Salmon Interagency Dispatch

Upper Columbia - Salmon Clearwater District BLM

Salmon - Challis National Forest

Rural Route 2, Box 600

Text Box:  Salmon, Idaho 83467

For immediate release

Contact:  Salmon-Challis Fire Information Center (208) 756-5283


Fire and Closure Update – 25 August 2000, 8:00 AM




Area /Road Closures and Restrictions


Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness:  The entire wilderness, including the Main Salmon River from Cache Bar to Carey Creek, and the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, is closed.  All trails and all Forest Service landing strips are closed; private landing strips are not affected by this closure.  River permit holders should contact the North Fork Ranger District to obtain a permit for the same date next year. 


This closure is in effect until the fire situation changes with a season-ending weather event. This could occur as early as September or as late as October.  It is prompted by safety concerns such as extreme fire behavior (300-400 foot flame lengths), very limited access, debris on trails, and thick smoke that would complicate search-and-rescue operations. 


§                 A Stage III Fire Restriction Order is in effect.  It prohibits “setting, building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire of any kind, either open flame, smoldering, or any other heat source,” on the Salmon-Challis National Forest.  It differs from the Stage II Fire Restriction implemented earlier this month only in that it prohibits all fires, not just those outside developed areas.  The only exception is for stoves fueled by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels.


In addition to banning all fires, it prohibits smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building; operating motorized vehicles off designated roads and trails; operating a chainsaw, generator, or any other type of machine activated by a nonliving power source (except battery-powered devices) between 1:00 PM and 1:00

 AM; and conducting blasting, welding, or other activities which generate flame or flammable material between

1:00 PM and 1:00 AM.


This restriction also applies to the Boise, Caribou, Payette, Sawtooth, and Targhee National Forests.


§                 BLM:  Open fires are prohibited on BLM-administered lands in the Salmon-Challis area.


§                 Highway 93:  The highway is open.  The highway may be closed any time fire activity makes travel unsafe.  Motorist are advised to call toll-free 800-226-ROAD (7623) for current status.


§                 Yankee Fork Road (FS #013):  The road running north from Sunbeam at Highway 75 closed.  The closure includes most of the Custer Motorway to Mill Creek Campground, about 14 miles from Challis (Forest Roads #013 and #070).  The Mill Creek campground will remain open.  


§                 Forest Road #172: The road is closed between the Yankee Fork Dredge and Loon Creek Guard Station.  (It begins at the Yankee Fork Dredge, travels up the Jordan Creek drainage to Loon Creek summit, and into the Loon Creek drainage.)  Call the Challis Ranger District at 208-879-4321 for current road closure information.


§                 Morse Creek Road (FS #094) is closed.


§                 Morgan Creek Road (FS #055) is closed at Morgan Creek Summit.


§                  Silver Creek Road (FS#108) is closed.


§                 Custer Historical Park is closed due to proximity to the Rankin Creek Fire.





Fire activity in Hughes Creek relates to Hughes Creek, Montana, not Hughes Creek, Idaho.

Media representatives are required to contact Salmon-Challis Fire Information at 1-208-756-5283  to arrange for escorts into fire areas.  Media representatives must bring their own boots for fireline visits.  Boots must be leather, lace-up type, 8 inches in height.


Clear Creek Fire


Acreage: 177,984 acres                                 Injuries:  None          

  Clear Creek Fire: 165,240 acres

  Aparejo Fire: 12,744 acres


Percentage Contained: 36%                         Estimated Date of Full Containment:  Unknown


Resources:  1783 people, 15 helicopters, 68 engines, 14 dozers.



Current Situation: The Clear Creek Fire is reporting an increase of 2,500 acres for a total acreage of 165,782. The increase is a result of better mapping rather than additional burned acres. Fire activity on the Clear Creek



Fire was moderate yesterday because of higher humidity associated with a passing thunderstorm. Trace rain amounts were recorded over most of the fire. The storm did bring strong, sustained winds.  Winds were especially gusty along the Salmon River and Napias Creek.  The cooler moister weather greatly reduced the torching and spotting ahead of the main fire. Today’s weather is expected to be warmer and drier and could increase fire activity.


If the humidity drops below 30% today burnout along Panther Creek Road from Cabin Creek to Silver Creek is planned for this evening.  Plans also include burnout along the north side of Silver Creek, with the objective of using Silver Creek as a control line to stop fire from moving south of Silver Creek. Preparations for protecting structures at Meyers Cove and Castle Creek are underway.  Dozers will be used on Castle Creek Road to improve access for fire equipment and personnel.


The Clear Creek Incident Team has established a new spike camp seven miles north of Challis on Highway 93. Access from the southern end of the fire to the new spike camp was cut off temporarily on Thursday because of a washout on the Morgan Creek Road between Morgan Creek Summit and Highway 93.  County crews will be working today to make repairs.  Motorists are asked to drive cautiously as they approach and leave the Challis area. And to be alert for fire traffic near the fire camp.


A USO troupe visited fire camp to treat marines and firefighters to a show called “Catch a Rising Star” on Wednesday and Thursday nights.  The troupe included a former Miss Maine, former Miss Arkansas, and former Miss New Jersey.  The group recently entertained troops stationed in the Persian Gulf.




Rankin Creek Fire


Acreage:  6,710 acres                                                            Injuries:  None


Percentage Contained: 95%                                     Estimated Date of Full Containment:  Unknown


Resources:   480 people, 15 engines, 3 dozers, 2 helicopters.  The Challis and Stanley Volunteer Fire Departments are cooperating agencies.


