Restoring Greenspace
Pilot Sites
Case Studies
Tech Info.
Resource Directory

Land Restoration Program Mission:

To encourage the restoration and reuse of contaminated lands using wildlife habitat enhancements and community partnerships.


Summer 2007 Land Restoration Newsletter

Details coming soon!
Restoring Greenspace:
Ecological Reuse of Contaminated Properties in EPA Region 9

Restoring Greenspace
To acheive the mission of the Land Restoration Program, WHC has hosted a series of conferences on the reuse and restoration of Brownfields, Superfund and RCRA sites with the support of an advisory committee of diverse senior-level representatives from corporations, NGOs and state and federal regulatory agencies. Click here to read summaries from previous conferences.  

OSWER Pilot sites
WHC selected three pilot sites where restoration and reuse were encouraged using wildlife habitat enhancements and community partnerships.

LUST Pilots

USTfield site in Rosalia, WA, with which WHC has worked closely to develop opportunities for wildlife habitat enhancements and community partnerships in the redevelopment plan.

Case Studies/Success Stories

WHC works with its members and other stakeholders to post information about case studies and success stories in the restoration and reuse of contaminated lands.

Technical Information

Access to technical publications, including two in whose development WHC has been involved. 

Partnership with ITRC

Outlines the partnership between WHC and the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council to facilitate the transfer of new ideas, concepts and technologies to WHC corporate members, state regulators and ITRC membership.

Electronic Newsletter

Sign up here to receive WHC's quarterly Land Restoration e-newsletter.

Upcoming events that pertain to the restoration and reuse of contaminated lands.

Resource Directory
Provides news articles, training opportunities and related links.

The Flagship of WHC's Land Restoration Program:
New Beginnings - The Woodlawn Wildlife Area

Since 1997, WHC, in partnership with Bridgestone Americas Holdings, Inc., has looked at ways to develop New Beginnings - Woodlawn Wildlife Area, a former landfill site in Cecil County, Maryland, as a naturally sustainable wildlife conservation area. WHC has networked extensively in the county, working with local conservation groups, schools and interested individuals. These groups have worked together toward a common vision for both the landfill and adjacent areas – an area of high wildlife value and environmental education opportunities.New Woodlawn Logo

Background of the Land Restoration Program 

In 2002, WHC reached a three-year cooperative agreement with the U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER). The goal of this cooperative agreement was to research, test, develop and demonstrate the ways and means that state, local governments, industry, and community groups can use ecological enhancements to increase the rate at which contaminated lands, both private and public (state, tribal, and local), can be restored for a variety of reuses including wildlife habitat enhancement as part of restoration designs.  

Also in 2002, WHC reached a three-year agreement with the U.S. EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST). The goal of this cooperative agreement was to research ways and means to increase the rate at which petroleum-contaminated lands, both private and public, are prepared for restoration for a variety of reuses, but specifically to research the value of including wildlife habitat enhancement as part of restoration designs. 

epa logo

The Land Restoration Program was developed with a grant from the U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response Office of Underground Storage Tanks.

Please contact us for additional information on our Land Restoration Program.