPA 452/K-99-001
July 1999
Booklet, 8 pages
State and Local Governments are the Key to Reducing Backyard Burning
Discusses backyard burning health hazards, some examples of successful state programs curbing burning and ideas of what you can do to help.
August 2003
Leaflet; 4 pages
Summertime Safety: Keeping Kids Safe From Sun and Smog, Fact sheet about the UV and air quality indexes and actions you can take to protect kids and yourself.EPA 430-F-06-012
July 2006
Fact Sheet; 2 pages
Taking Toxics Out of the Air
Progress in setting Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards under the Clean Air Act.
EPA 451-K-98-001
February 1998
Brochure; 22 pages
The Particle Pollution Report
Current understanding of air quality and emissions through 2003.
EPA 454-R-04-002
Report, 27 pages
The Sun, UV, and You: A Guide to SunWise Behaviour
SunWise Protection Tips
EPA 430-K-06-002
September 2006
Booklet; 12 pages
The U.S. Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: Fast Facts
Listing of trends by Gas/Source from 1990 to 2004.
EPA 430-F-06-010
April 2006
Sheet; 2 pages
Tomorrow's Buses for Today's Children
Clean School Bus USA initiative information.
EPA 420-F-03-039
October 2003
Leaflet; 6 pages
Toward a Cleaner Future, Progress Report 2005, controlling pollution from mobile sources, a progress report.EPA 420-R-05-011
November 2005
Report; 32 pages
Tribal Leaders are Key to Reducing Backyard Burning
Providing and promoting safer waste management alternatives is essential to reducing backyard burning.
EPA 530-F-03-016
August 2003
Brochure, 6 pages
WasteWise Update: Global Warming...Is A Waste
Explores the connection between solid waste and climate change, describes waste-related climate impacts, identifies ways to reduce GHG emissions and minimize global climate change, and introduces the new WasteWise Climate Change Initiative and Climate Change Award.
EPA 530-N-02-007
September 2002
Brochure, 16 pages
What is the UV Index?
Explains how ultraviolet radiation can cause immediate and long-term health effects.
EPA 430-F-06-014
July 2006
Fact Sheet; 2 pages
What You Can Do to Reduce Air Pollution
A citizens guide to what individuals and communities can do to help meet the goals of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
EPA 450-K-92-002
October 1992
Booklet; 20 pages
Working Together So Everyone Can Breathe Better
Asthma Management
EPA 402-K-05-006
September 2006
Booklet / Kit, 5 pages
Your Car (or Truck) and the Environment
An environmental guide for owners and drivers of cars, vans, trucks, and other motor vehicles
EPA 420-K-93-001
September 1993
Booklet; 23 pages
Your Vehicle and the Environment
Good general tips for reducing waste, what you can do to prevent automobile pollution.
Idaho DEQ
June 1996
Brochure; 8 pages

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