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Event 14348384:  ZIP Map | Additional Maps and Data | Did you feel it? Tell us! | Statistics

Statistics for event 14348384

20 miles SE of Calexico, CA   Mag: 3.9
Total reports: 24
Number of zip codes: 9
Maximum intensity: IV

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Community name Zip code Ave. dist. (km) Ave. intensity Reports
YUMA (AZ) 85364 66 II 4
YUMA (AZ) 85365 77 III 4
YUMA (AZ) 85367 90 III 1
BRAWLEY (CA) 92227 63 III 4
CALEXICO (CA) 92231 35 IV 2
EL CENTRO (CA) 92243 46 III 5
HEBER (CA) 92249 34 I 1
HOLTVILLE (CA) 92250 39 III 1
IMPERIAL (CA) 92251 56 III 2

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Community Internet Intensity Maps <>
Maintained by: CIIM working group
Last modified 2.11.2008

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