NSB-98-183 October 5, l998 MEMORANDUM TO: Members and Consultants of the National Science Board SUBJECT: Preliminary Report of the September 30, l998 Executive Committee and EHR Subcommittee on Science and Engineering Indicators Meetings and the October 2, l998 Education and Human Resources Committee Meeting Below are summaries of the l998 Executive Committee videoteleconference meeting and EHR Subcommittee on Science and Engineering Indicators teleconference meeting held on September 30, l998, and the Education and Human Resources teleconference meeting held on October 2, l998. (Materials for committee summaries are provided by executive secretaries.) Executive Committee (EC) The Director reported on the appointment of Dr. Ruzena Bajcsy, of the University of Pennsylvania, as Assistant Director for Computer and Information Science and Engineering and on the status of the NSF FY 1999 and FY 2000 budgets. The committee was briefed on the activities of other NSB committees since the August 1998 NSB meeting, and discussed the May 1999 NSB awards event. The committee reviewed the revised draft of the NSB strategic plan and concurred with distributing it to the Board with the aim of final discussion and approval at the November 18-20 NSB meeting. Education and Human Resources (EHR) The Committee was briefed on progress being made on the preparation of a white paper by the TIMMS Task Force. The central theme of the document is that of content standards. A report from the Science and Engineering Subcommittee outlined a potential format for "Science and Engineering Indicators-2000" which will have, in order to honor the 50th anniversary of the NSB and NSF, content from both the past and the present. The Committee was updated on the upcoming EHR field hearing scheduled for Puerto Rico. The Committee decided upon Committee member assignments for future discussions on the implementing of the NSB strategic plan, on the impact of diversity on the culture of K-12 and higher education, on the role of the SAT and GRE examinations and, on the interplay between foreign and domestic students. In November, Dr. Williams will update the Committee on urban K-12 reform and collaborations between the Foundation and the Department of Education as well as other foundations. EHR Subcommittee on Science and Engineering Indicators (S&EI) The S&EI Subcommittee met via teleconference on September 30, 1998 and discussed the draft structure of Science and Engineering Indicators-2000. The report will cover the major data trends and topics the report traditionally includes. The chapter analyses would primarily focus on relatively current data trends and issues. However, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Board and the NSF, the report would present some historical comparisons of the status of the S&E enterprise at the time of the founding of NSF, based primarily on materials available in the Bush and Steelman reports. This would be accomplished by developing a special introductory chapter discussing the situation of the S&E enterprise 50 years ago when the National Science Foundation was created. In addition, specially identified historical sidebars would be developed for each chapter which would use the actual texts, figures and tables of the Bush and Steelman reports as one of the ways of communicating the status of the S&E enterprise 50 years ago. The introductions of each of the chapters would set the context of the chapter by identifying some of the major current issues and topics of concern, and where appropriate compare and/or contrast them with the issues and themes of the past. It was decided to try to continue to have a separate chapter on the significance of information technology (IT) with the option of having the topic discussed in a prominent fashion in another chapter(s) if the stand-alone does not work. On the basis of the agreed upon report structure, staff will develop detailed draft chapter outlines including subheadings, measures to be used, proposals for sidebars, and proposals of issues emerging from historical comparisons and trends that should be highlighted in the body of the chapters for discussion and review by the S&EI Subcommittee in November. There was discussion of how the Board could best present their views and commentary on policy issues identified by the S&E Indicators report. Dr. Cehelsky suggested that the issues identified in the chapters could serve as a "hook" for developing additional Board reports or papers. Marta Cehelsky Executive Officer