Kaaba-Texas Mine Removal, Nighthawk, WA
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Kaaba-Texas Mine Removal, Nighthawk, WA
Kaaba-Texas Mine Removal, approximately 1/2 mile south of Nighthawk, WA in Okanogan County.

Fact Sheets (read about .pdf)
December 1999
October 1999

Tailing piles alongside the Similkameen River are referred to as the Lower Bench tailings pile and the Riverbed tailings pile. When the wind blows or the river rises, these piles are eroded causing potential contaminant exposure to people, wildlife, and the environment.

This time critical removal is expected to take three months.
image- aerial view of east of river with labels indicating locations
view east of the river
image - truck with tanks and platform with worker hydroseeding
image - hydroseeded land from a distanceimage - buildings in midground, field and mountains behind

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Point of contact: Debra Sherbina
E-Mail: sherbina.debra@epa.gov
Phone Number: (206) 553-0247
Last Updated: 05/26/2006