USGS Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory Header Graphic

About Us

The Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory (GSTL) is a new U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) facility located in Golden, Colorado on the eastern side of North Table Mountain. The USGS has a long and distinguished record of scientific research on flow and sediment transport in rivers; this new lab represents a continued commitment to basic and applied research in this important area. Work at GSTL falls into three primary categories: basic research on fluid and sediment-transport mechanics governing the morphodynamics of rivers; applied research dealing with specific issues in American rivers; and software development, verification and dissemination for models of physical processes in rivers. Most GSTL projects comprise field, laboratory, and computational components. For more specific details, see the Capabilities section or explore our current projects listed below.

Capabilities List

Current Projects

Alaska Rivers Sediment Transport Project Rollover Images
Bathymetric LiDAR
Coeur d'Alene River
Flow Modeling over Bedforms
Flow, Sediment Supply, and Riparian Vegetation
Kootenai River Habitat Study
Multidimensional Surface Water Modeling System
Platte River Priority Ecosystem Study
Sediment Transport Mechanics
Turbulence Modeling