Research Reports, 2001-2008                   Library    Research

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Asphalt Pavement    Asset Management    Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety    Bridge Decks    Bridges    Chip Seal    Concrete Pavement    Class S50 Concrete    Curbs   Deicing    Design Build    Drainage    Drilled Shafts    Environmental Assessments    Environmental Justice    ESAL    Fiber-Reinforced Polymers    Fixed Anti-Icing Technology (FAST)    Freight    Guardrail    Land Use    LCCA    Load Transfer    Local Roads    LRFD    Maglev    Magnesium Chloride    Mailboxes    Mobility    Mudslides    Noise    Pavement Management    Pavement Marking    Preventive Maintenance    Public-Private Initiatives    Quantm Software    Rail    Recycling    Retaining Walls    Roadside Vegetation    Rockfall    Rubblization    Rumble Strips    Salt-Contaminated Soil    Sanding    Seatbelts    Self-Consolidating Concrete    Slope Stabilization    Sound Walls    Stone Mastic Asphalt    Stream Restoration    Sulfate Soils    Tire Bales    Toll Lanes    Top-Down Cracking    Traffic Safety Improvement    Transportation Investments    Travel Time    Truck Brakes    Truck Ramp Aggregate    Vehicle Classification    Warranties    Wetlands    Whitetopping    Wildlife Crossings

Asphalt Pavement
Crack Reduction Strategies on a Pavement Warranty Project (Interstate 25 at Fountain, Colorado). Werner Hutter. Report No. 2003-5   PDF File

Current Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Short-Term Warranties for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements. Tim Aschenbrener, Jay Goldbaum. Report No. 2007-10  PDF File

Density Profiling of Asphalt Pavements. Scott Shuler. Report No. 2005-6  PDF File  

Extent of Top-Down Cracking in Colorado. Donna Harmelink, Tim Aschenbrener. Report No. 2003-7  PDF File

Forensic Investigation of Early Cracking on I-25 in Denver, Colorado. Mike Anderson, John D'Angelo, Gerry Huber. Report No. 2001-10  PDF File

Hot Bituminous Pavement Gradation Acceptance - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 to 2002. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2004-4  PDF File

Hot Bituminous Pavement Gradation Acceptance - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 Through 2003. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2005-7  PDF File

Hot Bituminous Pavement Voids Acceptance - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 Through 2003. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2005-8  PDF File 

Hot Mix Asphalt Gradation Acceptance - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 Through 2004. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2005-18  PDF File

Hot Mix Asphalt Gradation Acceptance - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 Through 2005. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2007-4  PDF File

Hot Mix Asphalt Voids Acceptance - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 Through 2004. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2006-12  PDF File    

In-Place Voids Monitoring of Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements. Donna Harmelink, Tim Aschenbrener. Report No. 2002-11  PDF File (without appendices)

I 70 Glenwood Canyon Overlay with Trinidad Lake Asphalt/Steel Slag Hot Mix Asphalt. Bob LaForce. Report No. 2005-13   PDF File

Materials and Workmanship Warranties for Hot Bituminous Pavement: A Cost-Benefit Evaluation. Tim Aschenbrener, Roberto DeDios. Report No. 2001-18   PDF File

Permeability Research with the ROMUS Air Permeameter. Neal Retzer. Report No. 2008-5  PDF File

Sampling Location Impact on Measured Asphalt Content of Hot Mix Asphalt. Mohammad Abu-Hassan. Report No. 2002-12  PDF File

Thermal Segregation. Kim Gilbert. Report No. 2005-16  PDF File

Asset Management
Asset Management Implementation Plan and Tiered System Process. Michael Markow, Joe Racosky. Report No. 2001-13
   PDF File

Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety
Analysis of Bicycle-Related and Pedestrian-Related Roadway Crashes. Michael Gill. Report No. 2007-11  PDF File

Bridge Decks
Assessment of the Cracking Problem in Newly Constructed Bridge Decks in Colorado. Yunping Xi, P. Benson Shing, Naser Abu-Hejleh, Andi Asiz, A. Suwito, Zhaohui Xie, Ayman Ababneh. Report No. 2003-3   PDF File

Development of Optimal Concrete Mix Designs for Bridge Decks. Yunping Xi, P. Benson Shing, Zhaohui Xie. Report No. 2001-11  PDF File

