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Computer Hardware and Software- China




  China’s Software Market (2002-2006)                                             Million USD

 x 2002 2003  2004 2005 2006 (Estimated) 
Total Market Size 6,547  9,072  16,935  22,000  22,854
Total Local Production 6,875 10,000  18,625  18,625 26,125
Total Exports  1,200 2,000  2,800  3,590 4,595
Total Imports 874 1,072  1,110  1,214  1,324
Imports from the U.S.   201 248  237 268 280

Sources: World Trade Atlas, China Software Industry Association (CSIA), the Ministry of Information Industry (MII).

Notes: 1) Total exports also include embedded software and software outsourcing.

2) The above table is calculated based on HS codes 852410, 85243, 852432, 852439, 852451,852452, 852453, 852440, 852460, 85249,852499.  Software downloaded from the Internet is not included.


China’s software industry, with the support of government incentive programs, is in a period of steady growth after more than 10 years of slow development.  According to the Ministry of Information Industry (MII), sales revenue generated from software products in 2006 reached USD26 billion and accounted for 58% of China’s total software industry. IT services and system integration reached USD15.8 billion and accounted for about 42% of the total.  In 2005, China’s software exports reached USD3.6 billion including USD920 million generated from software outsourcing. However, Chinese produced software only accounted for 5.9% of the global software market.  Foreign software products from North America, Europe and Japan still dominate the Chinese market and will continue to have strong sales potential, especially in the high-end software market.


According to MII, China’s domestically developed operating systems account for 25% of provincial level government procurement while packaged office application software account for 60% and security software 97%.


China views the development of the software industry as one of its top priorities.  The Chinese government continues to invest billions of dollars each year in the software industry and offers incentives such as a tax reduction to software developers. As a result, the number of software companies with an annual sales volume of over USD120 million increased from 27 in 2001 to 176 in 2005.  The Chinese government also encourages software companies to obtain Capacity Maturity Model (CMM) and ISO 9000 certifications.  Currently, 41 Chinese software developers have received both certifications, 441 have passed CMM/Capacity Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) 2-5 evaluations, and 1,800 have received qualified system integrator certificates from MII.


According to China’s “ 11th Five-Year Plan for the Software and Information Service Industry (2006-2010)”, MII expects China’s software industry to grow by 30% each year and reach USD125 billion by 2010.  Software exports are projected to grow by 28% and reach USD12.5 billion. China also plans to have 10-15 software developers with an annual sales volume of over USD12 billion and 40-50 with an annual sales volume of USD6 billion. In 2007, China expects its software and system integration industry to grow by 21% and reach USD72.5 billion.





The finance, telecommunications, banking, education, medical, construction, media, transportation, and traditional manufacturing sectors will present opportunities not only for domestic software vendors but also for U.S. companies.  Software vendors will also have good opportunities in China’s mobile business sector.


Application software and customized software such as ERP, CRM, service-oriented architecture (SOA), middleware and open-source software will have good prospects in the China market.  High-end products such as database management systems, systems management software, networking security software, and manufacturing industry application software are the fastest growing areas for foreign firms selling into the China market.  




Int’l Soft China 2007


China International Software and Information Service Fair

USFCS Offices in China


Darrel Ching

Michael Wang

1 Guanghua Lu, Beijing Kerry Center, North Tower, 31st Floor

Beijing 100020 China

Tel: (86 10) 8529-6655

Fax: (86 10) 8529-6558/9




Liping Lin

4 Lingshiguan Lu, Renmin Nanlu Section 4

Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610041 China

Tel: (86 28) 8558-3992/9642

Fax: (86 28) 8558-9221/3520




Kent Guo

Sophie Xiao

Liu Hua Road

14/F China Hotel Office Tower, Room 1461

Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 510015 China

Tel: (86 20) 8667-4011

Fax: (86 20) 8666-6409




Francis Peters

Jane Shen

1376 Nanjing West Road

Shanghai Center, Suite 631

Shanghai 200040 China

Tel: (86 21) 6279-7630

Fax: (86 21) 6279-7639




Liu Yang

52 Shi Si Wei Road, Heping District

Shenyang, Liaoning Province 110003 China

Tel: (86 24) 2322-1198

Fax: (86 24) 2322-2206
