National Endowment for the Arts  
National initiatives
NEA Jazz Masters  

Sheppard AFB
Fort Worth Opera Association, April 7, 2006

Mena dn women from the opera company, NEA, and military base in a group photo

Singers from Fort Worth Opera Association perform at Sheppard AFB. Photo by Lou Anne Sledge, courtesy of Sheppard AFB.

Following a dinner at the Officers Club, diners adjourned to a small performance space consisting of a small stage area with some spotlights and theater-style chairs. The diners joined about 75 guests who were already waiting for the performance. Sheppard AFB's Mission Support Group Commander made informal curtain remarks recognizing the uniqueness and importance of hosting a performance on base in this rural part of Texas.

The performance, as we had come to expect from Fort Worth Opera, was very good and it was interesting to see how it had been adapted for a smaller venue. The audience was very engaged, and many favorable comments were overheard. Following the performance, many members of the audience stayed to get autographs and talk with the singers…who had achieved rock star status by this point.

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