Evaluation of a Bridge Deck with CFRP Prestressed Panels Under Fatigue Load Cycles. P. Benson Shing, Kerri Anne Borlin, Gero Marzahn. Report No. 2003-11  PDF File

Evaluation of FRP Prestressed Panels/Slabs for I-225 Parker Road Project. Reuben Zylstra, P. Benson Shing, Yunping Xi. Report No. 2001-14  PDF File

Evaluation of GFRP Deck Panel for the O'Fallon Park Bridge. Guido Camata, P. Benson Shing. Report No. 2004-2  PDF File

Evaluation of Products That Protect Concrete and Steel Reinforcing Steel of Bridge Decks from Winter Maintenance Products. William Caires, Stanley Peters. Report No. 2006-4  PDF File

Long-Term Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) and In-situ Monitoring of FRP Bridge Decks at O'Fallon Park Bridge. Yunping Xi, Sun-Young Chang, Andi Asiz, Yue Li. Report No. 2004-3  PDF File

Service Life and Cost Comparisons for Four Types of CDOT Bridge Decks. George Hearn, Yunping Xi. Report No. 2007-2  PDF File

Evaluation of the FRP-Retrofitted Arches in the Castlewood Canyon Bridge. Delchi Fafach, Benson Shing, Sunyoung Chang, Yunping Xi. Report No. 2005-1  PDF File (without Appendices)   Appendices

Flowfill and MSE Bridge Approaches: Performance, Cost, and Recommendations for Improvements. Naser Abu-Hejleh, Dennis Hanneman, David White, Trever Wang, Ilyess Ksouri. Report No. 2006-2  PDF File

Performance Evaluation of Various Corrosion Protection Systems of Bridges in Colorado. Yunping Xi, Naser Abu-Hejleh, Andi Asiz, A. Suwito. Report No. 2004-1  PDF Files

Performance of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Walls Supporting the Founders/Meadows Bridge and Approaching Roadway Structures, Report 2: Assessment of the Performance and Design of the Front GRS Walls and Recommendations for Future GRS Abutments. Naser Abu-Hejleh, Jorge Zornberg, Trevor Wang, Michael McMullen, Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2001-12  PDF File

Results and Recommendations of Forensic Investigation of Three Full-Scale GRS Abutment and Piers. Naser Abu-Hejleh, Skip Outcalt, Jorge Zornberg, Mike McMullen. Report No. 2001-6  PDF File

Studies on the Use of High-Performance Concrete and FRP Reinforcement for the I-225/Parker Road Bridge. P. Benson Shing, Yunping Xi. Report No. 2003-13  PDF File

Study on the Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete for the Repair of the Mead Bridges on I-25. Panos Kiousis, Brent Whitcomb. Report No. 2007-1  PDF File

Chip Seal
SHRP Chip Seal. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2001-20  PDF File

Class S50 Concrete
Study on the Effects of Mixture Proportioning on the Strength and Cracking Tendency of S50 Structural Concrete. Panos Kiousis, Brent Whitcomb, Brian O'Connor, Kaitlin Schmidt, Abe Chen, Justin Jones. Report No 2007-15  PDF File

Concrete Pavement
Evaluation of Premature PCCP Longitudinal Cracking in Colorado. Ahmad Ardani, Shamshad Hussain, Bob LaForce. Report No. 2003-1   PDF File

Implementation of Proven PCCP Practices in Colorado. Ahmad Ardani. Report No. 2006-9  PDF File

Instrumentation and Field Testing of Thin Whitetopping Pavement in Colorado and Revision of the Existing Colorado Thin Whitetopping Procedure. Matthew Sheenan, Scott Tarr, Shiraz Tayabji. Report No. 2004-12  PDF File

Instrumentation and Field Testing of Whitetopping Pavements in Colorado and Revision of the TWT Design Procedure. Chung Wu and Matthew Sheenen. Report No. 2002-3  PDF File

Optimization of Concrete Pavement Mix Design in Colorado. Robert Otto Rasmussen, J. Mauricio Ruiz, Dennis Turner. Report No. 2002-8  PDF File

PCCP Texturing Methods. Ahmad Ardani, Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2005-22  PDF File

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 Through 2003. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2005-9  PDF File

