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Earth Science Information Center (ESIC)
The USGS and Alaska Geographic have teamed up to provide a one-stop center for most recreational and research needs. In addition to the traditional topographic and geologic map products and publications, the expanded range of products includes:

*Nautical charts for the most popular Alaskan waters
*Trails Illustrated and other specialized maps
*Guidebooks for hiking, geology, natural history and more - including Alaska Geographic
*Compasses, videos, postcards etc.
*Research and ordering assistance for historic aerial photography
*Research and ordering assistance for geological, biological and hydrological publications produced by the USGS
*Educational products and support
*General Earth Science information and research support

The ESIC office is located in east Anchorage. It is on the Alaska Pacific University campus east of the intersection of Elmore and University Drive Proceed up the hill and look on your right for the sign that says MAPS. Turn into this drive. The ESIC office is inside the door of Glenn Olds Hall to the left.

USGS staff consists of Ken Dixon, Karen Peterson, Greg Durocher, and Brendan Kelly.

Inquiries should be addressed to:
4210 University Drive, Room 208
Anchorage, Alaska  99508
Phone: 907-786-7011
FAX: 907-786-7050

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