Queen City Farms
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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Superfund: Queen City Farms
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Queen City Farms

Cleanup Review Underway in 2008

EPA is conducting its third Five-Year Review of the cleanup at the Queen City Farms Superfund Site. The site is located on Cedar Grove Road (just south of King County Cedar Hills Landfill) in Maple Valley, Washington. EPA reviews cleanups at Superfund sites every five years, to make sure the cleanup continues to protect people and the environment.

Site Summary

The 324-acre Queen City Farms site includes two separate areas of contamination; the former waste pond and buried drum area in the eastern part of the property, and the former processing area in the center of the property. The processing area had relatively less contamination and the surface soils were removed to prevent contact with contaminated soil. Groundwater monitoring at this area of the site is conducted every five years. The main area of contamination was the result of buried drums and unlined ponds which were used to dispose of hazardous waste, including solvents, PCBs, and heavy metals. The start of the cleanup of this site involved an extensive removal action to properly dispose of the contaminated soil and sludge from the waste ponds. A barrier wall and a protective cap were used to contain the groundwater and soil beneath the former pond area. This area is now known as the Containment Area and contamination here is monitored regularly.

Fact Sheets Technical Documents

Site Information
Cleanup Activity Milestones (CERCLIS)
Site Envirofacts Data
Environmental Enforcement Action Report (FRS)
Site Summary (NPLPAD)
Fact sheets
Technical Documents

Information Repository
Maple Valley Library
21844 SE 248th St.
Maple Valley, WA 98038

Chris Bellovary (bellovary.chris@epa.gov )
Remedial Project Manager
(206) 553-2723

Also: 1-800-424-4372

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    Point of contact: Chris Bellovary
    E-Mail: bellovary.chris@epamail.epa.gov
    Phone Number: (206) 553-2723
    Last Updated: 10/02/2008