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement - Review of QC/QA Data 2000 Through 2004. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2006-5   PDF File

Precast Concrete Paving Panels: The Colorado Department of Transportation Region 4 Experience, 2000 to 2006. Gary DeWitt. Report No. 2006-8  PDF File

Review of F and t Test Results 2000 Through 2004. Eric Chavez. Report No. 2005-17  PDF File

DuraFlex Curb. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2007-3  PDF File

Corrosion Effects of Magnesium Chloride and Sodium Chloride on Automobile Components. Yunping Xi, Zhaohui Xie. Report No. 2002-4  PDF File  

Cost of Sanding. N.Y. Chang, Brian Brady. Report No. 2002-5  PDF File

Evaluation and Comparison of Three Chemical Deicers for Use in Colorado. William Lewis. Report. No. 2001-17   PDF File

Evaluation of Products That Protect Concrete and Steel Reinforcing Steel of Bridge Decks from Winter Maintenance Products. William Caires, Stanley Peters. Report No. 2006-4  PDF File

Evaluation of Selected Deicers Based on a Review of the Literature. Marion Fischel. Report No. 2001-15  PDF File

A Synthesis to Improve the Design and Construction of Colorado's Bridge Anti-Icing Systems. Gordon Bell, Wilfrid Nixon, Robert Stowe, 2005. Report No. 2005-19  PDF File

Design Build
Evaluation of Design Build Practice in Colorado Project IR IM(CX) 025-3(113). Peter Graham. Report No. 2001-3

Detour Drainage Structure Design Procedure. Albert Molinas, Amanullah Mommandi, Roberto De Dios. Report No. 2005-5  PDF File

Drilled Shafts
Colorado's Axial Load Tests on Drilled Shafts Socketed in Weak Rocks: Synthesis and Future Needs. Naser Abu-Hejleh, William Attwooll. Report No. 2005-4  PDF File

Drilled Shaft Design for Sound Barrier Walls, Signs, and Signals. Jamal Nusairat, Robert Liang, Rick Engel, Dennis Hanneman, Naser Abu-Hejleh, Ke Yang. Report No. 2004-8  PDF File (without appendices)   Appendices

Improvement of the Geotechnical Axial Design Methodology for Colorado's Drilled Shafts Socketed in Weak Rocks. Naser Abu-Hejleh, Michael O'Neill, Dennis Hanneman, William Atwooll. Report No. 2003-6  PDF File

Environmental Assessments
Areawide Coordinated Cumulative Effects Analysis - Phase I. Brian Muller, Lynn Johnson, John Wyckoff, Fred Nuszdorfer. Report No. 2008-6  PDF File

Evaluation and Mitigation of Environmental Impacts Prior to Project Selection. Report No. 2007-6  PDF File

GIS-Based Cumulative Effects Assessment. Brian Blaser, Hong Liu, Dennis McDermott, Fred Nuszdorfer, Nguyet Thi Phan, Ulziisaikhan Vanchindorj, Lynn Johnson, John Wyckoff. Report No. 2004-6  PDF File

STEP UP Phase I Report. Tracey MacDonald, Phil Lidov. Report No. 2005-3  PDF File

STEP UP Phase II Statewide Implementation Report. Tracey MacDonald, Matt Erker. Report No. 2007-13  PDF File

Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice Research Study. Debora Van Orden, Cally Grauberger. Report No. 2002-7  PDF File

Environmental Justice in Transportation Planning, Phase II. Debora Van Orden, Cally Grauberger. Report No. 2003-12  PDF Files

Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL)
Development of Site-Specific ESAL. Sirous Alavi, Michael Tavares, Jason Puccinelli. Report No. 2002-9  PDF File

Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
The Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement in Low Temperature Environmental Climates. Renee Cusson, Yunping Xi. Report No. 2003-4  
PDF File

Fixed Anti-Icing Technology
A Synthesis to Improve the Design and Construction of Colorado's Bridge Anti-Icing Systems. Gordon Bell, Wilfrid Nixon, Robert Stowe. Report No. 2005-19  PDF File

Freight Data Assessment. Felsburg Holt & Ullevig, Cambridge Systematics  PDF File

Freight Data Synthesis. Dike Ahanotu, Akshay Mani. Report No. 2008-3  PDF File

Cable Guardrail. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2004-10  PDF File

