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VETS GWAC For All Agency Customers

Janna Babcock
(816) 823-5320,

Lee Tittle
(816) 823-2370

Small Business Governmentwide Acquisition Center VETS
(877) 327-8732
Fax (816) 823-1608

The first following memorandum, signed by Paul A. Denett, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget, calls for agency participation in the use of VETS GWAC as a way of meeting the top priority of increasing opportunities for small businesses owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans. The second memorandum is a joint endorsement of the VETS GWAC by Steven C. Preston, Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration and Paul A. Dennett, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget, and identifies the VETS GWAC as one sign of progress, among others, in assisting service-disabled veterans while reminding and encouraging federal agency and department heads to do even more for service-disabled veterans. The third item was released when, in October 2004, the President signed Executive Order 13360 to strongly encourage development of opportunities for small businesses owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans (SDVOSBs). The order requires agencies to take actions to significantly increase opportunities for SDVOSBs and compelled GSA to create a GWAC for SDVOSBs - resulting in the VETS GWAC.

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  OFPP VETS GWAC Memo PDF 725k 7/10/2007
  SBA VETS GWAC Memo PDF 36k 1/24/2007
  Executive Order 13360 PDF 21k 10/21/2004