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Economic Outcomes
Table S20-2.  Standard errors for the median annual earnings of full-time, full-year wage and salary workers ages 25–34, by race/ethnicity and educational attainment: Selected years, 1980–2006

[In constant 2006 dollars]
Race/ethnicity and educational attainment 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006

    White $220 $220 $330 $210 $270 $150 $280
Less than high school 1,090 810 600 1,090 440 830 850
High school diploma or equivalent 420 430 300 330 390 230 210
Some college 440 410 660 600 490 260 740
Associate’s degree 670 360 530 580
Bachelor’s degree or higher 550 410 440 790 290 490 260
  Bachelor’s degree 410 460 260 510
  Master’s degree or higher 920 850 460 560
    Black 460 510 730 470 330 580 410
Less than high school 1,370 1,270 1,050 1,430 1,200 960 1,150
High school diploma or equivalent 680 700 490 760 380 790 570
Some college 1,270 880 950 1,120 610 1,250 950
Associate’s degree 1,200 790 1,070 1,510
Bachelor’s degree or higher 1,420 1,210 890 1,240 1,440 1,280 830
  Bachelor’s degree 1,130 1,750 890 1,190
  Master’s degree or higher 1,650 2,780 2,440 3,100
    Hispanic 1,310 720 800 520 410 490 750
Less than high school 2,550 2,020 2,000 920 740 440 380
High school diploma or equivalent 1,330 1,010 1,080 1,030 980 720 360
Some college 2,600 2,630 1,250 1,180 990 790 610
Associate’s degree 1,890 990 1,610 1,290
Bachelor’s degree or higher 3,580 2,880 2,160 1,530 2,050 950 1,080
  Bachelor’s degree 1,770 1,880 920 800
  Master’s degree or higher 3,440 2,100
    Asian 1,530 1,210 580 640 1,120
Less than high school
High school diploma or equivalent 2,160 1,920 1,420 1,350 1,460
Some college 1,770 2,300 2,520 1,350 2,300
Associate’s degree 1,620 2,210 4,370 2,630
Bachelor’s degree or higher 2,260 1,870 860 680 2,510
  Bachelor’s degree 840 1,800 2,090 790
  Master’s degree or higher 4,810 2,560 3,880 850
    Pacific Islander 2,400
    American Indian/Alaska Native 4,030 2,510 1,340 1,090 2,320
    More than one race 1,570 1,550
    Other $1,600 $1,440
Less than high school
High school diploma or equivalent 2,270 3,230
Some college 2,110 1,810
Associate’s degree
Bachelor’s degree or higher 2,750 2,090
  Bachelor’s degree
  Master’s degree or higher

† Not applicable.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), March and Annual Social and Economic Supplement, selected years, 1981–2007.

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