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Secure Flight

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How Secure Flight Affects You

Under the Secure Flight rule, commercial airline passengers will see many benefits to air travel such as enhanced security and consistent customer service. Under Secure Flight, you will also notice that airlines will request additional information from you when making a reservation to fly within, into, out of, or over the continental United States.

Under the Secure Flight Final Rule, TSA will require airlines to collect and send to TSA the following information:

Passengers are only required to provide their full name, date of birth, and gender to allow TSA to perform watch list matching. TSA is not requiring you to provide other information such as passport information to aircraft operators. However, covered aircraft operators must send such information to TSA if it is provided by the passenger. Providing the optional information is beneficial to you as it helps ensure you are not misidentified as a person on a watch list. Secure Flight does NOT assign a score to individuals, use commercial data or predict behavior.

After making a reservation, most passengers would not experience any differences under the Final Rule from the way they travel today. Under the Secure Flight rule, as is the case today, a passenger may be selected for additional screening at the airport, or may be deemed ineligible to fly if his or her name matches one found on a watch list. Secure Flight will strive to facilitate air travel for legitimate passengers by reducing the number of individuals who are misidentified.

For those who encounter misidentification, Secure Flight will help prevent watch list name confusion by using DHS TRIP, the central processing point for redress inquiries. Requests received online will be routed for redress to the appropriate DHS components. Components will review the request and reach a determination about a traveler's status. Secure Flight will use the results of the redress process in its watch list matching process to help prevent future delays for misidentified passengers.

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