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Matthew T. Rawls - Postdoc

Photo of Matthew T. Rawls
phone: 303-384-7614
At NREL since 2007

Matthew Rawls received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry from Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas, in 2000 where he worked on high-temperature water organic synthesis with Professor Liz Gron. In 2001, he began Ph.D. research with Professor Michael Elliott at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. While working at CSU, he studied photoinduced charge separation in donor-chromophore-acceptor systems, focusing on the kinetics of the electron transfer processes. Also, he studied the spin chemistry of these systems by looking at magnetic-field effects of charge recombination.

Current Research Activities

  • Self-assembled organic semiconductors
  • Proton-coupled electron transfers
  • Photoelectrocatalytic films (PECat)
  • Bio-inspired catalysts for photodriven fuel formation. 

Education and Experience

2007 National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2001–2006  Colorado State University (Professor C. Michael Elliott). Ph.D.dissertation title: "Charge Separation in Self-Assembled and Covalently Bound Donor-Chromophore-Acceptor Species."
1996–2000  Hendrix College (Professor Liz Gron), B.A, Chemistry. Research Focus: "High Temperature Water Organic Synthesis."


Selected Publications

  1. J.M. Weber, M.T. Rawls, V.J. MacKenzie, B.R. Limoges, C.M. Elliott, "High Energy and Quantum Efficiency in Photoinduced Charge Separation," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 313-320.
  2. M.T. Rawls, G. Kollmannsberger, C.M. Elliott, and U.E. Steiner, "Spin Chemical Control of Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Processes in Ruthenium(II)-Trisbipyridine-Based Supramolecular Triads: 2. The Effect of Oxygen, Sulfur, and Selenium as Heteroatom in the Azine Donor," J. Phys. Chem. A, accepted Feb. 2, 2007.

Other Team Members

Arthur J. Nozik

Xin Ai

Matthew C. Beard

Helen E. Chappell

Smita Dayal

Randy J. Ellingson

Andrew J. Ferguson

Arthur J. Frank

Brian A. Gregg

Adam Halverson

Hugh W. Hillhouse

Barbara Hughes

Justin Johnson

Allison Kanarr

Jae-Hun Kim

Jin Young Kim

Nikos Kopidakis

Ziqi Liang

Olga I. Micic

Aaron Midgett

Anthony J. Morfa

Nathan R. Neale

Matthew T. Rawls

Thomas H. Reilly III

Garry Rumbles

Donald C. Selmarten

Octavi Escala Semonin

Qing Song

Jao van de Lagemaat

Michael Woodhouse

Kai Zhu