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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Cleanup: Lower Duwamish Waterway
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Cleanup Areas/Aerial Photo Montage

Public meeting in South Park: EPA, Ecology, the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, the Lower Duwamish Waterway Group, and other partners hosted an open house and public meeting on November 29, 2007, to provide information about the six-year study of pollution in the Duwamish River.

Photo of welcome signs at public meeting.
Signs welcome the public in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Photo credit: EPA, November 29, 2007

Gary Palcisko, Washington Department of Health, surveys the standing-room-only crowd of about 300 or more people.
Photo credit: EPA, November 29, 2007
Photo of Kathy Godtfredsen speaking to the crowd at the public meeting
Kathy Godtfredsen, Windward Environmental, describes where the study found pollution in the river mud.
Photo credit: EPA, November 29, 2007

Duwamish River Festival in South Park: EPA, Ecology, the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, the Lower Duwamish Waterway Group and others held a festival on August 13, 2005, to provide information and involve the community in the cleanup.

photo - Duwamish Waterway Park sign covered with flyers on the festival

Flyers in English and Spanish inviting people to the festival
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - sunny day and cheery faces
Grechen Schmidt and Cindy Schuster of EPA welcoming people to the festival
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - sunny day and festival tents
Informative and colorful festival displays stretching across the park grounds
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - bi-fold display and visitor reading
Festival visitor reading about sediment at the Ecology display
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
Restoring the Duwamish - A Work in Progress poster
Lower Duwamish Waterway Group display showing equipment used for river work
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - festival tents and visitors chatting
Displays providing information about preventing pollution
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - adult costumed as a standing salmon chatting with children
Children watching King County’s Bert the Salmon
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - Tribal members in matching t-shirts walking with drums in hands
Duwamish Tribal Chair Cecile Hansen and others dancing at the festival
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - children following in line with canoe paddles in motion
Duwamish tribal children dancing for the festival
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - two men smiling near audio equipment
Local disc jockey playing Hispanic background music for the festival
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - child with half tiger face painted and adults facing away
Showing off face painting and talking with friendly community police officers
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005
photo - 5 kayaks on the river
Learning about the river on a kayak tour organized by the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition and led by Rick Huey of Ecology
photo credit: Ecology, August 2005

Terminal 117 Meeting in South Park: Over one hundred people attended an open house and meeting about Terminal 117 on March 15, 2005.

Beth Stipek of Ecology interpreting the opening of the meeting into Spanish
photo credit: EPA on March 15, 2005.

EPA Project Manager Ravi Sanga answering a question about the cleanup proposal for Terminal 117
photo credit: EPA on March 15, 2005.

South Park community member speaking about the cleanup proposal for Terminal 117
photo credit: EPA on March 15, 2005.

Community Meeting in South Park: EPA, Ecology, and other partners on the Lower Duwamish Waterway site worked together to hold an open house and meeting in South Park on October 21, 2004.
man playing guitar at microphone
Musician, arranged by the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, playing before the meeting
photo credit: EPA, October 2004
photo - men chatting in front of quad-fold exhibit displaying salmon habitat, "we share sound watershed",  "the watershed.." The rest not readable.
Dennis Clark, of Green/Duwamish & Central Puget Sound Watershed, explaining an open house exhibit
photo credit: EPA, October 2004
photo - people sitting in many rows of folded chairs
Over 200 people listening to updates on the Lower Duwamish Waterway site
photo credit: EPA, October 2004
photo - Allison speaking thru microphone to rows of people listening in gymnasium
EPA Project Manager Allison Hiltner giving an update on the investigation of contamination in the waterway
photo credit: EPA, October 2004
photo - Ravi speaks thru microphone while glancing at displayed information behind him.  Rows of seated people listen.
EPA Project Manager Ravi Sanga giving an update on cleanup activities in the Slip 4 and Terminal 117 areas
photo credit: EPA, October 2004
photo - woman speaks at podium with display behind her and rows of listeners in front.
Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition providing a response to agencies' updates on control of pollution sources
photo credit: EPA, October 2004

Salmon Sampling: On May 12 and 13, 2003, young chinook salmon were collected from the Lower Duwamish Waterway so that their tissue could be tested for chemical contamination. photo credit: Peter Heltzel, SAIC
photo - cranes and boats crowded along Lower Duwamish Waterway.  Small research boat unloaded of buckets and small beach area in foreground.
Getting ready to sample, south of Slip 4
photo - small research boat places net in river while staff on shore secures other end of net
Hauling in the net, north of Slip 4
photo - net fully cast into water from shore.  Floats make oval shape in water.  2 people preparing to pull it in.
Hauling in the net, near Diagonal Ave. S
photo - 1 person on shore removes fish from net in shallow water, 2 hold net.  5 large plastic buckets ready on beach.
Removing fish from the net, south of Slip 4
photo - 1 person standing in water removes fish from net, 2 people near shore pull net in while small research boat operator observes
Removing fish from the net, near Diagonal Ave. S
photo - small fish in net in palm of gloved hand.
Wild juvenile chinook salmon in net

Lower Duwamish Waterway Area: Important uses of the Lower Duwamish Waterway area include housing, recreation, fishing, shipping, industry, and wildlife habitat.

Houses on the waterway in South Park
photo credit: EPA, May 2002

Boats at South Park Marina
photo credit: EPA, May 2002

Fishing from east bank of waterway
photo credit: NOAA

Turning basin for ships at south end of Lower Duwamish Waterway
photo credit: EPA, May 2002

Metals recycling business on east bank of waterway
photo credit: NOAA

Boeing airplane parts manufacturing plant on east bank of waterway
photo credit: EPA, May 2002

EPA and Ecology in the Community: EPA, Ecology, and our partners on the Lower Duwamish Waterway site invite the community to be involved in the cleanup

EPA and Ecology project managers talking to students at a waterway restoration site
photo credit: EPA, March 2001

Agencies listening to concerns at Community Coalition for Environmental Justice office
photo credit: EPA, July 2002

Agencies touring the Duwamish area with Community Coalition for Environmental Justice
photo credit: EPA, July 2002

Public viewing exhibits at open house before meeting hosted by EPA and Ecology
photo credit: EPA, August 2002

Community members and others listening to speakers at public meeting
photo credit: EPA, August 2002

Panel answering questions at public meeting
photo credit: EPA, August 2002

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Point of contact: Cindy Schuster
Phone Number: (206) 553-1815
Last Updated: 12/03/2007