Boomsnub 2001 Removal
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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Superfund: Boomsnub/AIRCO
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Boomsnub 2001 Removal

April 2001 Fact Sheet - project making good progress
Action Memo - March 12, 2001
Administrative Record Index

Pollution Reports: (Top)
April 27, 2001
April 23, 2001
April 13, 2001
April 6, 2001
March 31, 2001
3/19 to 3/24/2001

In the News: (Top)
Superfund official describes cleanup - April 18, 2001 image exit EPA with disclaimer
Boomsnub Superfund Site: EPA Works to Remove Tainted Soil - March 22, 2001 image exit EPA with disclaimer
Feds today will start cleaning contaminated Hazel Dell site - March 19, 2001 image exit EPA with disclaimer
Projects Planned to Keep Contaminants From Drinking Water - January 31, 2001 image exit EPA with disclaimer
Cleanup Planned at Old Boomsnub Site - January 20, 2001 image exit EPA with disclaimer

Photos (click on each to expand): (Top)
April 19, 2001
image Facing East showing the final grade of the site after excavation.
Facing East showing the final grade of the site after excavation.
image Close up view of Area B-1 and B-2 after backfill and final grade.
Close up view of Area B-1 and B-2 after backfill and final grade.
image View of new fence between Voorhies and Boomsnub, graded areas of V-1, B-12,  B-12a, and new asphalt in front of treatment building.
View of new fence between Voorhies and Boomsnub, graded areas of V-1, B-12, B-12a, and new asphalt in front of treatment building.
image View of new fence between Voorhies and Boomsnub.  Maroon-colored slatted fence in background between areas V-1 and LRR-1 is new as well.
View of new fence between Voorhies and Boomsnub. Maroon-colored slatted fence in background between areas V-1 and LRR-1 is new as well.
image Asphalt subcontractor paving section of road in front of the treatment building.
Asphalt subcontractor paving section of road in front of the treatment building.
image New backfill and final grade for areas B-7, B-9, B-11, and B-12a.
New backfill and final grade for areas B-7, B-9, B-11, and B-12a.
image Excavation area B-2 located on the Boomsnub site.
Excavation area B-2 located on the Boomsnub site.
image View of new asphalt in front of treatment building.  Asphalt on V-1 was paid for by tenant of adjacent propety.
View of new asphalt in front of treatment building. Asphalt on V-1 was paid for by tenant of adjacent propety.
image ERRS workers using vibrating compactor to compact excavation areas after confirmation.  This compacting was done around buried pipes.
ERRS workers using vibrating compactor to compact excavation areas after confirmation. This compacting was done around buried pipes.

April 13, 2001
image dozer spreads backfill
ERRS using dozer to spread clean backfill in area V-1 & LRR-1.
image excavating contaminated soil from area B-11
ERRS excavating contaminated soil from area B-11
image truck brings clean backfill
Truck bringing clean backfill for area B-12.
image concrete steps removed
Excavator removing concrete steps from treatment building to remove contamination located beneath the concrete.
image roller compacts backfill
ERRS using articulated roller to compact backfill to a final grade.
image contaminated soil removed from area B9
Excavator removing contaminated soil from area B-9 located east of the treatment system.
image confirmation samples collected
START collected confirmation samples from area B-10.
image pipe repair on unused line
ERRS worker attaching new PVC pipe to make repair on an unused line.
image concrete hammered to be used as backfill for area B9
Backhoe operator using hammer attachment to break concrete into smaller pieces to use as backfill for area B-9.

April 4, 2001
image awning of bldg removed to access soil under bldg
Awning to treatment building was removed to access contaminated soil under asphalt and concrete adjacent to the building foundation:
image S-7 & B-8 backfilled with clean soil
Sections B-7 and B-8 backfilled with clean soil
image clean backfill arrives & spread via dump truck
Clean backfill arrives
image person compaction tester records results
Compaction tester records results
image ERRS worker compacting section B-7 and B-8
ERRS worker compacting section B-7 and B-8
image START enployees sampling drum contents
START sampling drum contents
image START employee collecting soil samples on Clark County=s Railway property.
START collecting soil samples on Clark County=s Railway property.
image ESAT=s chemist analyzing soil samples on the Flame AA
ESAT=s chemist analyzing soil samples on the Flame AA
image truck being cleaned All trucks are decontaminated before they depart site
All trucks are decontaminated before they depart site
image Area B-12 excavated to planned two foot depth.  Ready for confirmation sampling.
Area B-12 excavated to planned two foot depth. Ready for confirmation sampling.
image Area V-1 with white flags marking sample locations
Area V-1 with white flags marking sample locations.
image START contractor collecting soil sample from are LRR1 north of site.
START contractor collecting soil sample from are LRR1 north of site.
March 28, 2001:
image excavating to a two foot dept
ERRS clean-up excavating area B-12 to a two foot depth
image areas filled with backfill material
Areas Boomsnub (B)-4, B-5, B-6, B-7 & B-8 filled with backfill material
image clean-up workers backfilling area
ERRS clean-up workers backfilling Area B-7
image stockpiling clean backfill to fill all excavation areas
Stockpiling clean backfill to fill all excavated areas.
image clean-up workers loading trucks with contaminated soil for off-site disposal
ERRS clean-up workers loading trucks with contaminated soil for off-site disposal
image trucks departing site with contaminated soil headed for disposal facility
Trucks departing Boomsnub site with contaminated soil headed for disposal facility
U.S. Coast Guard Strick Team member conducts health and saftey air monitoring.
U.S. Coast Guard Strike Team member conducts health and safety air monitoring
image removing blackberry bushes
Contractors removed blackberry bushes to access area LRR-1 for sampling.
image command post interior
View of inside the command post.
March 22, 2001:
image collecting soil sample
START Contractor collecting soil sample from stockpile for field analysis.
image EPA command post
On-site EPA Command Post
image chemist analyzing soil sample
ESAT chemist analyzing soil sample using a flame atomic absorption spectrometer to test for chromium and lead
image site picture
Site photo taken from the west showing excavators, dump truck, and stockpile.
image contractors working
ERRS Contractors using vacuum truck and shovels to hand dig contaminated soil on adjacent property.
image stockpiles of contaminated soil
Segregated stockpiles of contaminated soil removed from on-site excavations.
image vacuum truck to excavate soil
High-powered vacuum truck used to excavate soils from hard-to-reach off-site areas.
image chemist analyzing samples
START Chemist analyzing sample using Niton X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.
image entrance of site
Photo of the entrance to the Boomsnub Site

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Point of contact: Michael Szerlog
Phone Number: (206) 553-0279
Last Updated: 05/19/2006