Land Use
Rail-Oriented Development: Strategies and Tools to Support Passenger Rail. Jim Charlier. Report No. 2001-19  PDF File

Rail-Oriented Development: Strategies and Tools to Support Passenger Rail - Executive Summary. Jim Charlier. Report No. 2001-19  PDF File

Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Discount Rate on Pavements for the Colorado Department of Transportation. George Demos. Report No. 2006-17  PDF File

Load Transfer
Three-Dimensional Load Transfer of Colorado Type 7 and Type 10 Rails on Independent Moment Slab Under High Test Level Impact Load. N.Y. Chang, Fatih Oncul. Report No. 2003-2  PDF File

Local Roads
Local Roadway Needs Assessment. Report No. 2002-6  PDF File

CDOT Foundation Design Practice and LRFD Strategic Plan. N.Y. Chang. Report No. 2006-7  PDF File

Colorado Maglev Project. Maglev Transit Group, Sandia National Laboratories, Colorado Intermountain Fixed Guideway Authority, 2004  PDF Files 

Magnesium Chloride
Corrosion Effects of Magnesium Chloride and Sodium Chloride on Automobile Components. Yunping Xi, Zhaohui Xie. Report No. 2002-4  PDF File  

Evaluation and Comparison of Three Chemical Deicers for Use in Colorado. William Lewis. Report. No. 2001-17  PDF File

Evaluation of Selected Deicers Based on a Review of the Literature. Marion Fischel. Report No. 2001-15  PDF File

Mailboxes and Mounting Systems. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2003-10  PDF File

Mobility Needs of Low Income and Minority Households Research Study. Brendon Harrington, Matthew Kaufman, Rick Evans. Report No. 2006-11  PDF File

Evaluation of Debris Flow Removal Protocol, Mitigation Methods, and Development of a Field Data Sheet. Paul Santi, Nathan Soule, Rebecca Brock. Report No. 2006-16  PDF File

Colorado DOT Tire/Pavement Noise Study. Douglas Hanson, Robert James. Report No. 2004-5  PDF File

2005 Colorado DOT Tire/Pavement Noise Study. Douglas Hanson, Brian Waller. Report No. 2006-18  PDF File

Evaluation of the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) for Highway Traffic Noise Prediction in the State of Colorado. Michael Hankard, Jeff Cerjan, Joshua Leasure. Report No. 2005-21  PDF File

Noise and Skid Measurements on US285 in the Turkey Creek Canyon Area Project NH 2854-068. Robert LaForce, Jill Schlaefer. Report No. 2001-9

Synthesis of Pavement Noise Studies Conducted for the Colorado Department of Transportation. Jay Goldbaum, Robert Mero, Joan Pinamont. Report No. 2005-14  PDF File

Tire/Pavement and Environmental Traffic Noise Research Study - Interim Report. Robert Otto Rasmussen. Report No. 2008-2  PDF File

Pavement Management
Development of a Pavement Preventive Maintenance Program for the Colorado Department of Transportation. National Center for Pavement Preservation, 2004. Report No. 2004-17  PDF File

A Technical Review of the Colorado Department of Transportation's Pavement Management Activities. Applied Technology, Inc., 2004. Report No. 2004-16

Pavement Marking
Recessed Striping in Concrete Pavement. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2004-13  PDF File

Preventive Maintenance
Development of a Pavement Preventive Maintenance Program for the Colorado Department of Transportation. National Center for Pavement Preservation, 2004. Report No. 2004-17  PDF File

Evaluation of the Performance, Cost-Effectiveness, and Timing of Various Preventive Maintenances: Interim Report. Scott Shuler. Report No. 2006-6  PDF File

A Technical Review of the Colorado Department of Transportation's Pavement Management Activities. Applied Technology, Inc., 2004. Report No. 2004-16

Public-Private Initiatives
Review of the Public-Private Initiatives Program of the Colorado Department of Transportation.  Porter Wheeler, Sasha Page. Report No. 2001-2  PDF File

Quantm Software
Evaluation of Quantm Software. Brann Greager, Brian Werle, Jim Krogman, Matt Erker. Report No. 2006-1  PDF File

Rail-Oriented Development: Strategies and Tools to Support Passenger Rail. Jim Charlier. Report No. 2001-19  PDF File

