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Helen E. Chappell - Graduate Student

Photo of Helen E. Chappell
phone: 303-384-7628
At NREL since 2008

Helen Chappell received her B.S. in Physics in 2007 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As an undergraduate, her research was primarily in astronomy; using the PROMPT array in Chile, she sought to characterize extrasolar gas giant planets to aid planetary formation models. Outside of her research, she spent her time working as a science educator at the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

After graduation, she spent 8 months working full time at Morehead before moving away from astronomy to study solar energy. In the spring of 2008, she started in the Materials Science and Engineering program at NC State University, working on understanding defect structures in crystalline silicon solar cells under Dr. George Rozgonyi. After being awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Ms. Chappell shifted her focus to nanocrystalline solar materials and began studying physics at the University of Colorado in the fall of 2008. At NREL, she will be working with Dr. Arthur Nozik's group on quantum dot solar cells and multiple-exciton generation.

Other Team Members

Arthur J. Nozik

Xin Ai

Matthew C. Beard

Helen E. Chappell

Smita Dayal

Randy J. Ellingson

Andrew J. Ferguson

Arthur J. Frank

Brian A. Gregg

Adam Halverson

Hugh W. Hillhouse

Barbara Hughes

Justin Johnson

Allison Kanarr

Jae-Hun Kim

Jin Young Kim

Nikos Kopidakis

Ziqi Liang

Olga I. Micic

Aaron Midgett

Anthony J. Morfa

Nathan R. Neale

Matthew T. Rawls

Thomas H. Reilly III

Garry Rumbles

Donald C. Selmarten

Octavi Escala Semonin

Qing Song

Jao van de Lagemaat

Michael Woodhouse

Kai Zhu