OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
   Current Section

Career and Technical Education Related Links

Link to Department of Education notices Non-U.S. Department of Education web sites linked by OVAE contain information related to OVAE and are linked as a public service only. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.

Career and Technical Education Organizations and Centers

Association for Career and Technical Education
Activities focus on professional development, program improvement, policy development, and marketing.

Career and Technical Student Organizations
List of career and technical student organizations.

Center on Education and Work
Research, development, and service programs designed to improve vocational-technical education, career development, and other work-related programs.

ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education
Resources and publications focusing on adult and continuing education; career education, childhood through adult; and vocational and technical education including employment and training.

Institute for Educational Leadership's Center for Workforce Development (CWD)
Works to strengthen ties among workers, learning institutions, and the workplace. CWD activities provide assistance to federal, state, and local governments as well as to schools and employers.

National Association for Tech-Prep Leadership
Encourages career development, professional involvement, and networking among members who are Tech Prep leaders.

National Association of State Directors of Vocational Technical Education Consortium
Provides leadership for Vocational Technical Education for all youth and adults at the national, state, and local levels.

National Career Development Association
Provides service to the public and professionals involved with or interested in career development, including professional development activities, publications, research, professional standards, and advocacy.

National Centers for Career and Technical Education
Conducts research and evaluation activities for career and technical education projects.

Related Organizations and Resources

Associated Builders and Contractors
Professional organization dedicated to supporting education, training and careers in construction.

American Counseling Association
Professional and educational organization dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the counseling profession.

American Youth Policy Forum
Provides learning opportunities for policy makers working on youth issues at the local, state, and national levels.

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Employment and economic data, regional information, and useful publications such as the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Center for Occupational Research and Development
Initiatives include curriculum design, developing new learning tools, delivering professional development, creating applications of educational technology, and conducting educational research and evaluation.

Committee for Economic Development
Activities focus on policy research on economic and social issues.

Contextual Teaching and Learning
Identifies, studies, and disseminates the characteristics of pre-service teacher education programs that prepare teachers to use contextual teaching and learning strategies to improve student achievement.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Establishes rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. Also develops and operates a national voluntary system to assess and certify teachers who meet these standards.

National Crosswalk Service Center
Assists practitioners to maximize the effective and efficient use of occupational information by providing specialized occupational tools (files, reports, software) and technical assistance to users and producers of occupational information.

National Skill Standards Board
Encourages the creation and adoption of a national system of skill standards to enhance the ability of the United States to compete effectively in a global economy.

Southern Regional Education Board's High Schools That Work
Combines challenging academic courses and modern vocational studies to raise the achievement of high school students.

State CTE Performance Data
Perkins Consolidated Annual Report (CAR): Data Reports

Women's Business Center
Provides information and resources to assist women entrepreneurs succeed in business development.


Journal of Career and Technical Education
Academic research on areas of interest to career and technical educators.

Journal of Career Development
Topics covered include career education, adult career development, career development of special needs populations, and career and leisure. (Content available with paid subscription.)

Journal of Technology Education
Articles focus on technology education research, philosophy, and theory.

Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Discussion of the practice and theory in work-related education around the world. (Content available with paid subscription.)

Journal of Vocational Education Research
Articles focus on research and development activities related to vocational education.

Journal of Workplace Learning
Articles aim to assist researchers, practitioners, and consultants gain insights into workplace learning and development from theories and international research findings. (Content available with paid subscription.)

New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
Explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of adult and continuing education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums. (Content available with paid subscription.)

Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers
Magazine for Association for Career and Technical Education members which includes legislation updates, features on issues and programs, profiles of educators, notices of new products, ACTE events, and more. (Content available with paid subscription.)

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Last Modified: 08/13/2008