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ENERGY STAR Healthcare Workshop Series

ENERGY STAR's free online workshop series enables healthcare professionals to expand their skill sets and learn best practices. Select from the session titles below to view a session description and available formats.

Why Benchmark?

This training presents compelling reasons to benchmark your facilities and portfolio, including environmental, financial, and tenant benefits. Learn about misconceptions about benchmarking and methods to overcome common barriers.

Who should participate?

Property managers, energy managers, engineers, building owners, service and product providers, and organizational leaders interested in committing to benchmarking as part of their strategic energy management plan.

View a pre-recorded training (Duration: 18 minutes)

Rating the Energy Performance of Healthcare Facilities

This hands-on workshop will walk you through the benchmarking process step-by-step, including creating a user account, identifying data requirements, managing and sharing information, and establishing an energy performance rating. This rating serves as a benchmark to compare the energy performance of your facility against similar ones across the nation. At the end of the training you will have an Energy Performance Rating for your healthcare facility. Please bring your building data to the training. If you do not have access to facility data, a sample data set will be provided. (Private Portfolio Manager trainings can also be provided to partner organizations).

Who should participate:

Property managers, energy managers, engineers, and organizational leaders interested in learning about energy performance benchmarking.


View a pre-recorded training by clicking on the link to the left, and then clicking on "Recorded Sessions" in the left margin. Look for "Rating the Energy Performance of Healthcare Facilities" in the list of trainings. (Duration: 60 minutes)

View a self-guided presentation PDF (1.93MB)

Improve Your Energy Performance Rating

This training identifies the major steps for improving energy performance across a portfolio of buildings. Topics include: using the ratings and other factors to identify facilities for investment; planning upgrades strategically; common issues that lead to poor performance; getting staff and tenants involved; and adopting an integrated approach to upgrades which addresses lighting, building tune-ups, load reductions, distribution systems, and heating and cooling systems.

Who should participate?

Facility owners, managers and other staff interested in taking a strategic approach to improving portfolio-wide energy performance. This training assumes some familiarity with Portfolio Manager and is geared toward those seeking to improve a portfolio of buildings.

View a pre-recorded training (Duration: 45 minutes)

Improving Your Energy Performance Rating Windows Media (3.77MB) | Real Player (3.87MB)

View a self-guided presentation PDF (818KB)

Whole Building Energy Modeling

Design teams are increasingly integrating energy efficiency components into their design, but few use design tools to measure the impact of these components. EPA’s Target Finder and energy modeling tools, such as eQuest, enable a design team to put science into decision-making by identifying the most cost-effective energy efficiency measures. This training will demonstrate how to properly model whole-building energy use with energy modeling tools and incorporate the results into EPA’s Target Finder tool to assess the energy performance of the designed building. The training demonstrates the use of these tools using a hospital as an example.

View a pre-recorded training (Duration: 68 minutes)

View a self-guided presentation PDF (818KB)

Monthly Web Networking Conferences

The Monthly Web Conferences are partners-only interactive web conferences explore key energy management topics and feature presentations by ENERGY STAR Partners. Hearing real case studies from your peers is the best way to find out what is working and what is not working in facility best practices. Also, the open format of these conferences allows participants to interact with peers they would never otherwise have the opportunity to meet. The Web conferences are an excellent way to learn what leading energy management programs are doing without having to leave your office! Sessions are typically offered on the third Wednesday of each month at 1:00 PM EST. Some past topics have included:

  • Setting Performance Goals
  • Training and Motivating Staff
  • Submetering for Strategic Energy Management
  • Identifying Projects and Creating Action Plans

Login information is emailed to partners prior to networking events. Join ENERGY STAR now.


Introduction to the Cash Flow Opportunity Calculator Spreadsheet

This 60-minute interactive session focuses on using operating budgets as a potential “source of revenue” to pay for energy efficiency projects. The Cash Flow Opportunity (CFO) Calculator, recently developed by ENERGY STAR, is an interactive model built on a Microsoft Excel platform. The calculator helps quantify the cost of delaying investment in upgrades by addressing three critical questions:

  • How much new energy efficiency equipment can be purchased from the anticipated savings?
  • Should this equipment purchase be financed now, or is it better to wait and use cash from a future budget?
  • Is money being lost by waiting for a lower interest rate?

The CFO Calculator is designed so that managers who are not financial specialists can use it to make informed decisions, yet it is sophisticated enough to satisfy financial decision makers.


View a self-guided presentation PDF (4.64MB)

Purchasing and Procuring Efficient Equipment

Purchasing products with the ENERGY STAR label can substantially reduce your organization's energy use and costs. This training session includes information about EPA support to help your organization purchase products with superior energy performance; guidelines that define energy performance for numerous products; sample procurement language for stipulating energy performance attributes to vendors; lists of ENERGY STAR labeled products; and energy savings software that calculates the life cycle costs of ENERGY STAR products and their less efficient counterparts.

Certificates of Participation are available upon request for individuals wishing to pursue continuing education credits (CEUs). EPA and DOE make no guarantee that this course is eligible for CEUs. Please contact your accrediting organization to determine eligibility.

Who should participate?

Purchasing officials, energy and sustainability officers, and budget/financial officials.


PC Power Management

This presentation describes an ENERGY STAR offering that is helping organizations realize substantial energy and financial savings available from computer and monitor power management. This training introduces an innovative software tool that enables monitor power management from a central location, as well as educational outreach material. Organizations utilizing this free software (which may be downloaded from the Web) can save $10 to $50 per computer.

Who should participate?

IT staff, energy managers, building managers, and upper management.


Questions? Contact the ENERGY STAR Healthcare Team at ENERGYSTARHealthcare@icfi.com for more information: