National Endowment for the Arts  

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation (Scottsdale, AZ)

A view of the interior of a house with large windows, wooden beams visible in the ceiling, a long l-shaped bench on the left is attached to the wall, with several cussions laying on it.  A narrow rustic table sits in front of the short side of the bench. Stone and wood are visible all over		 

Frank Lloyd Wright's living quarters at Taliesin West in Arizona, recently restored and open to the public for the first time. Photo courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation of Scottsdale, Arizona was established by Wright in 1940 to be the repository of his life's work. The Foundation's holdings include two national historic landmark properties - Taliesin (in Wisconsin) and Taliesin West (in Arizona), the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, and an accredited architectural school.

In FY 2004, the Foundation received an NEA Heritage & Preservation grant of $20,000 to support the restoration of Wright's living quarters at Taliesin West. The world famous architect designed and built Taliesin West, which became Wright's winter residence/studio/campus, from 1937 to 1942. The site provides educational tours and seminars for the public, attracting more than 125,000 visitors annually.

Taliesin West was built to coexist harmoniously with its desert environs, using local materials such as rocks and sand in the making of the structure. At first more of a studio and campus than residence, in 1940 Wright added the living quarters, containing a private bedroom, small studio, and private living space, adjacent to the famous Garden Room.

Based on historic photographs and documents from Wright's lifetime, the restored quarters include books, artifacts, art, lighting, and furnishings. The NEA grant assisted in rehabilitating the furniture - custom-made by a local master artisan according to Wright's specifications - in the sitting room and bedroom. In November 2004, the newly refurbished living quarters were opened to the public for the first time.

(From the 2004 NEA Annual Report)


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