National Endowment for the Arts  

Art Mobile of Montana (Dillon, MT)

A young girl at work on a pastel landscape		 

Bynum School student (one of six) creates a pastel chalk landscape. Based in rural Dillon, Montana, the Art Mobile provides a traveling art outreach program, targeting students and underserved areas such as Indian reservations. Photo by Sara Colburn

Art Mobile of Montana, based in rural Dillon, provides a traveling art outreach program for those with less access to the visual arts. Targeting students and underserved areas such as Indian reservations, Art Mobile provides not only collections of original works of art but also quality art lessons and teacher workshops in art education. In 2003-2004, Art Mobile traveled to 70 sites in 27 counties, reaching 7,256 individuals, mostly students.

In FY 2004, Art Mobile received an NEA Challenge America grant of $12,000 for its 2004-2005 activities. During the year, Art Mobile visited 55 sites in Montana (including the state’s seven Indian reservations), reaching just about every area of the state, and served nearly 7,000 individuals. Each visit is a minimum of two hours, and some sites schedule more than one visit in a year. Art Mobile provides visits for all ages, but tries to target more intergenerational groups, such as in Judith Gap, Montana, where a local seniors group participated in a site visit with high school students. The program also provides accommodations for the hearing and visually challenged.

Art-making activities are part of the site visits, offered in a range of media from printmaking to watercolor to pastels, and are often related to art works in the exhibits. All Art Mobile art lessons adhere to the Montana Performance Standards for the Arts.

The artists featured in Art Mobile are primarily Montanan artists. These artists, whose works speak to the rich, visual legacy of the West, are well received by the mostly rural audiences that Art Mobile visits.


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