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Credits and Acknowledgements for USGS MIPS

During the past 15 years, there have been many people involved in the development of USGS MIPS. Pat Chavez is the original designer and continues to direct and watch over the development of USGS MIPS. Jeff Anderson and Stuart Sides have been the principle programmers over the past 10 years and were the team leaders for the conversion of USGS MIPS to X Windows/Motif platforms. Their team included Rosendo Gonzalez, George Lopez and Miguel Velasco. Others programmers who aided in the development of USGS MIPS include Bill Eme, Rosa Frisbee, Steve Wolfe, and Jody Mack. Also, Anita Bao was instrumental in converting existing documentation into WWW/HTML format.

Of course the original developers of the Flagstaff Image Processing System (FIPS), the predecessor of USGS MIPS, deserve credit too. They include Larry Soderblom, Eric Eliason, Dennis McMacken, Kay Edwards, and Alex Acosta.

Finally, thanks must go out to the users who have made multitudes of suggestions, found numerous bugs, and in general made USGS MIPS a much better package. Some of these special users include Miguel Velasco, JoAnn Bowell, Bill Schoonmaker, Jana Ruhlman, Joseph Coddington, Lynda Bellisime, and Greg Gabel.

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