USDA Forest Service

Salmon - Challis National Forest

Rural Route 2, Box 600

Salmon, Idaho 83467


Contact: Kent Fuellenbach (208) 756-5145 or Gail Baer (208) 756-5100


Unit 28 Closure modified


The Panther Creek Road #055, from Morgan Creek Summit to the Silver Creek Road turnoff, and the Silver Creek Road #108, will be re-opened to public access at 12:01 am Friday September 15.  The portion of Unit 28 bounded by those roads will also be open to public access, see map insert.


This action re-opens a portion of Unit 28 closed earlier due to the fire activity of the nearby Clear Creek Fire.  By re-opening the Silver Creek Road, forest users now can access the Meyers Cove area and those portions of Unit 27 accessed through this area of the Forest.  The Camas Creek Trail #044, from Meyers Cove is also open to public travel.


The remainder of Unit 28 is still closed to public access due to the hazardous conditions for travel created by the Clear Creek Fire.  District Ranger Terry Hershey asks hunters, hikers and other outdoor recreationists to remain patient during the mop-up and rehabilitation phase of this years unprecedented fire season. 


The area is closed for public safety and protection from hazards associated with wildfire suppression, rehabilitation and logging activities.  There is still a lot of fire-related traffic on the narrow forest roads.  More than 1,500 firefighters are still working along the fire lines and along roads and trails mopping up hot spots.  Hunters would would be unaware of nearby fire crews that could be in the line of fire.


Forest supervisor George Matejko is evaluating the closed areas of the forest as quickly as possible for consideration of re-opening them to public access.  “Firefighter and public safety is still the number one priority” said Matejko.   


For further information on the closure modification or on fires on the Forest, please call Fire Information at (208) 756-5283.  Information can be found on the Forests’ fire web page at
