BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Europe Team


The Europe Team works collectively to obtain and provide specific, up-to-date information and counseling on a wide range of Europe-related topics and events that leads to increased knowledge of, market share in and exports to Europe for our U.S. exporting clients.  To accomplish its mission, the team works closely with all agencies within the International Trade Administration (ITA), relevant trade associations, foreign embassies and the Department of State.


  • Membership: The Europe Team is comprised of Core Team Members and Associate Members.  Most Core Members have lived and/or worked in one or more European countries, speak European languages and have a mixture of country and industry-specific expertise, which we collectively share with our internal (ITA) and external clients (U.S. exporters).  For more information on team membership, please click here.  For an updated list of current members, please click here
  • Territory: The Europe Team covers all of geographic Europe, to include the 27 EU Members, Turkey, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, the Balkans, Russia and the former Soviet Republics.  We work closely with U.S. Commercial Service and State Department staff in these countries, and with Market Access and Compliance (MAC) Country Desk Officers in Washington, DC. 
  • Country Liaisons: To facilitate communication among all of the relevant players, the Europe Team developed a Country Liaison Program (CLP).  The CLP allows Core Europe Team Members to choose a specific country or countries with which they liaise and act as conduits for information, questions and new initiatives.  When the Europe Team organizes a country-specific event, the Country Liaison is always the key point of contact.  For more information on the Europe Team Country Liaison Program and a list of current country liaisons, please click here.
  • Showcase Europe and CS Posts: The Europe Team sends regular updates to Europe-based Senior Commercial Officers to notify them of key successes, new initiatives and opportunities for collaboration.  SCOs and/or their staff are invited as guest speakers on monthly Europe Team conference calls, so that they can update us on new trends, services (i.e., Quicktake) and upcoming events. 
  • Partnerships: The Europe Team has developed a wide variety of partnerships with internal and external contacts to date, and will continue to identify new potential partners in the coming years.  The purpose is to hold joint events and/or to identify new clients. 
  • SCO Advisory Committee: Members of the Europe Team SCO Advisory Committee regularly advise the team on its overall focus and strategic direction and provide feedback on both discretionary funded and professional development funded upcoming projects and events. 
  • "Market of the Month": The Europe Team has developed a new "Market of the Month" feature.  Each month during a regularly scheduled team conference call, the team will host a Senior Commercial Officer guest speaker who will brief team members and other guest callers on current market opportunities, best prospects and upcoming events in their respective markets.  Scheduled speaker for the November 19, 2008 call: SCO Stephen Anderson, CS Ireland. 

For Europe Team supported events, click here.

For the latest conference call notes of October 15, 2008, please click here.

If you have a question about the Europe Team or would like to become a member, please feel free to contact any one of the following individuals:

Deborah Doherty (Team Leader), , phone: 717-872-4386

Dusan Marinkovic, (Deputy Team Leader - Central/Eastern Europe), , phone: 317-582-2300

Sandra Necessary, (Deputy Team Leader - Western Europe), , phone: 505-231-0075

Sean Timmins, (Core Member), , phone: 202-482-1841