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ENERGY STAR Success Story: Virtua Health

A Clean Bill of Financial and Environmental Health

Partner Since: 1995

Total Committed Square Footage: 2,000,000

As hospitals currently look for ways to offset rising energy costs, one healthcare facility has made strides that impact not only their bottom line, but the environment as well. Through investments in energy efficiency and a comprehensive energy management plan, Virtua Health has saved more than $1,064,400 in operating and energy costs while minimizing the impact of current high energy costs in the healthcare sector and anticipates saving even more money annually. Virtua's proactive efforts have reduced air pollution by 10,312 tons of carbon dioxide over the last few years.

Virtua Health, the largest provider of healthcare in Southern New Jersey, has aggressively pursued energy-efficient upgrades throughout its five hospitals since 1993. With 1,100 beds, Virtua has gone beyond lighting retrofits and adopted an integrated approach to building upgrades that include ventilation, heating, and cooling equipment. Virtua monitors its energy cost savings on a monthly basis and circulates the monthly reports to the President and CFO to highlight the cost-effectiveness and community benefit of the energy program. In addition to monthly reporting, an annual energy report has been prepared for the last four years and is presented to the Board of Directors.

With 24-hour-a-day operating hours, the US healthcare sector is one of the nation's most energy-intensive. Healthcare facilities that embrace energy-efficient technologies are uniquely positioned to save more than ever in energy costs. Virtua Health, an ENERGY STAR partner since 1995, has taken advantage of this economic opportunity and is proud to report a clean bill of financial and environmental health!

Utility sponsored reimbursements: $585,000

Additional federal grants: $650,000

Total cost of implementation: $1,700,000

Estimated annual reduction in energy: 21%

Estimated annual cost savings: $2,050,000

“Virtua Health is pleased to partner with ENERGY STAR on this important effort. We now operate more efficiently and costeffectively, and have been able to carry these savings directly to our bottom line and positively affected the environment.”
— Gary Ginsberg, Assistant VP, Facilities and Development, Ambulatory Services

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