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Digest of Education Statistics
2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

Table 415. Selected statistics on school libraries/media centers, by control and level of school: 1999–2000 and 2003–04 
Selected statistic Public, 1999–2000 Public, 2003–04 Private, 1999–2000
Total Elementary Secondary Combined elementary/
Total Elementary Secondary Combined elementary/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of schools with libraries 77,288 (420.6) 78,257 (548.2) 57,404 (439.8) 16,268 (313.4) 4,586 (201.4) 17,054 (323.2) 10,961 (251.4) 1,955 (91.2) 4,138 (173.8)
Average number of staff per library 1.89 (0.018) 1.76 (0.014) 1.66 (0.018) 2.09 (0.025) 1.74 (0.116) 1.18 (0.026) 1.01 (0.032) 1.80 (0.083) 1.33 (0.055)
Certified library/media specialists 0.81 (0.007) 0.79 (0.009) 0.73 (0.012) 1.03 (0.018) 0.73 (0.023) 0.23 (0.011) 0.13 (0.009) 0.55 (0.027) 0.35 (0.027)
Full-time 0.65 (0.007) 0.65 (0.009) 0.58 (0.010) 0.92 (0.018) 0.55 (0.027) 0.17 (0.009) 0.07 (0.007) 0.47 (0.025) 0.27 (0.022)
Part-time 0.16 (0.006) 0.14 (0.007) 0.15 (0.009) 0.11 (0.009) 0.18 (0.020) 0.06 (0.005) 0.06 (0.006) 0.07 (0.010) 0.08 (0.013)
Other professional staff 0.17 (0.007) 0.19 (0.008) 0.19 (0.011) 0.14 (0.010) 0.28 (0.036) 0.48 (0.014) 0.47 (0.020) 0.53 (0.039) 0.46 (0.024)
Full-time 0.12 (0.005) 0.13 (0.007) 0.14 (0.009) 0.11 (0.009) 0.16 (0.022) 0.22 (0.009) 0.19 (0.012) 0.33 (0.023) 0.27 (0.020)
Part-time 0.06 (0.004) 0.05 (0.005) 0.05 (0.006) 0.03 (0.004) 0.11 (0.031) 0.25 (0.012) 0.29 (0.017) 0.20 (0.029) 0.19 (0.017)
Other paid employees 0.91 (0.014) 0.78 (0.011) 0.75 (0.013) 0.93 (0.017) 0.73 (0.085) 0.48 (0.014) 0.41 (0.020) 0.72 (0.048) 0.52 (0.030)
Full-time 0.49 (0.008) 0.46 (0.009) 0.41 (0.011) 0.65 (0.017) 0.35 (0.028) 0.14 (0.009) 0.11 (0.011) 0.24 (0.024) 0.18 (0.015)
Part-time 0.41 (0.014) 0.33 (0.012) 0.34 (0.014) 0.28 (0.014) 0.38 (0.085) 0.34 (0.014) 0.31 (0.018) 0.48 (0.043) 0.34 (0.025)
Percentage of schools' library media centers with certain media equipment                                    
Telephone 84.8 (0.53) 90.5 (0.55) 89.9 (0.69) 95.3 (0.62) 82.1 (1.94) 53.2 (1.48) 45.3 (2.02) 78.2 (2.67) 62.3 (2.25)
Fax machine 11.5 (0.43) 10.9 (0.50) 6.9 (0.64) 23.1 (1.08) 17.0 (1.94) 6.7 (0.64) 4.8 (0.82) 13.6 (1.38) 8.7 (1.50)
Automated catalog 72.8 (0.69) 82.7 (0.66) 81.9 (0.89) 90.6 (0.76) 63.7 (2.59) 34.2 (1.25) 28.1 (1.54) 55.8 (2.61) 39.9 (2.25)
Automated circulation system 74.4 (0.65) 86.9 (0.61) 86.7 (0.82) 92.8 (0.80) 68.8 (2.45) 29.0 (1.17) 22.9 (1.31) 52.3 (2.48) 33.9 (2.33)
Video laser disc or DVD 43.0 (0.69) 44.1 (0.84) 39.3 (1.02) 61.3 (1.47) 43.2 (2.21) 12.7 (0.67) 10.4 (0.99) 21.2 (1.79) 15.0 (1.40)
Connection to Internet 90.1 (0.57) 95.1 (0.35) 94.1 (0.48) 99.2 (0.22) 92.6 (1.40) 60.6 (1.37) 55.1 (1.77) 81.6 (2.46) 65.2 (2.05)
Video cassette recorders (VCR) (†) 86.3 (0.65) 85.4 (0.77) 89.4 (1.21) 86.8 (1.69) (†) (†) (†) (†)
Disability assistance technologies, such
as TDD
(†) 11.9 (0.50) 10.2 (0.61) 18.0 (0.79) 11.7 (1.34) (†) (†) (†) (†)
Percentage of schools with certain services                                    
Students permitted to check out computer hardware 2.2 (0.14) 5.2 (0.37) 3.5 (0.45) 10.1 (0.77) 9.6 (1.34) 1.0 (0.17) 0.9 (0.25) 2.2 (0.41) 1.0 (0.29)
Students permitted to check out computer software 6.9 (0.31) 11.7 (0.44) 7.6 (0.56) 23.5 (1.05) 21.7 (2.22) 6.9 (0.57) 3.8 (0.50) 16.6 (1.53) 10.5 (1.59)
Number of library computer stations per 100 students (†) 2.3 (0.04) 2.2 (0.05) 2.5 (0.05) 2.7 (0.17) (†) (†) (†) (†)
Average holdings per 100 students at the end of the school year1                                     
Books (number of volumes) 1,803 (19.7) 1,891 (45.1) 2,127 (70.2) 1,376 (20.0) 2,407 (117.7) 2,857 (84.8) 2,801 (86.0) 2,737 (178.3) 3,043 (213.2)
Video materials (tape and disc) 51 (0.8) 68 (3.5) 70 (5.3) 61 (2.1) 87 (13.2) 71 (2.5) 66 (3.3) 72 (6.0) 81 (5.8)
CD-ROM titles 8 (0.3) 12 (0.9) 16 (1.4) 4 (0.3) 10 (1.7) 10 (0.6) 10 (0.8) 10 (1.3) 10 (1.0)
Average additions per 100 students during the school year1                                     
Books (number of volumes) (†) 99.3 (2.08) 118.4 (3.13) 61.2 (1.75) 109.2 (8.40) (†) (†) (†) (†)
Video materials (tape and disc) (†) 4.3 (0.17) 4.4 (0.23) 4.1 (0.19) 5.9 (0.75) (†) (†) (†) (†)
CD-ROM titles (†) 0.7 (0.09) 0.9 (0.14) 0.3 (0.03) 1.0 (0.23) (†) (†) (†) (†)
Total expenditures for library/media materials per pupil1,2  $23.37 (0.438) $16.24 (0.322) $16.00 (0.469) $16.11 (0.320) $21.24 (2.498) $29.02 (1.050) $23.60 (1.646) $38.72 (1.582) $33.40 (1.831)
Books 9.97 (0.153) 10.99 (0.299) 11.72 (0.452) 9.68 (0.275) 10.19 (0.631) 10.57 (0.625) 9.29 (1.115) 11.18 (0.472) 12.68 (0.834)
Video materials 1.07 (0.022) 0.97 (0.042) 0.91 (0.046) 1.01 (0.061) 1.76 (0.617) 1.34 (0.051) 1.04 (0.057) 1.51 (0.106) 1.83 (0.153)
CD-ROM titles 0.59 (0.020) 0.17 (0.016) 0.21 (0.026) 0.10 (0.011) 0.20 (0.040) 0.82 (0.056) 0.72 (0.081) 1.15 (0.109) 0.81 (0.081)
Current serial subscriptions 1.26 (0.016) 1.38 (0.025) 1.06 (0.031) 1.87 (0.049) 2.50 (0.148) 1.34 (0.035) 0.62 (0.030) 2.71 (0.120) 1.86 (0.098)
Electronic subscriptions 0.81 (0.018) 0.88 (0.033) 0.39 (0.042) 1.79 (0.061) 1.25 (0.249) 1.35 (0.056) 0.17 (0.036) 3.85 (0.213) 2.08 (0.124)
Value of donated computers, A/V equipment, and other items per student1,3  (†) $1.56 (0.083) $1.64 (0.108) $1.12 (0.074) $3.88 (0.761) (†) (†) (†) (†)
—Not available.
†Not applicable.
1 Data are for the prior school year.
2 Includes other expenditures not separately shown.
3 Includes grants and other contributions.
NOTE: Percentages are based on schools that have library/media centers. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Standard errors appear in parentheses.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Library Media Center Questionnaire," 1999–2000 and 2003–04; "Charter School Questionnaire," 1999–2000; and "Private School Library Media Center Questionnaire," 1999–2000, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared September 2006.)

2006 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Issue of the Digest

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