Rail-Oriented Development: Strategies and Tools to Support Passenger Rail - Executive Summary. Jim Charlier. Report No. 2001-19  PDF File

Greening Government Research and Implementation Project - Phase 1. Deborah Ferraro and Carrie Powers. Report No. 2007-8  PDF File

Materials Recycling and Reuse - Finding Opportunities in Colorado Highways. Michelle Stevens. Report No. 2007-12  PDF File

Retaining Walls
Design and Construction Guidelines for MSE Walls with Independent Full-Height Facing Panels. Naser Abu-Hejleh, Mike McMullen, George Hearn, Jorge Zornberg. Report No. 2001-5
  PDF File

Feasibility of a Management System for Retaining Walls and Sound Barriers. George Hearn. Report No. 2003-8  PDF File

Improving Quality Assurance of MSE Wall and Bridge Approach Earthwork Compaction. Michael Mooney, Christopher Nocks, Kristi Selden, Geoffrey Bee, Christopher Senseney. Report No. 2008-11  PDF File

Performance of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Walls Supporting the Founders/Meadows Bridge and Approaching Roadway Structures, Report 2: Assessment of the Performance and Design of the Front GRS Walls and Recommendations for Future GRS Abutments. Naser Abu-Hejleh, Jorge Zornberg, Trevor Wang, Michael McMullen, Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2001-12  PDF File

Revising the AASHTO Guidelines for Design and Construction of GRS Walls. Jonathan Wu. Report No. 2001-16

Strength Parameters of Backfills for Design and Construction of Retaining Walls. Jonathan Wu, Thanarach Aksharadarada. Report No. 2001-07

Three-Dimensional Load Transfer of Colorado Type 7 and Type 10 Rails on Independent Moment Slab Under High Test Level Impact Load. N.Y. Chang, Fatih Oncul. Report No. 2003-2  PDF File

Roadside Vegetation
Factors Impacting the Health of Roadside Vegetation. Nichole Trahan, Curt Peterson. Report No. 2005-12  PDF File

Modification and Statistical Analysis of the Colorado Rockfall Hazard Rating System. Christopher Russell, Paul Santi, John Humphrey. Report No. 2008-7  PDF File

Performance of Colorado's First Rubblization Project on I 76 near Sterling. Bob LaForce. Report No. 2005-20  PDF File

Rumble Strips
Bicycle-Friendly Rumble Strips. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2001-4  PDF Files

Centerline Rumble Strips. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2001-8  PDF File

Salt-Contaminated Soil
A Risk-Based Ranking System for CDOT Salt Pile Facilities. Carla Johnson, Patricia Billig, Dan Khadem. Report No. 2004-14  PDF File

Cost of Sanding. N.Y. Chang, Brian Brady. Report No. 2002-5  PDF File

Identification of Appropriated Investment Levels to Improve and Maintain Seat Belt Usage Rates in the State of Colorado. G James Francis. Report No. 2004-7  PDF File

Self-Consolidating Concrete
Study on the Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete for the Repair of the Mead Bridges on I-25. Panos Kiousis, Brent Whitcomb. Report No. 2007-1  PDF File

Slope Stabilization
Evaluation of Slope Stabilization Methods (US 40 Berthoud Pass). Michael Banovich, Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2002-10  PDF File

Sound Walls
Construction and Monitoring of Post-Tensioned Masonry Sound Walls. Dave Woodham. Report No. 2002-2  PDF File

Feasibility of a Management System for Retaining Walls and Sound Barriers. George Hearn. Report No. 2003-8  PDF File

Stone Mastic Asphalt
Forensic Investigation of Pavement Failure on Vasquez Boulevard. Benjamin Acimovic, Leela Rajasekar, Reza Akhavan. Report No. 2007-7  PDF File

Stone Mastic Asphalt in Colorado. Donna Harmelink. Report No. 2001-1

Stream Restoration
Monitoring the Response of a Riparian Ecosystem to Hydrologic Restoration. Mark Bakeman. Report No. 2005-10  PDF File

Sulfate Soils
Sensitivity of Selected Colorado Soils to Form Ettringite/Thaumasite When Treated with Calcium-Based Stabilizers and When Soluble Sulfates Are Available. Dallas Little and Syam Nair. Report No. 2007-14  PDF File

