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Modeling VOC Emissions from Hazardous Waste Sites
Grant Number R825689C072
RFA: Hazardous Substance Research Centers - HSRC (1989)

Other views: Selected publication types Journal articles Publications submitted after final report Redisplay this page with Reference Title, Journal, and Author Columns Display this page in RIS format

  • Dissertation/Thesis (1)
  • Journal Article (4)
  • Proceedings (2)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Dissertation/Thesis Lin, J.S., Derivation and Evaluation of Analytical Pollutant Dispersion-Deposition Models, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1997). R825689C072 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lin JS, Hildemann LM. A nonsteady-state analytical model to predict gaseous emissions of volatile organic compounds from landfills. Journal of Hazardous Materials 1995;40(3):271-295. R825689C072 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lin JS, Hildemann LM. Analytical solutions of the atmospheric diffusion equation with multiple sources and height-dependent wind speed and eddy diffusivities. Atmospheric Environment 1996;30(2):239-254. R825689C047 (Final)
    R825689C048 (Final)
    R825689C072 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lin JS, Hildemann L. A generalized mathematical scheme to analytically solve the atmospheric diffusion equation with dry deposition. Atmospheric Environment 1997;31(1):59-71. R825689C072 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lin JS, Hildemann LM. Modeling vertical spread of airborne pollutants from sources near ground level - Comparison with field measurements. Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce 1997;123(12):1194-1202 R825689C072 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Lin JS, Hildemann LM. A nonsteady-state analytical model to predict voc emissions from hazardous waste sites. In: Proceedings of the 1995 ASCE - CSCE Environ. Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York. 1995:238-245. R825689C072 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Lin, J.S. and L.M. Hildemann, "Mathematically Modeling the Transport of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Multiple Sources," in Proc. 1995 ASCE - CSCE Environ. Eng. Conf., American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 620-627, (1995). R825689C072 (Final)
    not available

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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