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Table 43-1.  Percentage of 16- to 24-year-old college students who were employed, by attendance status and hours worked per week: October 1970 through October 2006

  Full-time college students
  Part-time college students
    Hours worked per week1
    Hours worked per week1
Year Percent
Less than
20 hours
35 or more
Less than
20 hours
35 or more

1970 33.8 19.3 10.4 3.8   82.2 5.0 15.8 60.3
1971 34.1 18.7 11.1 3.7   83.5 7.1 23.4 51.9
1972 35.1 19.4 11.6 3.6   83.0 6.2 23.1 53.1
1973 36.4 19.2 12.3 4.6   84.0 7.1 23.9 52.1
1974 36.5 18.9 12.3 4.8   84.0 5.9 15.9 61.0
1975 35.3 18.2 12.0 4.7   80.9 6.0 19.5 52.6
1976 37.6 19.9 12.8 4.1   84.7 7.1 23.0 53.1
1977 38.8 20.0 14.0 4.3   83.2 6.3 22.2 52.9
1978 39.9 20.2 14.3 4.7   85.9 8.4 22.4 54.0
1979 38.2 19.9 13.9 4.0   87.0 6.1 22.2 56.6
1980 40.0 21.5 14.0 3.9   84.5 7.9 22.5 52.6
1981 39.3 20.0 14.5 4.2   85.6 8.0 24.7 51.2
1982 39.9 20.9 15.5 3.0   81.2 8.6 21.6 48.3
1983 40.4 20.9 15.1 3.8   81.5 5.8 26.2 48.4
1984 42.0 20.2 16.7 4.3   84.9 5.5 22.1 55.8
1985 44.2 21.8 17.3 4.3   86.1 6.0 26.8 52.5
1986 43.1 20.4 17.6 4.3   87.3 8.2 23.4 54.8
1987 44.2 21.0 18.0 4.3   85.4 6.3 27.9 49.5
1988 46.5 21.9 19.8 4.7   88.3 5.1 27.4 54.3
1989 46.5 20.7 19.9 5.4   87.3 5.1 25.4 55.4
1990 45.7 20.6 19.3 4.8   83.7 4.0 26.0 52.7
1991 47.2 21.0 19.8 5.6   85.9 8.2 25.4 51.0
1992 47.2 20.4 20.3 5.5   83.4 7.5 27.2 47.8
1993 46.3 20.9 19.5 5.1   84.6 8.5 31.4 43.7
1994 48.6 20.1 21.7 5.8   86.3 9.8 31.1 43.8
1995 47.2 19.1 20.3 6.5   82.9 8.6 30.4 42.3
1996 49.2 18.2 22.3 7.0   84.8 8.3 27.5 48.0
1997 47.8 18.3 21.4 7.4   84.4 9.4 26.2 47.7
1998 50.2 20.2 20.6 8.0   84.1 7.0 26.8 49.3
1999 50.4 19.0 22.3 7.8   82.3 6.2 28.8 45.9
2000 52.0 20.1 21.7 8.9   84.9 8.6 27.8 47.5
2001 47.0 17.4 20.6 7.9   84.5 8.1 25.8 48.9
2002 47.8 17.3 20.9 8.5   78.9 8.7 25.3 43.4
2003 47.7 17.1 20.7 8.8   79.0 7.8 27.2 42.8
2004 49.0 17.7 21.6 8.6   81.5 8.5 27.4 44.1
2005 49.1 17.8 21.1 9.0   85.0 10.2 27.1 47.1
2006 46.5 15.1 22.0 8.1   81.0 7.3 27.6 45.5

1 Excludes those who were employed but not at work during the survey week; therefore, detail may not sum to total percentage employed. Hours worked per week refers to the number of hours the respondent worked at all jobs during the survey week.

2 Includes those who were employed but not at work during the survey week.

NOTE: College includes both 2- and 4-year institutions. College students were classified as attending full time if they were taking at least 12 hours of classes (or at least 9 hours of graduate classes) during an average school week and as part time if they were taking fewer hours.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), October Supplement, 1970–2006.

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