Tire Bales
Tire Bales in Highway Applications: Feasibility and Properties Evaluation. Jorge Zornberg, Barry Christopher, Marvin Oosterbaan. Report No. 2005-2  PDF File (without appendices)   Appendices

Toll Lanes
Business Impacts of Express Toll Lanes on Existing Facilities. David Keen, Todd Pickton, Janet Clements, Robert Felsburg. Report No. 2006-14  PDF File

Top-Down Cracking
Extent of Top-Down Cracking in Colorado. Donna Harmelink, Tim Aschenbrener. Report No. 2003-7  PDF File

Forensic Investigation of Early Cracking on I-25 in Denver, Colorado. Mike Anderson, John D'Angelo, Gerry Huber. Report No. 2001-10  PDF File

Traffic Safety Improvement
Countermeasures with Promise (CWiP) - Left Turn Protection. Ezra Hauer. Report No. 2006-19  PDF File

Transportation Investments
Life Cycle Costing. Phil Anderson. Report No. 2006-3.  PDF File

Research Scoping Study: Economic Benefits from Transportation Investments. David Keen, Robert Felsburg. Report No. 2006-15  PDF File

Statewide Economic Benefits of Transportation Investment. Todd Pickton, Janet Clements, Robert Felsburg. Report No. 2007-5  PDF File

Travel Time
Using RTD’s Transit Vehicles to Develop Freeway Speed Maps for Colorado. Sarosh Khan, Reema Kundu. Report No. 2004-9  PDF File

Truck Brakes
Using Infrared Technology to Detect Hot or Defective Brakes on Trucks. Derek Richard. Report No. 2004-15  PDF File

Truck Ramp Aggregate
Evaluation of Truck Arrester Beds in Colorado. Skip Outcalt. Report No. 2008-1  PDF

Vehicle Classification
Best Practices Guidebook: Collecting Short Duration Manual Vehicle Classifications Counts on High Volume Urban Facilities. Brian Hoeschen, Matt Erker, Bruce Janson, Robert Medland, 2005. PDF File   

Validation of Urban Vehicle Classification Sampling Methodology. Brian Hoeschen, Matt Erker, Bruce Janson, Joel Philips, William Johnson. Report No. 2004-11  PDF File

Crack Reduction Strategies on a Pavement Warranty Project (Interstate 25 at Fountain, Colorado). Werner Hutter. Report No. 2003-5  PDF File

Current Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Short-Term Warranties for Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements. Tim Aschenbrener, Jay Goldbaum. Report No. 2007-10  PDF File

Materials and Workmanship Warranties for Hot Bituminous Pavement: A Cost-Benefit Evaluation. Tim Aschenbrener, Roberto DeDios. Report No. 2001-18  PDF File

Use of Long-Term Warranties for the Colorado Department of Transportation Pilot Projects. Jay Goldbaum. Report No. 2006-10  PDF File

Multi-Criteria Wetlands Mapping Using an Integrated Pixel-Based and Object-Based Classification Approach. Chengmin Hsu, Lynn Johnson. Report No. 2008-8  PDF File

Instrumentation and Field Testing of Thin Whitetopping Pavement in Colorado and Revision of the Existing Colorado Thin Whitetopping Procedure. Matthew Sheenan, Scott Tarr, Shiraz Tayabji. Report No. 2004-12  PDF File

Instrumentation and Field Testing of Whitetopping Pavements in Colorado and Revision of the TWT Design Procedure. Chung Wu, Matthew Sheenen. Report No. 2002-3  PDF File

Wildlife Crossings
Effectiveness of Ledges in Culverts for Small Mammal Passage. Carron Meaney, Mark Bakeman, Melissa Reed-Eckert, and Eli Wostl. Report No. 2007-9  PDF File

Identifying the Best Locations Along Highways to Provide Safe Crossing Opportunities for Wildlife. Sarah Barnum. Report No. 2003-9  PDF File

Roads and Connectivity in Colorado: Animal-Vehicle Collisions, Wildlife Mitigation Structures, and Lynx-Roadway Interactions. Kevin Crooks, Chris Haas, Sharon Baruch-Mordo, Kris Middledorf, Seth Magle, Tanya Shenk, Ken Wilson, Dave Theobald. Report No. 2008-4  PDF File


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