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The Statistics Section provides summary roadway statistics compiled annually by CDOT, such as Center-line Miles, Interstate Miles, Lane Miles, National Highway System Miles, Daily Vehicle Miles of Travel and Daily Vehicle Miles of Travel by Trucks in terms of city streets, county roads, six CDOT Engineer Regions, and Transportation Planning Regions.

The Volume/Capacity (V/C) Ratio Statistics Section provides annually compiled data on three different levels of V/C for Center-line Miles, Lane Miles, Personal Miles of Travel, Annual Vehicle Miles of Travel, and Annual Vehicle Miles of Travel by Truck in terms of County, six CDOT Engineering Regions, and Transportation Planning Regions.

The Demographics section provides housing and population statistics as well as information on age, disability, employment, income, journey-to-work, migration of population by county, poverty, race and ethnicity, and total population from the 2000 Census. Also included are estimates, projections, comparisons and histories.

For detailed information, please select your choice by clicking on the Radio Button, and then click on the Run Report Button.
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Volume/Capacity Ratio Statistics

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