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Table 46-1.  Percentage of full-time, full-year undergraduates who received loans and grants, average annual amounts received by recipients, and average percentage of aid received as loans, by source of aid, dependency status, income, and type of institution: 1992–93, 1999–2000, and 2003–04

[In constant 2003-04 dollars]
Dependency status, income,
and type of institution
Percent Average
  Percent Average
Loans as
percent of
total aid
  Percent Average
  Percent Average
Loans as
percent of
federal aid

    Total 32.4 $4,600   49.3 $4,600 33.7   31.5 $4,400   29.7 $2,600 53.7
Dependency status and income                          
  Dependent undergraduates 28.3 4,100   43.2 5,000 32.2   27.2 3,900   20.6 2,500 59.2
    Low-income 48.8 3,900   79.2 5,200 27.5   48.4 3,800   68.3 2,800 38.1
    Middle-income 32.0 4,200   42.9 5,000 37.3   30.9 4,000   15.1 1,700 72.1
    High-income 15.1 4,600   25.4 4,800 31.4   13.3 4,100   1.0 1,900 88.0
  Independent undergraduates 43.1 5,200   64.9 3,800 36.5   42.5 5,200   53.1 2,800 45.9
Type of institution                          
  Public 2-year 11.8 3,100   42.5 2,500 16.1   11.4 3,100   30.3 2,300 23.1
  Public 4-year 31.7 4,200   44.1 3,400 38.3   30.8 4,100   27.2 2,600 57.1
  Private not-for-profit 4-year 45.8 5,100   63.2 7,900 30.7   44.0 4,800   27.0 3,000 65.1
    Total 45.1 $6,000   58.8 $5,500 40.6   43.9 $5,300   30.5 $2,800 64.0
Dependency status and income                          
  Dependent undergraduates 43.8 5,400   56.2 6,000 39.6   42.6 4,600   23.1 2,700 68.4
    Low-income 47.8 5,300   83.2 6,100 26.1   46.9 4,700   72.4 3,000 36.6
    Middle-income 47.9 5,400   53.7 6,000 45.1   46.6 4,600   13.1 1,800 81.2
    High-income 33.4 5,700   38.7 5,800 44.4   31.9 4,700   0.7 1,800 94.6
  Independent undergraduates 48.5 7,500   65.9 4,200 43.1   47.6 7,000   51.1 2,900 54.5
Type of institution                          
  Public 2-year 17.1 4,300   49.7 2,900 21.0   16.3 3,700   32.4 2,700 30.5
  Public 4-year 48.4 5,500   54.5 4,200 48.3   47.4 5,200   28.9 2,700 70.2
  Private not-for-profit 4-year 59.9 6,900   75.0 9,200 35.9   58.2 5,600   27.5 3,000 71.9
    Total 49.5 $6,200   63.1 $5,700 41.2   47.9 $5,300   33.6 $3,300 62.8
Dependency status and income                          
  Dependent undergraduates 46.8 5,600   60.3 6,100 39.1   45.0 4,400   25.2 3,100 66.3
    Low-income 49.0 5,400   85.5 7,000 24.2   47.5 4,700   72.4 3,700 33.8
    Middle-income 49.5 5,700   58.0 5,600 44.1   47.7 4,400   16.7 2,000 77.2
    High-income 39.8 5,800   43.5 5,900 46.1   37.9 4,200   1.1 1,800 92.4
  Independent undergraduates 56.5 7,500   70.2 4,600 46.0   55.4 7,000   55.3 3,400 56.0
Type of institution                          
  Public 2-year 22.8 4,100   52.7 3,400 24.7   21.6 3,800   35.4 3,200 34.1
  Public 4-year 51.4 5,800   59.1 4,600 46.9   49.7 5,200   30.2 3,200 68.7
  Private not-for-profit 4-year 65.8 7,200   81.5 9,400 35.8   64.1 5,400   31.6 3,400 70.3

NOTE:Total loans include federal, state, institutional, and private loans. Total grants include federal, state, institutional, and private grants, including employer reimbursements. Federal loans include Perkins, subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford, and Supplemental Loans to Students (SLS). Federal grants are primarily Pell Grants and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG) but also include Byrd scholarships. Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) loans to parents, veterans’ benefits, and tax credits are not included in this table. Loans as a percentage of aid is determined by dividing the amount of loans received (including zero loan amounts) by the amount of total aid (or federal aid) received for each case. Income for financially dependent students is based on parents’ annual income in the prior year. The cutoff points for low, middle, and high income were obtained by identifying the incomes at the 25th and 75th percentiles. Adjusted to constant 2003–04 dollars, the values were in 1992–93, $39,200 and $84,900; in 1999–2000, $35,700 and $94,100; and in 2003–04, $34,200 and $94,400. Data adjusted by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) to constant 2003–04 dollars. See supplemental note 11 for more information about the CPI-U.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1992–93, 1999–2000, and 2003–04 National Postsecondary Student Aid Studies (NPSAS:93, NPSAS:2000, and NPSAS:04).

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