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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Cleanup: Upper Columbia River
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Phase 1 Fish Tissue Sampling Data Evaluation Report (PDF) (631pp, 3.4MB) November 2007. This report is a summary of the data associated with fish tissue collected in August and October 2005 from the Upper Columbia River. For your convenience, the report is also available in smaller sections below for faster downloading.

Screening-Level Risk Assessment for Recreational Use of Beaches (PDF) (113pp, 6.04MB) August 2006. This report describes EPA's analysis of samples collected from fifteen beaches and evaluated for recreational use of the beaches. For your convenience, the report is also available in smaller sections below for faster downloading.
Phase 1 Sediment Sampling Evaluation Report (PDF) (363pp, 15.7MB). August 2006. This report describes EPA's analysis of 400 sediment samples collected from the Upper Columbia River and Lake Roosevelt in 2005. For your convenience, the report is also available in smaller sections below for faster downloading.
Technical Briefing Sheet - Fish Tissue Sampling Approach and Rationale (PDF) (438KB, 5 pp.) January 2005
During September and October 2005, EPA will begin collecting fish tissue samples from the Upper Columbia River. The following Technical Briefing Sheet provides information about why EPA is collecting these samples, and how and where the samples will be collected. This document is a summary of the full Draft Phase I Sediment Sampling Approach and Rationale report. Copies of the full report are available for viewing at each of the eight Information Repositories located throughout the project area, or you may request a copy on cd by contacting one of the EPA project managers.

Technical Briefing Sheet - Sediment Sampling Approach and Rationale (PDF) (328KB, 5 pp.) December 2004
During April and May 2005, EPA will be collecting sediment samples from the Upper Columbia River. The following Technical Briefing Sheet provides information about why EPA is collecting these samples, and how and where the samples will be collected. This document is a summary of the full Draft Phase I Sediment Sampling Approach and Rationale report. Copies of the full report are available for viewing at each of the eight Information Repositories located throughout the project area, or you may request a copy on cd by contacting one of the EPA project managers.

Draft RI/FS scoping plan - August 16, 2004
After a site is listed on the NPL, a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) is performed at the site. The remedial investigation serves as the mechanism for collecting data to:
  • characterize site conditions;
  • determine the nature of the waste;
  • assess risk to human health and the environment; and
  • conduct treatability testing to evaluate the potential performance and cost of the treatment technologies that are being considered.
  • Read more about RI/FS.

Upper Columbia River Expanded Site Inspection Report, Northeast Washington (PDF) - March 2003

Stevens County Mines and Mills Preliminary Assessments and Site Inspections Report (PDF) - October 2002

Lower Pend Orille River Mines and Mills Preliminary Assessments and Site Investigations (PDF) - April 2002

Bonanza Mill

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Point of contact: Jeanne O'Dell
Phone Number: 1-800-424-4372, extension 6919
Last Updated: 11/06/2007