Location: 25 air miles southwest of Challis

Current Situation: As a result of cooler temperatures, a combination of hand crews and sawyers were able to extinguish all smokes on a good portion of the fire in 300 feet from the existing line There are still a few remaining hot spots above Ramey Creek on the north side of the drainage, that continue to cause minor flare-ups. Containment is at 95%. 


Morse Creek Fire


Acreage: 3050 acres                                                  Injuries: None


Percentage Contained:  10%                                    Estimated Date of Full Containment:  Unknown


Resources:  77 people, 1 dozer, 2 engines.               


Location:  Pahsimeroi Valley. Five miles east of May, Idaho.


Current Situation:  Efforts were directed toward containing the fire south of the Tater Creek drainage following a fire run caused by thunderstorm winds.  Containment line was held through the day with the combination of handcrew and helicopter bucket work.  No precipitation was received on the fire with yesterday’s thunderstorm activity in the vicinity, and storm winds did not affect burn intensity. 



Salmon-Challis Wilderness Complex


Acreage: 103,400 acres                                             Location:  Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness                                                                              

Percentage Contained:  0%                                      Estimated Date of Full Containment:  Unknown                    


Resources:  25 people, 1 engine                                Injuries:  None


Current Situation: Eleven fires are currently burning within the Salmon-Challis Wilderness Complex. These fires are active and moving. Yesterday the fires with most activity were Kitchen and Butts which burned into each other (est. 17,800 acres) and are burning south towards the Middle Fork. Little Pistol Fire (est. 14,500 acres) continues to expand easterly into the western fork of Foresight Creek.  Indian Creek Fire (est. 2,800 acres) continues to expand south and easterly down toward Little Indian Creek.  The Shellrock and Aparejo Fires grew together earlier this week. The portion of this fire located within the wilderness is now called Shellrock. The Shellrock Fire (est. 67,000 acres) also continues to expand. 




Marlin Springs Complex


Acreage total: 1140 acres                                         Injuries:  None

      Marlin Springs Fire: 1000 acres

       Sisters Fire: 140 acres     

       Full Circle Fire: acres unknown


Percentage Contained: 0                                          Estimated Date of Full Containment:  Unknown        


- more -

Location:  Marlin Springs Fire is northwest of Indianola at the head of Squaw Creek (about 13 miles northwest of North Fork).  Sisters Fire is about 12 miles northeast Marlin Springs Fire on the Montana border. The Full Circle is east of the Sisters fire also on the Montana border.


Resources:  88 people


Current Situation:  A National Type I team (Hefner) arrived yesterday in Salmon to manage the Marlin Springs Complex.  The Smokey Bear Hotshots and three Type 2 firefighter crews are expected to arrive today.  The Marlin Springs Complex includes three fires: Marlin Springs Fire, Sisters Fire, and Full Circle Fire. The team currently is assessing the fire situation and developing a tactical plan for managing the fires. Today they will begin putting the support structure in place – establishing a camp, establishing access routes to the fires, determining where to establish helispots, and assessing needs for people, engines, helicopter, and other resources.   




Other Important Information


For detailed information about the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, call 208-879-4101.


For detailed information on the Main Salmon River, call 208-865-2700 during weekday office hours.


For information on hunting permits in the fire area, contact Idaho Fish and Game at 208-756-2271.


Clear Creek Fire updates will be distributed as information becomes available. 


Fire maps are available at the Salmon-Challis National Forest office on Highway 93 south of Salmon.  For

more fire information please call 208-756-5283 or log on to the Salmon-Challis National Forest website






Smoke Information


Today Salmon is expected to have excessive smoke and particulate concentrations through the afternoon.



Common Sense Measures to Protect Your Health in a Smoky Environment


Stay inside.

Avoid strenuous outdoor exercise.

Drink lots of fluids.

Cover the air conditioner with a filter.

When using a fan, keep the windows closed so that the fan does not circulate smoky air.



The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has installed equipment in Salmon to monitor air quality.  They will issue current advisories on health hazards related to smoke, and recommended actions to protect your health.  For more information, call Glenn Hugunin at 756-2122 from 8 AM to 5 PM. 


Fire Prevention



A burn ban is in effect for the City of Salmon.  It applies to open burning, burn barrels, and patio fireplaces.  Similar restrictions are being considered for the county.  Assistant Fire Chief Mike Warner urges county residents to refrain from any open burning.  Extra care should be taken with cutting and welding.


Home fire safety:  There are many preventive measures you may take to help improve your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire. Some of these are:

-         Keep all combustibles, (i.e., firewood, picnic tables, boats, etc.) away from structures.

-         Use fire resistant roofing and siding.

-         Make covers for large windows, eaves and vents out of fire resistant material.

-         Driveways should be at least 16 feet wide and have no sharp turns or steep grades that emergency vehicles cannot negotiate.  Limb trees along driveways to 16 feet to allow access for emergency vehicles.

-         Make your home address clearly visible from the street.

-         Have ladders readily accessible for use by emergency personnel.


For additional information on home safety on home safety, visit the website:



Fire Facts


The total suppression cost of the Clear Creek, Rankin, Morse and Butts Fires is estimated at almost  $43,500,000 as of yesterday. 


As of yesterday the perimeter around Clear Creek Fire is 128 miles.  For comparison, Salmon to Challis is 158 miles.