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Excellence in Right-of-Way Awards

What is the 2008 FHWA Excellence in Right-of-Way Awards Program?
The Biennial awards program was developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to honor those who excel in streamlining or improving the real property acquisition process while protecting the rights of property owners and tenants.

What are the categories? 
Innovations, Leadership, Stewardship, Streamlining and Integration, and Technical Specialty.  Anyone may nominate a project, process, person, contractor, or group involved in a project or process that has used FHWA funding sources to make an outstanding contribution to transportation. 

When are the Entries due?
Entries must be received by October 29, 2007.

Due to unforeseen technical issues with posting The Excellence in Right of Way Awards website, our normal process for submission of our 2008 nominations will have to be changed.  We are asking all Division Realty Officers for help by informing their respective State DOT’s that nominations are now being accepted for the 2008 Excellence in Right of Way Awards and in the collection of the nomination submissions. Consultants should submit their nominations through their State DOT and the State will forward nominations to the FHWA Division Offices. The Right-of-Way Awards has become a major event at our AASHTO conferences and our goal is to recognizing the contributions of Innovation, Leadership, Stewardship, Streamlining and Integration along with Technical Specialty despite the major technical issue with our website.  Please encourage your State to submit nominations to you via email and then forward the package to  Please offer to assist your State DOT or LPA folks to ensure they categorize their nominations using the categories listed above.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact Robin Broils-Cox at 202-366-2042.

With our Excellence in ROW web page not being accessible, there have been some inquiries for HQ to create a type of submission form to help ensure needed information is included in the award submission package. Our office is in the process of creating such a form to send out to the field offices. We are working with the host Contractor of our Excellence Awards web page to develop a form similar to the form on our Excellence web page. This form is not a requirement to submit the Excellence Award package. Also, each Division should endorse the ROW award submission package received from their State or Local Government with a brief cover letter stating your approval of their nomination.

This biennial awards program was developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to honor those who excel in streamlining or improving the real property acquisition process while ensuring that property owners' and tenants' rights are protected. The awards recognize outstanding innovations that enhance the right-of-way professional's ability to meet the challenges associated with acquiring real property for a Federal-aid project.

2006 Excellence in Right-of-Way Awards
In 2006, FHWA received more than 40 entries describing exceptional right-of-way programs, projects and leaders from around the country. The winners in the five categories demonstrated successful methods to effectively and efficiently purchase and manage right-of-way in their states. The recipients were honored during the 2006 FHWA and AASHTO Subcommittee on Right-of-Way and Utilities annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, May 2, 2006.

2004 Excellence in Right-of-Way Awards
The 2004 Awards program was highly successful. FHWA received many impressive entries describing exciting and innovative right-of-way projects from around the country. The categories for the 2004 Excellence in Right-of-Way Awards included Innovation, Leadership, Local Public Agency Stewardship, Streamlining and Integration, and Technical Specialties. The winners in these five categories demonstrated successful methods to effectively and efficiently purchase and manage right-of-way in their states. The recipients were honored during the 2004 FHWA and AASHTO Subcommittee on Right-of-Way and Utilities annual meeting in Seattle, Washington.

2003 Excellence in Right-of-Way Award
The 2003 nominees and honorees improved existing processes, created new processes, forged new partnerships within their respective agencies to improve the project development and delivery process, assumed leading roles in project right of way activities, delivered cost savings, and improved production time. They have done this while continuing to ensure that the public is treated fairly and receives their constitutionally guaranteed right to receive just compensation.

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