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PV Manufacturing R&D Home

About the Project

Research and Development
Cost/Capacity Analysis
Investment Recovery
U.S. Market Share



Project Team

Working with Us

Working with Us

Photo of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).

The goal of Springborn Testing and Research, Inc. (STR) under a PVMaT solicitation was to improve ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) technology. EVA encapsulants are used extensively by module manufacturers to bond and protect the structures that comprise PV modules.

PV Manufacturing R&D focuses on advancing company-specific manufacturing processes through cooperative, cost-shared R&D projects with industry. As a requirement for consideration and participation in PV Manufacturing R&D, every company must be incorporated in the United States.

The R&D activities are identified by the subcontracting companies to ensure that they are the most relevant to the industry's manufacturing and commercialization needs. The companies perform the R&D, in large part, by themselves. Teaming, particularly with universities, is encouraged. In parallel with the company-specific R&D activities, the PV Manufacturing R&D project supports work to identify and resolve generic problems common to the PV industry or groups of companies.

How It Works

PV Manufacturing R&D industry participants are selected through competitive procurements and must be:

  • Committed to improving their manufacturing lines and products
  • Reducing manufacturing costs
  • Increasing their manufacturing capacities

The competitive solicitations are generally open to all U.S. incorporated companies that believe they can perform manufacturing R&D related to photovoltaics.

All subcontracts are negotiated and administered through the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Subcontracting Group. NREL's procurement policy is based on effective and meaningful competition to the maximum extent practical. Each subcontract is managed by a "technical monitoring team" consisting of representatives from both the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories.

Solicitations are issued based on funding appropriated by Congress. Subject to the availability of funds, multiple cost-shared awards are usually anticipated. Organizations requesting a copy of a current solicitation that sets forth Letter of Interest (LOI) requirements, may access and download from NREL's Contracting Opportunities Web Page. Solicitations are not a request for proposals. However, the awards (both size and quantity) will depend on funding.

If you would like to receive all new solicitations, please contact NREL's Christie Johnson, 303-384-7394.

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