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USGS MIPS Table of Programs

Analysis  | Classification  | Filters  | Geometry  | Import 
Interactive  | Miscellaneous  | Radiometry  | Sensor  | Sonar 
Statistics  | Surface  | Utility  | Vector 

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Analysis and Enhancement Programs

APPLYSTR      Applies a stretch to an image using a stretch file
BINMAP        Generates a layered binary map
DECSTR        Applies a decorrelation stretch to images
GAUSS         Applies a Gaussian stretch to an image
HIS2RGB       Transforms images from HIS space to RGB space
HISTEQ        Applies a histogram equalization stretch to an image
INVPCA        Applies inverse principal component analysis to images
MAXBDS        Creates maximum DN image from multiple images
PCA           Applies principal component analysis to images
RATCMBO       Combination ratio of multiple images
RATIO         Divides two images
RGB2HIS       Transforms images from RGB space to HIS space
STRETCH       Remaps the DNs of an image
VEGMAP        Generates various vegetation ratios and indeces
WTCMBO        Sums multiple images with weights



Classification Programs

CLASSAVG      Creates class average image from classification map
CLASSY        Creates a classification image
ZIP           Allows cross-hatching of classification images



Filter Programs

DERIVE        Creates a derivative image
DESTRIPE      Removes striping in an image
FILTER        Applies a variety of convolution filters to an image
GRAD          Applies a gradient filter to an image
LPF2B2        Applies a 2x2 low pass filter to an image
MAPLIN        Maps lines in an image
MEDIAN        Applies various median filters to an image
MODE          Applies various mode filters to an image
STDFLT        Applies a standard deviation filter to an image
SPECFLT       Calculates spectral variability index
SPECVAR       Calculates spectral variability index



Geometry Programs

FLIP          Flips an image from left-to-right and/or top-to-bottom
GEOM          Applies geometric transformation to an image
MAPCONTROL    Generates control points for an image in a map projection
MASTERCTL     Creates uniformly spaced control points in master image
SCALE         Scales an image up or down using various interpolators
TFCOMP        Compresses a transformation file
TFGEN         Generates a transformation file for GEOM
TFROTSCL      Generates a transformation file to rotate/scale an image
TFWGEN        Generates a transformation file for GEOM
TUNECTL       Tunes control points



Import Programs

DEMIN         Imports USGS DEM data to USGS MIPS image format
EXPORT        Composes an image in a foreign format using images in Mips format
IMPORT        Converts binary images to Mips image format
NAVIN         Imports foreign navigation files to Mips navigation files
OLDSNRIN      Converts old sonar Mips images to new Mips images
QMIPSIN       Imports Qmips data logger images to USGS Mips format
XTFIN         Converts an eXtended Triton Format (XTF) file into USGS MIPS format
REFORMAT      Converts old Mips images to new Mips images



Interactive Programs

ALTEDIT       Altitude editor for sonar images
AUTOSTR       Stretches an image
COLORCODE     Colorcodes an image
CUSTOMIZE     Allows interactive customization of Mips environment
IMGSTATS      Displays DN listings for an image
HSTGRM        Displays a histogram of an image
NAVEDIT       Navigation editor for sonar images
STRIPS        Creates a batch file for processing sidescan sonar images
VISTA         Allows visual examination of images



Miscellaneous Programs

CYCLE         Determines past and future satellite cycles
JULIAN        Converts julian to gregorian dates and vice versa
MIPSMAN       Displays documentation for a given MIPS program
MIPSERR       Displays information on errors output by MIPS programs
PROJECT       Converts lat/lons to projection coordinates and vice versa
SUNPOS        Computes sun azimuth and elevation angles



Radiometry Programs

HAZESUN       Performs haze and/or sun angle corrections
HISTN         Corrects scan-line striping in an image
MATCH         Forces histograms of two images to match
REFLECT       Converts an image to reflectance



Sensor Programs

MSSBLUE       Creates RGB images for a simulated true-color MSS composite
MSSGEOM       Applies systematic geometric corrections to MSS images
TMHAZE        Computes atmospheric scattering haze values for Landsat TM
TMMIX         Mixes TM bands to produce vegetation, soil, and water images
VRATIO        Creates vegetation ratio with sensor corrections



Sonar Programs

ADDSNR        Adds sonar labels and a navigation file to an image
AUTOALT       Automatically computes altitude of sonar fish above seafloor
AVGBRT        Makes the averages of the left/right side of an image the same
DELTAV        Corrects along track distortions in sonar images
NAVMERGE      Merges navigation data with a sonar image
NAVFLT        Filters various elements of a navigation file
NAVLIST       Creates a listing of a navigation file
NAVPLOT       Creates a sonar plot
NAVRANGE      Determines latitude/longitude window for multiple navigation files
NAVSTAT       Extracts statistical information from a navigation file
SHADE         Corrects shading problems on 8 and 16-bit images
SLR2GR        Converts sonar slant-range geometry to ground-range
SNRGEOM       Creates a map projected sonar image
SNRSHADE      Applies beam-angle shading corrections to sonar images
TUNEALT       Tunes bathimetry data in sonar images
TUNENAV       Tunes navigation in sonar images



Statistics Programs

DLTDER        Plots varying horizontal derivatives of an image
HISTDK        Obtains histogram and statistics from an image
HSTADD        Adds the histograms of two or more images
PLOT2D        Generates scattergram of two images
STATS         Computes multi-variate statistics for multiple images
TRIPLOT       Generates ternary plot of three images



Surface Programs

NUVU          Generates perspective views of an image
PROFILE       Creates a horizontal profile image
SHADRF        Creates a shaded relief image
SLPMAP        Creates a slope map image
STEEP         Maps ridges and drainages
STEREO        Creates a left component for a stereo pair



Utility Programs

COMPARE       Checks to see if two images are identical
CONCAT        Concatenates multiple images
DIGMOS        Allows mosaicking of images
DK2DK         Extracts a subarea from an image
GETXYS        Determines an overall minimum and maximum X/Y range
GREYIM        Creates a grey scale image
IMGPRT        Prints an image to a hardcopy device
LIST          Creates a listing of digital numbers from an image
MAKEIM        Creates an image with all the same DN values
MAKGRD        Creates a checkerboard image file
MAPLAB        Adds map projection labels to an image
MASKIM        Masks an image using a polygon image
PICSTR        Determines stretch pairs for a "nice" contrast stretch
STENCIL       Stencils an image using another image as a mask
SWAP          Corrects byte swapped image data
TRIM          Sets the edges of an image to zero
WEDGE         Adds a grey scale wedge to the bottom of an image



Vector Programs

VEC2RAS       Creates a raster image from a vector file
VECGRID       Creates latitude/longitude graticules
VECPROJ       Converts vector files to different map projections

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