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Allergan, Inc.:

Step 4 - Create Action Plan

Partner Profile

Allergan is a leading manufacturer of eye care and skin care products, including the Botox cosmetic product.  Allergan is headquartered in California and operates R&D and manufacturing facilities in Europe and the U.S.   Allergan participates in the ENERGY STAR Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Focus, and has been an ENERGY STAR partner since 1996. 

Industrial Partner Since 1996

Awards & Recognition

  • Energy Management 2008

« See all Allergan, Inc. In Practice Stories

Allergan, Inc.

Contact Information:
Allergan, Inc.
2525 Dupont Drive
Irvine, CA 92623-9534

In Practice

4: Create Action Plan

See this Guideline Step

4.2: Determine Roles and Resources

Finding Opportunities through Program Assessment

Like many organizations, Allergan had an existing energy management structure, but believed it could achieve more. So, Allergan decided to compare their program with the framework outlined in the ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management to identify opportunities and gaps in their current system. To do this, they used ENERGY STAR's Energy Program Assessment Matrix to evaluate the different aspects of their energy program and determine areas where it could be strengthened. The matrix evaluation helped Allergan realize that while they had an energy program in place they did not have an energy policy endorsed by senior management. They also identified real time monitoring, training, benchmarking and goal re-evaluation as program areas to improve.

Based on this assessment, Allergan rounded out their energy program by updating and enhancing their awareness campaigns, and improving their training and certification programs for their engineers. Creating a new energy policy also resulted in the inclusion of the energy program as a topic in the corporation's Capital Committee. This allowed energy projects to compete for capital on the same level as other projects and helped the energy team understand their financial thresholds and challenges. Improving the overall quality of the energy program has enabled Allergan to build a new facility for energy intensive Research & Development work while simultaneously decreasing their energy intensity per square foot by +2%.

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