Cambridge Savings Bank

Logo for Cambridge Savings Bank Cambridge, Massachusetts
20% Improvement (2004)
Top Performer (2004)

Cambridge Savings Bank (CSB) is a full-service financial institution with just under $2 billion in assets. With the support of senior management, CSB has improved the energy efficiency of its 13 bank branch and office buildings by approximately 20 percent. CSB also achieved an average rating of over 75 across all of its branches. CSB management sets goals for each building, with incentives for top-performing branches.

Energy efficiency improvements have included lighting
upgrades for several facilities, major upgrades at others, and adoption of high efficiency designs for new construction. CSB involves every employee in its energy program through a comprehensive training program. In addition to ENERGY STAR Leaders recognition, CSB earned the ENERGY STAR label for seven of its facilities. The company has enjoyed annual energy cost savings of about $60,000 since implementing its energy program.

CSB joined ENERGY STAR in 2004.