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Justin Johnson - Research Scientist

Photo of Justin Johnson
phone: 303-384-6190
At NREL since 2004

Justin Johnson received his B.A. in Chemistry and Physics from Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1999. His undergraduate research involved performing classical trajectory calculations for determining the rates of ion-dipole reactions of small molecules in the gas phase. He received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 2004, with Prof. Richard Saykally as thesis adviser. His thesis work included experiments involving near-field microscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy of single semiconductor nanowires, with a focus on determining the optical properties of various shapes of individual nanolasers.

Dr. Johnson joined Arthur Nozik’s group at NREL as a postdoctoral researcher through a collaboration with Prof. Josef Michl at the University of Colorado, Boulder, in October 2004. He is currently a research scientist collaborating with the research team of  Prof. Nozik at NREL.

Project Description

The team is using spectroscopic tools to investigate the processes of multiple exciton generation (MEG) and singlet fission (SF) and their consequences for photovoltaic devices. The ultrafast dynamics associated with these processes are especially important to understand, and therefore the team has developed various femtosecond techniques to study the mechanisms of SF and MEG, as well as charge transfer to semiconductor nanoparticle films.

Selected Publications

  1. J.C. Johnson, H. Yan, R.D. Schaller, L.H. Haber, P. Yang, and R.J. Saykally, "Single Nanowire Lasers," J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 11387–11390 (2001).
  2. J.C. Johnson, H.-J. Choi, K.P. Knutsen, R.D. Schaller, P. Yang, and R.J. Saykally, "Single Gallium Nitride Nanowire Lasers," Nature Materials 1(2), 106–110 (2002).
  3. J.C. Johnson, K.P. Knutsen, H. Yan, M. Law, Y. Zhang, P. Yang and R.J. Saykally, "Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Single ZnO Nanowire and Nanoribbon Lasers," Nano Letters 4(2), 197–204 (2004).
  4. M. Law, D.J. Sirbuly, J.C. Johnson, J. Goldberger, R.J. Saykally, and P.Y. Yang, "Nanoribbon Waveguides for Subwavelength Photonics Integration," Science 305, 1269–1273 (2004).
  5. Matt Law, Lori E. Greene, Justin C. Johnson, Richard Saykally, and Peidong Yang, "Nanowire Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells," Nature Materials 4, 455–459 (2005).

NREL Publications

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Other Team Members

Arthur J. Nozik

Xin Ai

Matthew C. Beard

Helen E. Chappell

Smita Dayal

Randy J. Ellingson

Andrew J. Ferguson

Arthur J. Frank

Brian A. Gregg

Adam Halverson

Hugh W. Hillhouse

Barbara Hughes

Justin Johnson

Allison Kanarr

Jae-Hun Kim

Jin Young Kim

Nikos Kopidakis

Ziqi Liang

Olga I. Micic

Aaron Midgett

Anthony J. Morfa

Nathan R. Neale

Matthew T. Rawls

Thomas H. Reilly III

Garry Rumbles

Donald C. Selmarten

Octavi Escala Semonin

Qing Song

Jao van de Lagemaat

Michael Woodhouse

Kai Zhu