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Energy Management Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Do I place Task Orders through GSA?

    The majority of ordering offices place task orders directly with the best value 03FAC contractor and are responsible for administration of the task order. The contractor submits invoices directly to the ordering office. Contractor payments are issued to the contractor in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act. Agencies can also elect to use fee for service contracting support offered by GSA's Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS). AAS can accept funding documents and competitively procure services from 03FAC contractors. Services might include preparing a performance-based statement of work, conducting market research, developing/distributing a Request for Quote (RFQ), evaluating quotes received and issuing/administering the 03FAC task order. For additional information, please contact the Center for Facilities Maintenance & Hardware at 816-926-6760 or

  2. How do federal agencies use 03FAC?

    Civilian Agencies distribute a Request for Quote (RFQ) to a minimum of three (3) 03FAC contractors. An RFQ typically includes instructions; evaluation criteria and a performance based Statement of Work (SOW). The SOW communicates what work will be performed, period and place of performance, deliverable schedules, applicable standards, special requirements (security clearances, travel), etc. After the RFQ closes, the ordering office evaluates the quotes received, makes a best value decision and issues a task order. GSA offers a comprehensive training course, titled, "Using GSA Schedules" which covers schedule ordering procedures, developing Statements of Work, Contractor Teaming Arrangements, Blanket Purchase Agreements and other Schedule related topics. For additional information, go to The FSS Center for Acquisition Excellence at Military agencies distribute RFQs per Section 803.

  3. What about Section 803?

    The Department of Defense (DoD) has implement rules for ordering services over $100,000 under multiple award contracts. The rules are derived from Section 803 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2002. Section 803 requires the Contracting Officer (CO) to contact as many schedule holders as practicable in order to ensure that at least three responses are received. The rule further states that the CO is in compliance with Section 803 when they contact all schedule holders that offer the required work, thereby informing them of the opportunity for award. If three responses are not received, the CO must determine that no additional qualified contractors could be identified despite reasonable efforts to do so. Good market research is the key to ensuring all practicable offerors have been extended a fair opportunity to participate in the acquisition. However, Section 803 does recognize the following exceptions to fair opportunity: 1) unusual urgency; 2) only one source can respond due to unique or specialized nature of the work; 3) new work is logical follow-on under the same contract; and 4) must be placed to satisfy a minimum guarantee.

  4. Where do I look for guidance on writing a Performance Based Statement of Work under 03FAC?

    For Performance Based Acquisition regulations, samples, tutorials and guidance go to, click on the hyperlink for Acquisition Major Initiatives and then on the link for Performance Based Service Contracting (PBC).

  5. Where can I find information regarding past performance of 03FAC contractors?

    You can request past performance information in your RFQ (Request For Quotes). Alternatively, this information can be obtained by distributing a Sources Sought or a RFI (Request for Information) to 03FAC Schedule contractors. In addition, federal agencies (CO's and source selection officials) can access past performance data at Group owners/managers of the PPIRS data approve membership requests. Membership request are made through that website. Keep in mind, however, that this past performance information will not specifically relate to a contractor's performance under the 03FAC contract.

  6. Can I issue 03FAC RFQs electronically?

    Federal agencies can use eBuy to prepare and distribute 03FAC RFQs. Once an RFQ closes, the agency will be able to review quotes submitted by schedule contractors. The eBuy system is web-based and accessible at: An excellent tutorial is available on the e-Buy homepage.

  7. Can I issue Task Orders electronically?

    Yes, GSA eBuy is an online Request for Quotes (RFQ) tool, which enables Federal buyers and Schedule Contractors to exchange RFQs and quotes electronically. You can also use eBuy to conduct market research by posting Sources Sought or Requests for Information. (Note: Schedule contractors not included in the original RFQ selection may also submit proposals in response to a posted RFQ.)

  8. Am I authorized to include FAR clauses on 03FAC Task Orders?

    Yes, with the caveat that you cannot change the terms and conditions of the 03FAC contract. You may download the 03FAC Solicitation from Click on the "Find Business Opportunities" hyperlink and search for solicitation number 6FEC-E6-030292-B.

  9. Could you clarify the meaning of the maximum order threshold?

    GSA asserts that labor hour pricing up to this threshold is fair and reasonable. However, when the estimated value of your task order exceeds the maximum order threshold you are encouraged to pursue additional price discounts based on the volume of your order. Please note, this is not a GSA enforced limit on the value of your task order.(See I-FSS-125 Requirements Exceeding the Maximum Order (SEP 1999)).

  10. When should I seek a price reduction from a 03FAC contractor?

    Agencies are encouraged to seek additional savings when the scope and/or anticipated dollar value of your order exceeds the maximum order threshold or when establishing a BPA for larger dollar acquisitions. Please refer to clauses 52.216-19 Order Limitations and I-FSS-125 Requirements Exceeding the Maximum Order (SEP 1999).

  11. Can I terminate a 03FAC task order?

    Yes, you may terminate for cause or convenience. Please refer to clause 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions in the 03FAC solicitation.

  12. Since GSA has no direct access to an agency's Task Orders, what mechanism does GSA have to ensure contractors are accurately reporting their 03FAC task orders?

    GSA has a staff of Industrial Operation Analysts who audit sales reported by Schedule contractors.

  13. Can I include incentives at the Task Order level?

    The 03FAC solicitation specifically authorizes the use of incentives at the task order level. The text of clause I-FSS-60 PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES (APRIL 2000) (TAILORED) is provided below: (a) When using a performance-based statement of work, performance incentives may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the ordering office on individual fixed price orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements, for fixed price tasks, under this contract in accordance with this clause. (b) The ordering office must establish a maximum performance incentive price for these services and/or total solutions on individual orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA). (c) To the maximum extent practicable, ordering offices shall consider establishing incentives where performance is critical to the agency's mission and incentives are likely to motivate the contractor. Incentives shall be based on objectively measurable tasks. (d) The above procedures do not apply to labor hour orders.