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Wetlands Rules and Guidance



  • Mitigation of Impacts to Wetlands and Natural Habitat - Final Rule (HTML or PDF - 170 KB)









  • Use of Private Wetland Mitigation Banks Memorandum - December 18
    Abstract: This guidance clarifies FHWA policy regarding the application of Uniform Act requirements to acquisition of interests in private wetland mitigation banks using Federal aid highway funds.
  • Use of Private Wetland Mitigation as Compensatory Mitigation for Highway Project Impacts Memorandum - July 5
    Abstract: This guidance answers specific questions asked about private wetland mitigation banks and the use of Federal aid highway funds when mitigating wetlands impacts of Federally funded highway projects. The responses represent current FHWA policy and authority relative to NEPA, ISTEA, and Section 404. The guidance is consistent with the "Interagency Federal Guidelines for the Use of Wetland Mitigation Banks."


  • Funding for Establishment of Wetland Mitigation Banks Memorandum - October 24
    Abstract: This guidance clarifies FHWA policy relative to Federal-aid participation in costs to implement wetland mitigation required by impacts to wetlands on Federal-aid highway projects. The guidance addresses participation issues on establishing and sustaining mitigation credits in wetland banks and other wetland mitigation projects. Success in wetland mitigation establishment is defined. Types of site establishment activities eligible for Federal-aid participation are identified. The duration of eligibility for federal-aid participation is established.


  • Wetland Banking and Banking Agreements Memorandum - April 22
    Abstract: This memorandum provides State-by-State information on the status of wetland banking by State Highway Agencies and recommends actions by FHWA division and regional offices to encourage the appropriate use of mitigation banking in the highway project development process.

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